I was there, kind of. I started off on indices: the Dax until I realised the FTSE was a little less volatile and better-behaved, and perhaps an easier place to start. But I was advised to avoid the first half-hour or so of each session (which I think was good advice, overall, for a beginner).
It's a PDF and not a YouTube clip (sorry), but I found this
very helpful indeed:
http://www.trading-naked.com/library/Law_of_Charts.pdf (this link is a PDF download, not just a web link - it's not a very big PDF, though: about 25 pages, as I remember).
There are other interesting PDF's available (also free), from the same source and sanctioned by that source (don't imagine that you'd be downloading "illicit"/"pirated" copies at all: the author himself sometimes refers people here to download them) on this page: