Day Trader Stress

and if you're a day trader (like me) you've got to learn to keep your hands warm using your backside 😉
Having a foul mouth with associated vocabulary helps a lot of day-traders in arcades. Nice to vent all the stress and frustration in the shit moment, in particular day trading. You should try it!
1. One of the advantages of trading stocks is that there are so many of them, there is usually something going down (or up!) somewhere. However, if you focus on just one or two shares or contracts, there are bound to be times where your style isn't suitable, so you've got to learn to keep your hands warm as RR says.

2. I personally think that to be successful you really have got to spend a LOT of hours for a LONG time learning and immersing yourself in the markets. It's no wonder that at times you're going to need a break. Thats why I think its essential to have other interests outside of trading to keep you focused when you need to be.
Not sure if this will work but its one of the alerts I have programmed in and it usually livens my day
Its an mp3 and plays thro real one player


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I personally think that to be successful you really have got to spend a LOT of hours for a LONG time learning and immersing yourself in the markets.

So so correct BBB. That's what I have been doing for many many months and still not there. But I will get there.
Quite right regarding stress and day trading or trading in general.I tend to use a mental trick in that when the trade goes wrong i dont think of it as closing the position but as switching the trade and getting into hopefully a better one.
But the main thing is "when to hold and when to FOLD".
Confidence up, stress down. With a little more zen-like confidence in our trading systems, then success comes. Reward yourself when it happens, so that you become more accustomed to feelings of success, we have a tendency to dwell on failure and to let the associated emotions dominate. It's all psychology. Stress is all about your emotions and you shouldn't have any when trading.

Do you eat alot of carbohydrates? Cut back, can ease depression.

Uk Sectors, 60 mins charts, 2-10 day cycles.

I agree with BBB, another interest is helpful, ideally the opposite to this digital realm, get a race car, make something with your hands or even flower arranging if that's your bent.
hi guys
new to this...stress for me caused by deal 4 free taking up to 30 secs to fill(or not)!...strange coz until january they were quick...anyone suggest a good trading platform?
TheBramble said:
However, I do sometimes fall prey to Overload .

Nothing to do with how many things or how much you have to do, but just a sudden and inexplicable feeling of complete boredom with EVERYTHING!!!

All the things that you're passionate about, interested in and spend most of your time (voluntarily) researching and educating yourself in - suddenly - you really can't be ar*ed.

Interesting you say that, I get a similar thing. The majority of my time is spent learning, creating, improving. When I'm not at work I'm either reading, learning something about computing, programming a new app, reading about trading, exercising. I do all of these things enthusiastically, jump out of bed with a spring in my step looking forward to achieving things. Kinda look at time spend lounging about as wasted time.

But then every now and again, I'm just numb to it. I don't want to do anything, and can't really concentrate on anything. Odd really, seems like watching a film would be too much hassle, reading a book more so. Like you I just invariably end up sleeping.

I've always put it down to overload rather than depression. I've got no reason to be depressed, only the day before I'd been looking forward to everything, then after I've slept it off and relaxed for a bit everything is back to normal.

I think even on my busy days I'm going to have to force myself to take a break. Do something mindless. I put it down to a personality type rather than anythng like depression. Just the type of person I am, not very consistent, I'm all or nothing.


Some of the latest theories on sleep see the REM period and dreaming as a time where we can release unexpressed emotions arising from our actions and thought from the previous day.

So for example if you had a blazing row with your wife before going to sleep BUT got everything off your chest, you would probably have a sound dreamless nights sleep.

However when trading we're confronted with so many emotions that cannot always be expressed. As such we might get overloaded and our brain needs to release or act out the emotions during sleep in a dream.

Sleeping lots doesn't necessarily mean you are depressed, but its a similar process. Depressed people often have negative ruminations and go over negative events and thoughts in their head, creating unexpressed emotions. Depressed people often sleep a significant amount and wake up feeling shattered, because there's too much for the brain to deal with during sleep.

Basically as you've said, it's your brains way of sorting itself out. Having a more balanced life. As already suggested, leading a more balanced life is the best solution. The right "balance" depends on our own personality type.

"stress" is defined as being in a situation where that exceeds your ability or perceived ability to cope. This is different to the obvious excitement of feeling in control leading to the almost zen like state of 'flow' where you feel totally in control of the situation.

When it comes to anxiety there a few steps you can take. Albert Ellis has written some good stuff on this topic. He talks about there being 12 common irrational thoughts that lead to anxiety and unhappiness.

Basically we're usually guilty of the following:
1. ignoring the positive,
2. exaggerating the negative, and
3. overgeneralizing.

Some of the 12 most relevant to trading are:

5. The idea that if something is or may be dangerous or fearsome we should be terribly upset and endlessly obsess about it -- instead of the idea that one would better frankly face it and render it non-dangerous and, when that is not possible, accept the inevitable.

6. The idea that it is easier to avoid than to face life difficulties and self-responsibilities -- instead of the idea that the so-called easy way is usually much harder in the long run.

8. The idea that we should be thoroughly competent, intelligent, and achieving in all possible respects -- instead of the idea that we would better do rather than always need to do well and accept ourself as a quite imperfect creature, who has general human limitations and specific fallibilities.

9. The idea that because something once strongly affected our life, it should indefinitely affect it -- instead of the idea that we can learn from our past experiences but not be overly-attached to or prejudiced by them.

10. The idea that we must have certain and perfect control over things -- instead of the idea that the world is full of probability and chance and that we can still enjoy life despite this.

Have a look at:

Hope that helps

Research showed that people in a nursing home that stroked a pussy, or other pet, reduced their stress levels enough to affect their health in a positive manner.

So stroke a pussy, or a dog. You know it makes sense.
I've stroked a few dogs in my time. I didn't feel better at all. My mates just laafed at me.

You can include pigs in that as well.
BBB said:
I've stroked a few dogs in my time. I didn't feel better at all. My mates just laafed at me.

You can include pigs in that as well.

You don't live in Wales among all them sheep do you ?

😱 😆
..on a more serious note, why not just take a break when you experience too much stress.

One of the reasons I trade is to avoid the 9-5 and spending the best years of my life working to make someone else rich.

I dont trade every day at all. I dont feel the need to. I think we are brought up with this 'I must work all the hours God sends' rubbish. Although you've got to put the hours in at the start (probably more than any other profession), later on, you don't necessarily have to trade all the time. Wait for your trade. If the market isn't doing anything or you dont like what you see - do something else. It beats losing money as your ego starts to tell you 'YOU MUST WORK'. If you want to be busy busy busy, go join the 9-5 lot, get on a smelly cramped tube every day blah blah blah.

Trading = freedom! Its supposed to be enjoyable (ok it can be boring at times). Forget the money. Go for quality of life (sure money helps here, but I know people who are very happy, yet dont have a pot to urinate in. Good for them!)