Finding my niche in trading

You seem to be extremely risk averse .... I am not sure that trading would be ideally suitable in your circumstance. You will find uncertainty in any business, even when you work for someone as an employee, there is always a risk that you will lose your job (well I guess there is little chance of you risking to lose your money in that instance ) ... I am however sure there is something out there that's suitable for you.

Without knowing more about your educational background, it is very difficult for me to make suggestions .

i couldnt handle loosing by no fault of myself
Indeed i had problems with staying under controll and bankrollmanagement. Naturally nobody enjoys loosing but the ones who can handle it easier are better for it.

This problem will be your biggest hurdle if you attempt to trade

For me its hugly important to have a job where i also get some feedback from customer/members etc... and i must give something back to the world to be satisfied with myself.

Reading this sentence trading is not for you, firstly its not a job in the traditional sense its not about working a certain no of hours and getting paid for the job you have done. Secondly the only feedback you will get is from you P&L and thirdly its been described as a completely unproductive activity for society, you do not produce anything you do not offer any service it is the selfish act of trying to profit

What would u say; i looked at this demo software now but im not interested in trying something at all. i dont know why but i cant. Maybe its because i need someone who is showing me the system a little bit at first (this forum is really a great place to get information but i think things would be much easier if someone could show u through the software personally).

I really dont know what business could fit to myself i have tried now a few things but nothing seemed to go my way. Any thoughts?

Maybe a job would be a better idea then your own business, then you can move around until you find your vocation.
truly it doesnt look like im in the right business though i could imagine given people feedback/seeling products online... Im not selfish at all and this makes more an more sense to me that this isnt my job at all...

Im looking for something where im flexible online and where im also giving something back to the people this is my intention.
Although in most part I agree with Vaco, I do not believe that traders perform a soicially useless function. As traders, we provide liquidity to the market, thus facilitating & reducing the costs of doing business (for companies & pension funds alike).

In suggesting otherwise, there is a danger that we might be playing into Gordon Brown's hands. At present, there seems to be a concerted effort to centralise legislation (see Tobin tax) bringing us one step closer to a global government situation, with fewer opportunities for the individual.

I don't believe anyone wants that (unless you happen to be on the EU payroll).
spread i'm on your side i just said thats how its been described, there a lot of haters out there you know, especially in a recession.

As for the Tobin tax, I cant see that working on a world wide stage.