Stopped out for 40 point, more the 1:3
Morning ET
First of all - Well Done
You have had a good start to you day and now you might be worried how to handle your winning ways ?
Its all normal and so many different ways to handle your way forward
Many newbie traders stop if they hit heir targets early and say - that's it day finished - will wait for tomorrow
That's fine and OK - but for someone like me my disciplines at based on not losing all you have in the daily kitty and every hour starts again a like another day etc
I expect to take 10 to 20 trade over say up to 10 hours
If I am lucky to do well with just 4 trades and in say 2 hrs - I can relax a bit and take it easy etc - but personally I don't stop - I want to try and learn more - make more pips and money and carry on with the routine
My daily routine is having anything from 7 to 17 good scalps and also anything from 1 to 5 bad losing scalps
Maybe you should aim for say 5 + trades for a start knowing all might work - but stop if you have 3 bad ones - just an idea?
Hope to be around most of today so will try and assist with your GU and EU thoughts
I have been scalp buying above 6280 support area but want to be selling again below the 6325 - 45 area
All the best and carry on with your good day