Hi Alex,
There is no single expert on this thread. We are just bouncing ideas off each other.
At some point, we veered into Gann and stuff.
Nobody is going to come up with a all-singing-and-dancing solution in a matter of days.
( Personally, I am a swing-trader, but I am interested to see if I can maximise my profits by taking the Fibs as better entry-points, and/or exit-points ).
This thread is a "all-are-equal" thread. Your input and views are welcomed.
My interest in starting this thread, is to see if little nuggets from everyone can be amalgamted into a new system. ( some of us may be good at spotting entry-points, but lose too much on exits.
Some may be good at exit points, but miss good entry points. Some may have a clever money-management system. )
By exchanging ideas, we may help to improve each others trading.
If you were looking for a "I'll just sit here and you tell me the secrets of the universe" approach, this isnt for you. But is you have a germ of an idea, and would like to offer ideas, and see where it leads us, this may prove fruitful.
But I hope you will stay.
PS: My postings are swing-trading related - I thought I was clear as to my reasons for entry and exits. ( I made references to pivot-highs and lows - so these are not random numbers).
Pervaz has also posted his views, and explained where he got his Fib-ratios from.
So these are not arbitrary numbers.