Fear of Trades

Rebeca John

Trading in Forex is only successful if you lose the fear to lose. This is what I found in last many encounters with difficult situations in Trading scenario.
I do not know much about human psychology, but I am dead sure that people will fear to lose things in life which restrain them from success. I have my own experiences in this matter.
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if you fear to trade you should scale down your position size until you are no longer afraid, then you build intraday/intraweek/intramonth profitability sizing up as you get more confident. no need to over analyse it imo.

hot stuff....

Thanks guys, nice to know you're thinking of me even when I haven't posted. Here's a recent pic to keep you going:

Yeap, overcoming fear is one of the most important things in forex. Actually, if you are disciplined and having a good trading system along with the technical and analytical tools I think fear can be controlled easily..
Simply overcoming fear won't help. Fear tells you that you are not confident in your trading, which usually means you don't really believe you can make consistent profits using your current method.

Now ask yourself: if you simply suppress your fear, are you 100% sure you will make consistent profits without any tweaking of your current methodology? If the answer is clear "yes" then you should look what else makes you fearful, probably you trade too big and feel that you may have a drawdown which would be very hard to recover from. Probably something else.

Completely irrational fear is relatively rare.

If on the other side, the answer to the question above is "no", then your fear is actually your friend preventing you from blowing up. 🙂
As someone said " Don't risk what you can't afford to gain what you don't need "
Thanks guys, nice to know you're thinking of me even when I haven't posted. Here's a recent pic to keep you going:


That reminds me if I ever get through the pearly gates is- ask BIG G why he made the Greeks so fat and hairy ? Geez even the women too ?????
To the topic starter, the only things, which you should think about, is how not to became a daredevil through such thoughts. It's hard to lose, but it helps us to stay sober. If money are meaningful and losses dont' bother, that doesn't work.
Worry of taking a loss happens when a investor first triggers a place and instantly recognizes the business go against him/her. At this time, newbies in the inventory exchange (who normally do not business according to some pre-specified rules) will often second think their choice.
If you want to make a real business man in the forex treading you must be capable to control your fear .You think in business everything is occur.Profit and loss two is always exists.you always control your fear .

Thank you.