Fab Turbo - Scam ?

FAP Turbo Reviewed - Anyone Making Money?

Hi Hank

Please post it, i am also live on Fab (along with several other EA's) so it would be interesting to observe your findings and compare



No problem. Hope it's useful.

FAPTurbo Reviewed - Anyone Making Money?

I'm affiliated to FAP Turbo meaning people can buy it off my site (i don't want to hide the fact). However the site is not primarily a vehicle to sell the EA. I'm reviewing it in an unbiased manner.

David what other EA's do you use and are they any good?
I am currently testing Robminer & GT Shadow both fairly good for a steady slow income, and i mean steady and slow, the disadvantage is there is a huge DD which takes a long while to evaporate.
My conlusion on both these EA's is that they are mildly good for a plug and leave but you would have to wait a very long time if you wanted to rely on it for a second income.

I am also using an manged account which appears to be based upon a grid system like Robominer but a with a higher ROC, but again high DD
Is this the main Fab Turbo thread or is there another one. Any comments on how good or bad it is?

Did you find the FAP Turbo thread you were looking for? Have you come up with any good info on FAPT? I'm still only hearing good things about it myself and i'm not doing too badly with it either.
No,but a guy from fap turbo telephoned me today and offered me some tech advice and wanted me to write a testamonial after trialing the product. I now actually believe that they do want you to succeed. Anyone else get a call?
ive also heard only nice things about fab turbo on other forums. didnt test it myself so i cant be 100% sure.
The problem with EAs is that it takes a long time to properly evaluaute one. This is a quote from one test website mentioned earlier in this thread.

'Just because a robot makes a few good trades over a few days does NOT mean it will continue. I have seen plenty of robots get 10 winning trades in a row, then have just one that wipes out all the wins AND dips into the original equity, leaving the account decimated! Even if a robot does well for 1 or 2 months means nothing. At the very least 3-6 months of careful review should be done.'

Now, what happens in practice is that new users get a profit and start posting how great it is for a few weeks or even longer. When the big crash comes and all the profits get wiped out plus their orginal capital disppears, do you think they are going to say that the last month of posts was rubbish and that it doesn't really work? No, they just go very quiet and we don't hear from them any more.

So, everyone is left believing that the EA works fine...
Sounds like you've had you're share of losses .

So far I've been reviewing it for over 3 months including my demo time and it's doing a blistering job.

FAPTurbo Reviewed - Anyone Making Money?

It's pulling in the profits right now as i write this.

LOL, complete with an affiliate link to the website! Good job there are plenty of dummies around...

I see you've made 8.95 today - blistering indeed. 3 months later and your still only trading £1 a pip?

Funny how all the 'independent reviews' are done by people selling the thing.
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No, no, NO £10kloser.

You've got it wrong. This system makes you 100% a month every month and all it costs to buy is a few hundred pounds 🙂
Sounds like you've had you're share of losses .

So far I've been reviewing it for over 3 months including my demo time and it's doing a blistering job.

FAPTurbo Reviewed - Anyone Making Money?

It's pulling in the profits right now as i write this.

What are you doing differntly to me then. I got it on Monday and installed it on a demo account. So far it has lost almost £100 and the live trade is £250 in the red. So far it's nearly lost twice what it costs to buy it!
Perhaps he's using Photoshop to produce the results....

The other thing he is doing differently is that he's making his profits from selling it, not from using it.
Perhaps he's using Photoshop to produce the results....

The other thing he is doing differently is that he's making his profits from selling it, not from using it.

Too right 10k.

Anyone considering FAP turbo (or any other get rich quick EA) - caveat emptor! It appears there are a number of people on this forum pushing EA Robots for selfish reasons.
When? This week alone FAP Turbo scalping has reduced a demo account with £5000 in it to £4698.40.

In the two weeks I've had it and my demo account (£5000) I am up about £400. And no I am not affiliated with FAPTurbo.
Hi Stu0898, it sounds like something isn't set up correctly. Who's your broker? For me that's the most important thing to worry about on par with the Scalper_GMTOffset. Get those two things right and you're on to a winner.
Hi Stu0898, it sounds like something isn't set up correctly. Who's your broker? For me that's the most important thing to worry about on par with the Scalper_GMTOffset. Get those two things right and you're on to a winner.

Have had great results on demo, took it off live after 2 bad losses on long term BUT have to say it works very well, also RoboMiner works, hate to admit this though as I am a day trader and scalper and apart from day trading they perform better than me when market not trending. Well worth it I say