Fab Turbo - Scam ?


It's not my virtual server service.

You are free to use anyone you like but it must be a Windows based service.

But really who cares. As you can see from the results so far, I have paid for my robot and the first month service and have plenty of spare change.

The services they recommend will also install metatrader and the new versions of the robot when they are available, so it reduces your admin time.

Who that answers your question


whats the vps website? thanks for ur info

I had heard about the problem with brokers using this bot.

Can I ask what brokers are still ok to use ?


I'll take one minute to reply to this even though it's just another sarcastic comment from someone who's own manual trading is so friggin good that he just has to spend his day on forums making sure he tells everybody just how good it is and how impossible it would be for an automatic system to be any good at all.

I bought FAPT in December, reluctantly cause the marketing made me puke, after a friend recommended it. Decided to let it evaluate itself on a live 500 buck account since back tests proves as much as rolling a dice. Easy money?!? You bet your newly spanked bottom it was. First 2 weeks I didn't see a losing trade and the cash just dropped in while I was in my bed. Silly and a bit greedy I doubled my lot size from 0.1 which was too high to start with, and immediately got hit with a stop loss. Then along came the holiday period and trading was adviced against so not much action. Coming back in January I started back a week too early in hindsight and got hit with a couple of new SL's but good for learning the game.
Since then FAPT is back to it's normal self and trading well but the easy money is no more. Why?!? Because the brokers have lost enough to take notice...that's why. ODL was first, banning it alltogether. IBFX raised the spreads during the Asian session to between 10-20 pips making it impossible to use. FXPro, who until January had been great decided to introduce variable spreads which so far have been about double what their spread used to be.
So, all you guys shouting SCAM, BS, FRAUD, WONT WORK, MORONS, IDIOTS, SHEEP etc etc, maybe it's time to realise that there's at least one working EA out there. It's working so well in fact that the brokers have to try everything in their book to prevent losing BIG! So yeah, maybe it won't work forever even though there are ECN's with MT4 support coming out, but dissing something that you haven't tried yourself just makes you look and sound stupid. It's no rocket science what this robot does, in fact the model is very simple, but it does it reasonably well and more importantly, does it when I can't.

Oh, here's a link to my account on mt4stats with the trades so far:
MT4 Stats - Share your MetaTrader 4 Stats with the world
If I read it correctly that's about 35% up since the start. Yes, that is with a fairly high risk but considering the losing days have been very few and far between it's not a Las Vegas gamble.

EAGERLY WAITING for another sarky comment now but if so, please post your results live as well to have any kind of credibility.

Easy Money - Easy Money - Easy Money

Double your money EVERY MONTH! For only $149

Yes, that's right. For just $149 you can soon be rich, soon retire, soon quit your crappy job and the rat race, soon spend more time with your loved ones -

Cue pictures of palm trees, swimming pools, Ferraris and a few babes.

But why am I selling this? Because I believe in the little guy! yes, I was like you once, I got dicked around by the brokers and the markets and was just plain BROKE! So I know what it means, I FEEL FOR YOU.

So I said to myself if I ever come up with a strategy to beat the bank I'll sell it to people like you because I want you to get rich like me! And all at the expense of the boiler shop FX scum - couldn't happen to a nicer bunch!

But HURRY UP everyone because our servers are being overloaded and the price will soon be $399 after the next 27 copies are sold -

(I'm putting a note in my diary for this Friday to see if the price will have been increased, something tells me that it won't 🙂 )

"maybe it's time to realise that there's at least one working EA out there"

Yes, until it stops working............

Again - hurry up for $149 you can GET RICH 🙂


'Hi, just wanted to say thanks A MILLION. I was poor, now with your help I'm rich and all it costs me was $149 - You're THE man!' - Donnie S, Catskill NY

'Hiya from Hawai! I used to live in a Detroit slum, couldn't even afford a car in Motor City. But now thanks to my $149 investment I've got a fleet of cars and 8 hot blonde girlfriends, 1 for everyday of the week and 1 in reserve!' Peter T

'Don't listen to those POOR losers on Trade2Win especially that peon Anley. Be POSITIVE and GET RICH EASY all for $149 - I did and I've got to tell ya IT FEELS GREAT!' Harre, London UK
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Heh great testimonials

Can I borrow those for my marketing material for selling the EA to lots of innocent fools?


Sour grapes, sour grapes, sour grapes! Hi, my name is Anley and I live in a trailer park. Fortunately my council gave me access to a 56Kb/sec modem so I get the chance to share my misfortune with everybody. Now if you please excuse me I'll go and have the left overs from last night's tv-dinner. It's still not green so must be ok no?!? Then it's a bottle of Extra strong before falling asleep in front of my favourite Men and Motor's show.

We feel for you Anley, but not very much...

Ok two nights ago the we had our first major loss due to the massive volatility overnight, so I lost big time on the aggressive settings that I set it at.

Most of the clients who had it on aggressive settings also got panned. Those who used the cautious settings didn't have any trades at all or they made a profit. This is because on the most cautious settings the robot will ignore trades in high volatility.

So lesson learnt. If you use this robot then keep the settings on conservative. It works very well in a sideways market that is range bound, but not so well in volatile times.

You can now see my results on

MT4 Stats - Share your MetaTrader 4 Stats with the world

This site updates every few minutes.

I will keep it going to try and recover my losses and then take it from there.

In the private forum that you have access to they have a daily update giving the best advice for each day i.e. which settings to chose.

Will keep you updated

all the best

Did you change to agressive mode in the last few days or were you agressive from the start - 7th Jan.


Ok two nights ago the we had our first major loss due to the massive volatility overnight, so I lost big time on the aggressive settings that I set it at.

Most of the clients who had it on aggressive settings also got panned. Those who used the cautious settings didn't have any trades at all or they made a profit. This is because on the most cautious settings the robot will ignore trades in high volatility.

So lesson learnt. If you use this robot then keep the settings on conservative. It works very well in a sideways market that is range bound, but not so well in volatile times.

You can now see my results on

MT4 Stats - Share your MetaTrader 4 Stats with the world

This site updates every few minutes.

I will keep it going to try and recover my losses and then take it from there.

In the private forum that you have access to they have a daily update giving the best advice for each day i.e. which settings to chose.

Will keep you updated

all the best

Anley...Have you ever used this software or are you just taking a wild guess at what it does. I used to work for CBA Australia and they use an autotrader. Me I prefer livetradingrooms like livetradingrooms.com.au I seems to be using wave trading indicators and there is a coach who calles the trades.

Sorry. Haven't been able to post in a while.

I am now using moderate settings on this EA. Has performed well since the bad loss.

Still need to recover the loss that I made but I am working back steadily. Let's see what happens.

I found this website

Pip Cop - Forex Robot Reviews

The guy running it takes public donations to buy different EAs to test them independently with real money. Lots of EAs listed including FAPTurbo across different brokers.

Hope its useful



The information you have provided is new to me. Thank's for it.
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I trade Fapturbo, have been live for a month now and I have enjoyed a steady profit. Not yet doubled my account though. It has more than paid for itself.
i dont' think that they are a scam. i do, however, think they should have limited sales. but it's mainly their strategy where i try to give them credit. i personally don't own it anymore but i give credit when it's due to a good idea on scalping. i just think it needs some inprovement because i have scalpers that do better than this one in particular
Hello , Hajelj80

You said you have ea scalpers better than FAPT ?
Would you share here, please?

Thnaks for your kindness
Second that!

I trade Fapturbo, have been live for a month now and I have enjoyed a steady profit. Not yet doubled my account though. It has more than paid for itself.

I second that, i've been trading it for over 2 months now. January wasn't great after the UK banking sector crash on Monday 19th Jan. However the EA came back and left me with a small profit for Jan.

Feb 09 on the other hand was great on my Alpari account. FAP Turbo made around £750 on an initial investment of £900. Not too shabby.

I currently have a daily blog review that discusses all my trading. If anyone is interested i can post a link.
I second that, i've been trading it for over 2 months now. January wasn't great after the UK banking sector crash on Monday 19th Jan. However the EA came back and left me with a small profit for Jan.

Feb 09 on the other hand was great on my Alpari account. FAP Turbo made around £750 on an initial investment of £900. Not too shabby.

I currently have a daily blog review that discusses all my trading. If anyone is interested i can post a link.

Hi Hank

Please post it, i am also live on Fab (along with several other EA's) so it would be interesting to observe your findings and compare
