SOCRATES said:Yes, and in the meantime whilst rude pillocks interrupt and try to disrupt, there are sincere, honest hardworking people who aspire to progress. These are the ones who really suffer because it causes us to be prudent and not be generous with our hard earned knowledge and experience, and to remain stum when it would be very easy for us to solve whatever the riddle is, in seconds.
This element within the audience have to suffer because of the behaviour of the few. When the few become abusive and aggressive (without any basis for it I may add) it causes us to punish everybody, both the deserving and the not deserving by not giving knowledge.
I know from the point of view of genuine aspirants this is cruelly not fair, but it is done nonetheless as a consequence of the above. Therefore at best the most needy will only recieve guidiance, not tuition. This is my experience, and my experience is not a solitary one. You therefore have to thank the pillocks for your struggles, and your difficulties, in large measure.
As I said, because there are people worthy of engaging in discussion and being progressed by being pointed in the right direction, which is not tuition or for that matter mentoring, but helps them to avoid pitfalls, which with hindsight and as a consequence of experience are obvious, but are not obvious to newbies.Roberto said:Indeed. Absolutely true. I for one would like to thank you for continuing to post here at all. If it were me (not that I have the knowledge, experience or skills), I would probably have become exasperated beyond endurance and disappeared long ago. I don't quite understand how you continue to do it, but thank you. It's greatly appreciated by readers and lurkers, as well as by the people who actively enjoin the conversation with you.
I don't have a quest any more, as I have cracked the lot, I promise you. Therefore I don't need to make any more explorations, or enquiries of any sort from anyone.Buk said:The need for detached & unemotional reaction is paramount in hurdling the obstacles is it not?…..after all, one’s continued progression is more or less dependant on this skill…..why, therefore would another posters comments/views (which they are obviously entitled to view, however uncomfortable) deter or deflect one from continuing in their quest ?
SOCRATES said:I don't have a quest any more, as I have cracked the lot, I promise you. Therefore I don't need to make any more explorations, or enquiries of any sort from anyone.
What happens is that there are persistent posters who are corrosive and they need seeing to because none of them have just cause. You are not right in this, because they are not entiltled to the views that not only do they hold, but air in public, and even put in print. They are not entiltled because their views are warped beyond recognition of what is rooted in reality. One in particular keeps on regurgitating nonsense, without the true facts to hand, and hides behind his nick.
All of them do not present substantial targets for me to bring to bear a" really meaningful" response, as I promise you I am not shy of using a sledgehammer to swat a fly if necessary just to prove a point, as one of them has already found out ~ but we are dealing with immature, impoverished , intellectual pygmies and that is the frustrating part.
Listen Bramble, you are very annoying you know, you do not seem to grasp what is explained to you in detail:~TheBramble said:TB - it's OK to be confused. Socrates is for real - his name is Albert Labos. He knows more about the markets than most (I am quite serious), but has problems transferring his knowledge - especially if you're non-Aryan.
Albert's position (Albert, do step in if I'm 'off beam') is that you should go through years of psychological deprivation and profiling and introspection before you become ready to appreciate the movements of each market's instruments. And then, you need to spend countless hours before you are ready, and able to 'hold the attitude' with respect and merit etc.
He's OK. He really does know his stuff - but he can't lay it on the line.
There are many on here who do. And they seem stark in comparison because they say things like 'keep it simple' and "Exit on the Left; Enter on the Right" (in relation to channels) and they only look at Price & Volume and they talk of tick-pressure in volume-less markets like FX. Incredibly useful stuff.
But they say it in a couple of lines or less.
Albert says some really funky things - but you have to wade through acres of verbiage to get to them.
He has a different agenda, but that doesn't make him any less valuable - just more verbose.
And this was the crux of my recent post which pilloried poor old Bertie.
He confuses newbies and the majority of traders with his style and obfuscation (deliberate). He'll warp your senses in order to establish if you are one of "The Ones" and if you aren't - tough - you're just set back a bit in your trading career (and capital).
TB - keep a watch for Socco's stuff - BUT - evaluate it heavily, with prejudice. Ignore the BS and use what you can. I've done this and owe Soc a lot. You might too.
Oops. Just spotted this. No way Pedro,SOCRATES said:As for the non Aryan dig, you ought to check your facts correctly before you commit to making public statements, otherwise I will make you look very silly. And I expect you to rectify this.!
Get off these boards and leve them to traders - not racists.SOCRATES said:These negroes you talk about were not in the context described by your friend. During a coffee break we were talking about Linford Christie and his superb athletic acheivements, in which I remarked that some black athletes are fantastic. I never said anything derogatory about black people just that it seems that culturally they are keen sportsmen and women, but they do not seem to be attracted to puzzles. I then went on to say that when I was studying Navigation at the School of Navigation in Tower Hill we had a Nigerian student.
He had a terrible problem with the sextant. If he was able to use it vertically then he was not able to use it horizontally. If later he succeeded in using it horizontally then he could not use it vertically. The tutor became exasperated and gave up. I gave up my lunch hour to try to solve it for him, but without success. This does not mean he was thick. It means his frame of reference does not include being able to conceptually distinguish in abstract form the contrast between doing the same thing but in different planes. This is a cultural thing. I was asked if I would take black pupils. I replied that I have no knowledge of black people and have nothng against them as I don't know any, but based on that experience [sic] I had I would rather not.
Thirteen said:( a little bird tells me u were mending watches at the time 😉 ).
Mail on Sunday said:It was a retired horologist named Albert Labos. Labos even tells the same story of tying a student to a chair with, word for word, the same explanation.
OK Albert, I wont labour the point. But a sample of one is not really justification for an opinion (which is all it is) on an entire race.SOCRATES said:I never said negroes were inferior to my needs and not worthy of my efforts, I explained an impasse that occured at the School of Navigation between a Nigerian student in my class and his difficulty in mastering the use of the sextant, as a consequence of his spatial / conceptual difficulties as a result of cultural differences. Asked if I would venture to take on this challenge again in a different form, that is by accepting people with what amounted to such deep cultural differences, my reply was that I would prefer not to.
It's common parlance for specifically giving someone notification of some event or making the effort to bring something to their attention.SOCRATES said:And what's a heads up, for god's sake ?