EXCEL Graphs.

I also have a link to that free stuff.
still use it but only for position trading.
updates every 15 mins which knocks the socks off eod packages.
Agreed - it was my first tentative (and cheap and reliable) step into this "business"
Thanks for the info but my cheap data provider doesn't provide dde and all I need to do is translate the tick data I can export from my charts in to 1min, 5min and 1 hour data. That will probably take me the rest of the year!

and for anyone who wants to create their own charting/ techinical indicator thing - good on you - but.....

not sure what u r talking about there about pessimistic - lets call it facts!

and u will lose your connecton for sure on the internet but mostly get logged back in , a lot of the time without u noticiing - does not affect most trading -

but with a data feed from someone like IB, it is just a realtime tick by tick feed - they dont stream data from servers with history back up - so when u connect to their feed - u just get the data in real time from the moment that the you connect and nothing prior - so if u want to trade - u would be using data just from that point - bit hard to do even a one minute 10sma with one tick of data!, and if u lose the connection - you are back at zero when u start up again unless u have databased the prior data - but then u wont have the bit where u were disconnected

and most who start down that route take a while to understand the different data feeds so it is good they get their heads round it before they spend time working on something that aint gonna work

charting suppliers supply real time data combined with historic data, a whole different ball game to a pure tick by tick supplierr - so if they go down, the second u start up again - you are fully up to date with data so are up and running straight away

i have and do run dde connections in visual basic, ( if the supplier does not have an api ) as well as api connections to a number of data suppliers

been a long time since i used dde in excel - but even then it was for analytical work - did not want to reinvent the wheel with charting - u could use it to feed your own charting package - but as i said - the charting comes free with the data - so whats the point

but my point on this subject is that quite often people when they decide to start trading feel they will get an edge by doing their own chariting or come up with their own indicator etc etc - the only way you can learn to trade is to get in there and trade - and once u master trading - then go back and start looking for stuff to make your life easier, such as fully automated trading - but at the start - just get the best tools u can, and find the simplest set ups to make u money
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yep, and u dont even need 1% of what they provide - but the moment u have their charting systems - u can start trading and learning - and u are only paying for the small percent you use - the rest is free because it doesnt do anything anyway
I'm beginning to think you sell data packages ?

Pessimistic ?
It's what Oddball called 'negative waves'
no - dont sell data packages - hence have not mentioned any- just a real trader, trading multiple markets, in multiple time frames, using fully automated systems accesing from various data suppliers and trying to help out in an area where i have seen people get shit advice before and waste a lot of their time
it was just a joke stevet

mind you with all that stuff, I can see how it might be
irritating for someone to find a simpler, cheaper way to do what they want.

and have the added benefit of doing their own research and analysis.
i know it was a joke but that does not exclude the time wasting that is caused to people who potentialy want to become traders and might make it, but end up reading advice about cheap ways to access data and about coming up with their own indicators to beat the markets - all nonesense

the technical points i took the time to explain are facts that anyone who has a clue about the subject would understand

the remarks are to reinforce the point to people who want to really trade for a living - but, if u just want to do a bit of trading for fun because u need a hobby or u have retired and want something to dabble in - thats another gig and all power to you however u want to go about it

but to trade for a living there is no second way - you have to get a charting package from a reputable supplier recomended by real traders, not hobbysts, and then, if you are starting out - at least you have a chance to make a living trading markets - charting packages do not do the research or analysis for you - but they make it much easier to do - in the markets u can make a lot of money or lose it - there is no second place in trading and as a hobby it can be real expensive - so why not have a real go at it and try to make real bucks
oh dear

all good stuff maybe, but this is so far off topic its just .....

all zig zag/Big B/ Rog are asking/talking about is getting data into
Excel to do some charting.
hence the thread title.

and I expect a fairly limited number of charts at that.