Grrr.... MS Excel doing my head in again


Senior member
hi peeps - another non-trading question but what the hell...

i dont know if this is possible but if someone knows how I'd be eternally grateful as it would save me a lot of copying and pasting.

Is it possible to set something up in Excel which works like this:

If I put some data into a row on "Worksheet 1" which contains, for example on column 2, the phrase "abc", can I create a formula or a rule that will automatically copy that entire row to a worksheet called "abc".

Does this make sense? It does to me because I'm typing it but that doesnt mean a lot.

How about a picture showing what I mean?


  • notaclue.JPG
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go into worksheet abc
Into cell A1 type the following =IF(sheet!worksheet!="abc",sheet!worksheet1A1,"")
Copy and paste it into the rest of the row in sheet abc.
That should do it.
ok buddy, try this on for size. at the moment the best i can think of is an IF statement located on the second sheet. only problem is that the 2nd sheet will have loads of gaps in it, where the data of the first sheet isnt "abc" etc.

ive highlighted the cells with formulae in yellow on the 2nd sheet.

let me know it this is what you were after, if not, then i'll have another think.



No FC you got it right.
I was too quick and missed something vital out
That's what I meant. Only had 2 hrs sleep last night 8~/

Either I've gone completely wrong or I havent explained myself right, but thanks for your offers so far.

Basically, if Column B = "abc" then I want to copy the entire contents of the row which has "abc" in it to another worksheet.

Does that make more sense? I'm completely baffled now!!! A cool Caffreys is sitting somewhere calling my name, and its getting louder by the minute.
ah sheet (lol) probably.

I've probably messed it up - bit like everything else today. Tsk.

I'll have another go!

Thanks FC!