Evening trading US shares

Does anyone use Trade-Ideas for scanning ? Its cheaper than Briefing.com but better than Telecharts, acc to some. Seems to have useful features.
😆 Combo.

The thing with Trade Ideas is, it gives you too many hits. You never have time to go through all of the stocks it spits out. It's good software, you can finetune it, but you'll always have too many hits.

Nice going Tempo,

IBKR, PVH, LFC and JOYG are my culprits. Been a pretty hectic 1st hour and still got 1/2 position in JOYG, awesome gap down and reverse.

Be back later
Quick question. I am also demoing the questrade platform. Makes sense considering they are the ones I will be trading with if I decided to go for it with real money due to their PDT rules (or lack of them)

Sometimes, I might buy 200 shares of stock xyz and then when I try to cover the trade, it breaks it up into maybe 123 shares and then the remaining 77 shares. It then says that 3 executions have been made. Would that mean that I would pay even more commission? (assuming $5 per side would it be $10 or $15 commission?)
This is me for to day ,, I had a lot of problem gauging the market direction to day and i had to scalp fast ,,, Not at any stage i was more than 55% sure about the market direction hence small profit for the day ,,,I might look into chinese leading indicators than US during next few weeks as US are being bullied by china,,,

Up around $900.. No more trading for me ,,,



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I'm done for the day too. Been a v.good day
Trades detailed below at average exit prices

LFC long 45.18 exit 45.54

IBKR short 25.41 exit 25.08

PVH long 60.28 exit 61.04

JOYG long 50.03 exit 51.07

AAPL long 116.97 exit 116.94 and at 117.16 exit 117.30

BCSI long at 43 exit 42.85, a loser

PVH long 60.78 exit 60.60 a loser

STLD long 47.04 exit 47.20

BIDU long 134.90 exit 136.44

Would post charts but too many, however, a nice chart from this pm is BIDU
It rocked after the FOMC!


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I reckon its per ticket so yes you would be charged for each fill. Better check.

Quick question. I am also demoing the questrade platform. Makes sense considering they are the ones I will be trading with if I decided to go for it with real money due to their PDT rules (or lack of them)

Sometimes, I might buy 200 shares of stock xyz and then when I try to cover the trade, it breaks it up into maybe 123 shares and then the remaining 77 shares. It then says that 3 executions have been made. Would that mean that I would pay even more commission? (assuming $5 per side would it be $10 or $15 commission?)

I reckon its per ticket so yes you would be charged for each fill. Better check.

I've emailed them.

Assuming it counts as another 'side' in terms of commission, wouldn't that be a really convenient way of ripping people off? Does it happen to you, and if so, how do you get charged?

Well done by the way. You killed it today. You're a trading role model to me😱
You could say its a rip off, thats how they make their money as lots of traders dont have the 25k min requirement so they take advantage of it.
All the best
Would of done better as so many stocks breaking out, just need a trading partner to manage trades for me as can only multi task a certain amount of stocks. LOL

I've emailed them.

Well done by the way. You killed it today. You're a trading role model to me😱
Would of done better as so many stocks breaking out, just need a trading partner to manage trades for me as can only multi task a certain amount of stocks. LOL

I'm getting one within two months. I'll let you know how that works. I can't manage them either. He's gonna scan for stocks and manage some trades. So, can't wait. It'll sure make things a lot easier!

Nice trading mate!

You could say its a rip off, thats how they make their money as lots of traders dont have the 25k min requirement so they take advantage of it.
All the best

But questrade are a direct access broker. I though they all played by the same rules? The reason there is no PDT rule is because they are Canadian i think.

Oh...and if you need someone to clean your monitor and make you tea then im your man.
I'm done for the day too. Been a v.good day
Trades detailed below at average exit prices

LFC long 45.18 exit 45.54

IBKR short 25.41 exit 25.08

PVH long 60.28 exit 61.04

JOYG long 50.03 exit 51.07

AAPL long 116.97 exit 116.94 and at 117.16 exit 117.30

BCSI long at 43 exit 42.85, a loser

PVH long 60.78 exit 60.60 a loser

STLD long 47.04 exit 47.20

BIDU long 134.90 exit 136.44

Would post charts but too many, however, a nice chart from this pm is BIDU
It rocked after the FOMC!

Very fine trading Lee.

It is very refreshing your posting of the ones that did'nt work out also.

Very fine trading Lee.

It is very refreshing your posting of the ones that did'nt work out also.


Hi ya Frank

A couple of errors are my part are due to the losses and I hesitated closing them sooner. But 7 out of 10 is not bad going.

How's the ELD files?

Hi ya Frank

A couple of errors are my part are due to the losses and I hesitated closing them sooner. But 7 out of 10 is not bad going.

How's the ELD files?


Hi Lee,

The ELD files are working extremely well and are a great aid, thank you.

Have a great $$$$$$ trading day.

Check out DNDN! Ran $3 from open, I only managed $2 and has now collapsed back to entry. One small win for a couple of cents on AAPL as came back to entry on breakout, Grrrr! A hard stock to trade sometimes.
Check out DNDN! Ran $3 from open, I only managed $2 and has now collapsed back to entry. One small win for a couple of cents on AAPL as came back to entry on breakout, Grrrr! A hard stock to trade sometimes.

I had it on my screen, but totally missed it! Really great trade.


MHK was an abc setup, had a little low volume, but it was higher than average. And I forgot to put an alert on it, since I was managing the trades I was in. So I just missed out on it! 103 was the long, traded up to 106 and the book got sweeped up to 108.


For the newbies: a Sweep is a new feature that comes with the NYSE hybrid market. Traders can pay up on what's in the book. In the example of MHK, it traded up to 106 and someone sweeped the book up to 108, that means, that all offers up to 108 are being taken, without the price actually trading up there. It just prints! And continues trading where it did before the print.
These sweeps can trigger LRP's. A liquidity Replenishment Point, these points are predefined for each stock depending on their price. MHK has a 50 cent LRP. That means that when this stock trades up or down 50 cents in less than 30 seconds, the stock will trade "slow". The specialist will be matching orders manually again. Untill he hits the "FAST" button again or automatically after 30 seconds. This usually happens after a sweep like this. This is why sometimes you see NYSE quotes that are stuck. They're not stuck, it's just the specialist that's looking for natural buyers or sellers. And when the stock goes back into "FAST" mode the stock is HYBRID again!
Nice explanation Dave of LRP's. If only hey! Plenty more about today.

BIDU has been sweet again, breakout at 139.20, I turned on my auto exit strategy and it got me out at 139.83, 3 cents below the low of the prior bar (on a 5 min), without me even lifting a finger and just the occasional glance. Just got the code working properly so that I can manage more trades and let automation take over to run my profits.
