Evening trading US shares

Spot on, dvdh.

Some readers may have noticed that the two links to recent trades of mine are on different timescales !!! One minute and five minute ! ;-)))

ATR, on the occasions when it might be a factor, are actually different on different time scales.
I assumed people realised that LOL !

Also I trust readers of the two views of timaru's trade, (posts #420 and 430), have examined the concepts in detail and compared and contrasted the approaches of myself and the other poster and made up their own minds on the actual evidence...........just because the overall market has a strong influence does not mean that every movement has, per se, to be the result of the overall market. Very many are not. Otherwise people wouldn't trade stocks, just the indices/futures. Quite obviously.

My brother and I enjoyed a great laugh this afternoon at the recent reference............;-)

Richard ,,
Just look at YOUR OWN ATR reading on the Both Charts ,, ATR at the time you took the trade for NDAQ was 0 .138 and for AMZN was 0.24 so how on earth and on what bases you took same share size. I donot mean to embarass you but this is embarassing .. Show me the chart of the stocks in any time frame you wish to show me and the readers that at the time the both stocks had the same ATR .This is what I mean about you ,, you donot understand Postion sizing and hence the risk management and COACH too,, It simply not good enough to only TALK About risk management and not knowing how to apply it.. Another of your students Pmed me few day back he has blown his capital too ( like Trader Ali ) and wants to see me and the only reason he does not want to publicly talk about it is because you are a NICE man lol ,,,, ( ask Sharky to check my Pms then you know I am not bull ****ing ) ...

Readers can check the ATR on the left hand side in BLUE ....



There is more in intra day trading than couple of chart patterns ..
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For our new traders I am enclosing the chart of correct postion sizing for a given capital based on projected stochastic volatilty of few stocks. As you can all see every stock has different postion size and this is how it should be because every stock carries different risk to the trader ,, So if you wish to do the job correclty then you must read about postion sizing and learn on how to apply it rather doing what RICHARD does X amount of shares no matter how much risk each individual carry .. LOL ,, I doubt if his brother be LOL ING for long if he carries on ignoring the risk management part of trading .
The consequences of applying fixed number of shares to each trade is that even if you win 100 good trades then eventually you give it all back in a few lousy ones and you will blow your capital sooner or later and you never know you might have to become a coach ..



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Readers can check for themselves and see that the ATR on NDAQ was on a 1 min chart and on AMZN a 5 min.
I rarely use ATR - shock horror !!!
My position size varies with several factors, but with many middle priced stocks which are behaving readably 1000 shares is common. Of course I do not trade 1000 GOOG at a time. A slowly moving stock might have a size well in excess of 1000. And there are many other factors which grey doesn't know about.
Why grey wishes to continue misrepresenting me is another matter.
And by the way, I have never said I am profitable on 99% of trades. It is only 84%.
However, the losers are always small.
I also see grey1 often trades in 1000 share lots eg KLAC the other night. Such a round number was just co-incidence I suppose.........and it shouldn't have been 1003 or 995 or whatever.......
But all of this is irrelevant. One of the aspects I use in my trading is momentum with very tight stops, as anyone who objectively reads my posts and takes the time to understand realises.
This is something which grey does not seem to understand although I understand the broad principles of the way he trades and when he actually sticks to it seems fine to me.
Not knowing the detail I can't be sure, but it is just another way of making money from the markets and I would not be so closed minded or arrogant as to criticise his methods.
There are some trades which look rather strange to me, but that is his business.
No doubt he thinks that way about some of mine ;-)
I would not choose to denigrate him or the way he trades - it is simply a different way.
I do things differently, as do many others. That he cannot understand, but really shouldn't think he has some sort of monopoly on being right. The latter attitude is dangerous.
If however grey wishes to continually criticise our way of trading, it is of zero consequence to me.
I notice that his erroneous "explanation" of timaru's trade the other evening and my comments have gone unanswered and unaddressed yet again.
I do happen to believe that if one gives "explanations" of something on a BB, one should either couch it in terms of "possibly" being correct, or, much better take the time and effort to find out whether the so-called "explanation" is actually right - readers may wish to compare his approach with mine in the two posts I mentioned earlier and make up their own minds.
From my previous dealings with grey, I see no real purpose in "debating" with him as his attitude is one of intolerance and barely concealed personal animosity. That is irrational and not healthy and plays no part in serious debate or an exchange of views.
I also find it difficult to understand the way he frequently speaks of wondering about taking over night positions. For someone risk averse such as myself I never do that as the risk is too great for my liking, especially in markets which frequently gap.
That approach doesn't sound scientific or analytical to me. It seems more of a gamble and I can't stand those who gamble on the markets.
I also feel compelled to say that it is not my fault if someone I have taught blows their account. I give everyone a detailed trading plan which involves first extensively paper trading and reaching set targets before trading for real; then trading 100 shares at a time until they reach targets before slowly increasing position size over a period of many months. Failure to reach targets means you do not proceed.
I remember him starting his private board on t2w when one member expressed the view that grey's taking of an overnight trade and his accompanying comments looked "sloppy" - in that person's words. I certainly agreed with that member and get the same impression about the KLAC trade the other evening.
The fact is if you post on a public BB you should expect disagreement. I think the situation is different if someone is running a hate campaign and trying to spoil threads, then by all means go private - but one little comment by one poster.......?
Now grey can continue to mis-represent me if he so chooses.
However, I am offering you, Iraj, the hand of friendship and peace - and I see no reason why you shouldn't take it in a spirit of grace.
I don't particularly want to see this thread spoiled by your behaviour, but ultimately it is of no loss to me personally - just a shame for the curious reader who likes to see how others trade..
Put forward your own views as you have a right to do, but don't make it personal and think by saying "it's not personal" that excuses you from such behaviour.
Now I have spent a fair amount of time writing this post and will not be posting in the immediate future as I have other more important things to do than deal with this silly nonsense, but don't let anyone think I have stopped posting - far from it.
There will be plenty more posts to come from me, some of which grey won't like one little bit because they are a completely alien way of trading to his.
So for the very last time......... Iraj, how about peace from you?
If you feel you can't help yourself attacking me then at least have a truce which can lead to peace and mutual understanding.
It's a genuine offer.
Readers can check for themselves and see that the ATR on NDAQ was on a 1 min chart and on AMZN a 5 min.
I rarely use ATR - shock horror !!!
My position size varies with several factors, but with many middle priced stocks which are behaving readably 1000 shares is common. Of course I do not trade 1000 GOOG at a time. A slowly moving stock might have a size well in excess of 1000. And there are many other factors which grey doesn't know about.
Why grey wishes to continue misrepresenting me is another matter.
And by the way, I have never said I am profitable on 99% of trades. It is only 84%.
However, the losers are always small.
I also see grey1 often trades in 1000 share lots eg KLAC the other night. Such a round number was just co-incidence I suppose.........and it shouldn't have been 1003 or 995 or whatever.......
But all of this is irrelevant. One of the aspects I use in my trading is momentum with very tight stops, as anyone who objectively reads my posts and takes the time to understand realises.
This is something which grey does not seem to understand although I understand the broad principles of the way he trades and when he actually sticks to it seems fine to me.
Not knowing the detail I can't be sure, but it is just another way of making money from the markets and I would not be so closed minded or arrogant as to criticise his methods.
There are some trades which look rather strange to me, but that is his business.
No doubt he thinks that way about some of mine ;-)
I would not choose to denigrate him or the way he trades - it is simply a different way.
I do things differently, as do many others. That he cannot understand, but really shouldn't think he has some sort of monopoly on being right. The latter attitude is dangerous.
If however grey wishes to continually criticise our way of trading, it is of zero consequence to me.
I notice that his erroneous "explanation" of timaru's trade the other evening and my comments have gone unanswered and unaddressed yet again.
I do happen to believe that if one gives "explanations" of something on a BB, one should either couch it in terms of "possibly" being correct, or, much better take the time and effort to find out whether the so-called "explanation" is actually right - readers may wish to compare his approach with mine in the two posts I mentioned earlier and make up their own minds.
From my previous dealings with grey, I see no real purpose in "debating" with him as his attitude is one of intolerance and barely concealed personal animosity. That is irrational and not healthy and plays no part in serious debate or an exchange of views.
I also find it difficult to understand the way he frequently speaks of wondering about taking over night positions. For someone risk averse such as myself I never do that as the risk is too great for my liking, especially in markets which frequently gap.
That approach doesn't sound scientific or analytical to me. It seems more of a gamble and I can't stand those who gamble on the markets.
I also feel compelled to say that it is not my fault if someone I have taught blows their account. I give everyone a detailed trading plan which involves first extensively paper trading and reaching set targets before trading for real; then trading 100 shares at a time until they reach targets before slowly increasing position size over a period of many months. Failure to reach targets means you do not proceed.
I remember him starting his private board on t2w when one member expressed the view that grey's taking of an overnight trade and his accompanying comments looked "sloppy" - in that person's words. I certainly agreed with that member and get the same impression about the KLAC trade the other evening.
The fact is if you post on a public BB you should expect disagreement. I think the situation is different if someone is running a hate campaign and trying to spoil threads, then by all means go private - but one little comment by one poster.......?
Now grey can continue to mis-represent me if he so chooses.
However, I am offering you, Iraj, the hand of friendship and peace - and I see no reason why you shouldn't take it in a spirit of grace.
I don't particularly want to see this thread spoiled by your behaviour, but ultimately it is of no loss to me personally - just a shame for the curious reader who likes to see how others trade..
Put forward your own views as you have a right to do, but don't make it personal and think by saying "it's not personal" that excuses you from such behaviour.
Now I have spent a fair amount of time writing this post and will not be posting in the immediate future as I have other more important things to do than deal with this silly nonsense, but don't let anyone think I have stopped posting - far from it.
There will be plenty more posts to come from me, some of which grey won't like one little bit because they are a completely alien way of trading to his.
So for the very last time......... Iraj, how about peace from you?
If you feel you can't help yourself attacking me then at least have a truce which can lead to peace and mutual understanding.
It's a genuine offer.

I have had 4 of your students here and they all have told me about what you have thought them , In fact i am having three of them soon , who need help .. YOU HAVE TOLD THEM NOTHING ABOUT POSTION SIZING calculation ( except take small size lol ) .As far as over night trades is concerend there again it shows you have zero understabding of mathematics in postion sizing

what on earth OVER NIGHT TRADE got to do with RISK ,,, YOU REDUCE YOUR POS SIZE AND HENCE THE RISK IS REDUCED or even better you hedge against a swing portfolio then your risk is reduced.,,, I HAVE DEMONSTRATED OVER NIGHT HEDGING LIVE TO MANY TRADERS FROM THIS BB IN MY HOUSE AND LIVE

This is the facts ,,, YOU TOOK two trades both at different time frames noted by your cross on you charts but the same POSTIO SIZE . FOR GOD SAKE SHOW PEOPLE WHAT TIME FRAME GAVE YOU SIMILAR POSTION SIZE., It is your choice to accept the challenge ,, There are 72000 traders on this BB they are not daft ,, You simply cannot defent your SAME postion sizing and this is where you have gone and are wrong ,

I also challenge you to do the honnerable thing and Post all your trades from IB just the way i do and not just the winners.. I am surprised there is any capitalism left the way you are taking money from the market. lol


PS:-- I just read your last sentence about peace,, You donot want peace from me you need to have peace within your soul and stop charging and start learning ,, These people who came to you they came in good faith and it is not fair to their family to go bank ruprt ,, I am prepared to coach you for free as i said in the past , perhaps this way you end coaching and doing the business with market... During the coaching I also gurantee we will NOT LOSE,, 100 % promise or I pay for your petrol and your expenses

I also find it difficult to understand the way he frequently speaks of wondering about taking over night positions. For someone risk averse such as myself I never do that as the risk is too great for my liking, especially in markets which frequently gap.
FOr God sake reduce your postion and the risk is reduced,, Over night or intra day there is no problem if you dynamically adjust your pos size,

Did you know most successful traders are swing traders than intra day? They all keep over night including myself but either hedge against a Low beta portfolio and you have diversified your risk or reduce your postion size based on one of the volatilty models commonly available on internet . Of course you have to Know and learn and once you master them then apply them .. you need the education mate ,, There is no way around it ,,, donot avoid over night because you are scared of gap up /down.. hedge funds all have over many many night postions and called buy and hold strategy but they have risk analysis expert to help them out ,,, ANy way I think i have answered the issue

I wonder whether it is worth posting anything more about this subject for fear of not being called a "proper trader" by Grey1 as I do not follow a mathematical volatility position sizing model. I wonder whether Naz would also be classed as this as he is also a momentum trader.

Well, I will try and explain again.

I base my stops on technical levels and prior bars low/high. If a stock has an ATR of 0.25, so what! I'm interested in whether a pivot level will break and my stop loss will be based on the current or prior bar. E.g. the low of that bar (if LONG) is 0.08 cents away. That's my stop. If the breakout level doesn't break, I'm not going to hang around, and get chopped up so I'm out with an 8 cent loss or even smaller. I can always enter again when it breaks for real.

My risk is always defined before, so max risk per trade is for example $100 and my position size is therefore 1,250 shares (100 / 0.08).

If the low of that bar is 0.25 cents away, but the ATR is 0.40, my stop will be 0.25, so position size will be, based on $100 risk, 400 shares.

So I do use the volatility of the instrument to calculate my position size and of course my stop is going to be different with different stocks based on how they are setting up. If for example they are forming a tight base my stop will be below that base, maybe 3-5 cents or 10-30 cents if with a more volatile stock, but it depends on the stocks volatility at the end of the day.

One final point I would like to make. With momentum traders, we look to be in profit immediately, that's if you can read true momentum, so yes, you could say I have a 3 cent stop sometimes and a $2 target.

Long live momentum traders!
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Spot on, PitBull.

Very well, Iraj, I have offered you an olive branch and you have responded with your usual extremist nonsense.

Why have you not responded and had the courage to defend your totally irrelevant and ill advised post 420 to timaru?

Of course some of the people who do my course do not succeed, many do.

My losing trades go up on my private BB every day. They are always small because of my methodology which, shock horror, is different to yours.

It's a shame you do not want to stop your accusations and nonsense. In fact you are intent on ruining this thread by introducing unpleasantness. You won't succeed.
I have offered you peace and how do you respond.

I know you have refused to answer the question about your advice to timaru.
Just as you ignore the point about 1000 size in KLAC LOL

I wonder what excuse you will come up with in response to the next question - or perhaps you think it will just go away and people won't see for themselves.

In post 413 timed 8.49 pm April 25, you say, "I would love to long KLAC as an overnight trade..." and then say, "nah, no overnight trade".
Is that supposed to be a carefully considered analytical decision then?

Explain then, if you can, why you posted the following day at 3.57pm in post 416 showing a broker screen shot that you went long 1000 KLAC at 8.32 pm.
So you went long 1000 KLAC at 8.32pm on April 25 and "told" this board, "nah, no overnight trade" 17 minutes later !

How do you "explain" that, Iraj ?

PS Anyone looking at what happened to that total 2000 over night trade KLAC (and no "hedge" was shown) will see it went 53c into loss after the open, a losing position of - $1060
Still, "luck" as grey calls it got it back into the black - or perhaps profit was pre-ordained " just hold it long enough" ! ;-) lol
I always like closing out my losing trades for very small losses, but hey I like stop losses and trailing stops ;-)
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Now, let's see if we can get back to sensible stuff.
Here is a trade from Friday.
I have included a screen shot from my private site which I hope t2w mods will allow.
My site is subscription only but this is not an advert and shouldn't be construed as such as the site is strictly private by invitation only.
The chart includes annotation which I have partly erased to comply with t2w guidelines.
Big fat juicy ATR, big fat juicy profits ;-)


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And, yes of course I'd like to have been in the trade much earlier, but I wasn't looking at the stock eariier - but hey, let's not be greedy ;-)
I never chase a stock, but if the momentum is still running and all my triggers say take the trade I will, but with a very tight stop based on momentum - and hey, I do not use TA momentum indicators. Price action is all, though sometimes volume does too.

I don't get angry and frustrated if I cannot immediately see what someone else is doing - that is not the mark of a good trader. My reaction is professional curiosity, so no-one should get upset or irritated when they look at my trades. Stay healthy folks. Anger is self destructive.
There will be no more posts from me for a little while but I shall post again later in the month.
And to all the momentum traders out there, including all those in the 4367 views on my private site on Friday, "keep your motor runnin' ", but stay very safe !

PS Like food, not all momentum is healthy - "a time and a place for every purpose under heaven" ;-)


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Just a quick response to timaru.
No, you raised an important issue and you got two replies 420 and 430.
People can read those and choose to believe what they choose to believe; or decide objectively. Keep on posting, imho, yours are interesting and valuable posts and a positive contribution to an understanding of the ups and downs of trading day to day.
Hi again

Thanks Richard will keep posting, just get slightly annoyed with all the unecessary noise on a thread dedicated to a specific topic, especially one that I am interested in🙂


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Agree absolutely.
If Iraj wants peace that's fine with me and the mods can remove any material or posts they wish. However, these boards are about exchange of views, not personal attacks and I am not prepared to allow him to make his ridiculous accusations unanswered.
So it's up to the mods and him.
I didn't start this.
In post 413 timed 8.49 pm April 25, you say, "I would love to long KLAC as an overnight trade..." and then say, "nah, no overnight trade".
Is that supposed to be a carefully considered analytical decision then?

Explain then, if you can, why you posted the following day at 3.57pm in post 416 showing a broker screen shot that you went long 1000 KLAC at 8.32 pm.
So you went long 1000 KLAC at 8.32pm on April 25 and "told" this board, "nah, no overnight trade" 17 minutes later !

How do you "explain" that, Iraj ?

QUOTE]Simple My volaitly model catered for the loss ,, a simple as that ,, As you could see the postion returned a profit of £1200 ish Not bad

In fact the volatilty model could have let the trade to go 1.45 below open before going into profit,, SIMPLE now you can understand

IN some of my swing trade the model might let the envelope to open up to 10% before returning into profit ..

This is some thing you got to master.. NOW post all your losing trades as well , for a change .. I post all my trades directly from the IB screen why donot you DO what I do and prove you can make a dime from the market

PS Anyone looking at what happened to that total 2000 over night trade KLAC (and no "hedge" was shown) will see it went 53c into loss after the open, a losing position of - $1060
Still, "luck" as grey calls it got it back into the black - or perhaps profit was pre-ordained " just hold it long enough" ! ;-) lol
I always like closing out my losing trades for very small losses, but hey I like stop losses and trailing stops ;-)

Simple My volaitly model catered for the loss ,, a simple as that ,, As you could see the postion returned a profit of £1200 ish Not bad and I donot even have to travel to people house and charge them for ur fees,, learn to make money out of market not from people ,,

In fact the volatilty model could have let the trade to go 1.15 below open before going into profit,, SIMPLE now you can understand

IN some of my swing trade the model might let the envelope to open up to 10% before returning into profit ..

This is some thing you got to master.. NOW post all your losing trades as well , for a change .. I post all my trades directly from the IB screen why donot you DO what I do and prove you can make a dime from the market

And, yes of course I'd like to have been in the trade much earlier, but I wasn't looking at the stock eariier - but hey, let's not be greedy ;-)
I never chase a stock, but if the momentum is still running and all my triggers say take the trade I will, but with a very tight stop based on momentum - and hey, I do not use TA momentum indicators. Price action is all, though sometimes volume does too.

I don't get angry and frustrated if I cannot immediately see what someone else is doing - that is not the mark of a good trader. My reaction is professional curiosity, so no-one should get upset or irritated when they look at my trades. Stay healthy folks. Anger is self destructive.
There will be no more posts from me for a little while but I shall post again later in the month.
And to all the momentum traders out there, including all those in the 4367 views on my private site on Friday, "keep your motor runnin' ", but stay very safe !

PS Like food, not all momentum is healthy - "a time and a place for every purpose under heaven" ;-)
Are you going to Answer why you took 800 shares intwo different trades or AVOIDING the question .

You see the problem with you is that you have in the past shorted stocks which has been un shortable , you have got in at a price which was not available to human lol and now you donot want to explain why you took two trade same share size,,,,

I have said this before .. Traders on this BB must avoid your courses at all cost because of lack of know ledge and hope people on this BB realise MORE MOMENTUM = MORE REWARD IS A RUBBUSH and a none techncial statement and dangerous to NEW BIES.The statement above is just to wet newbies appetite for his course,, I go on to repair some of the damages you have done to people $$$ in coming days by inviting them to my house (like before ) and show them how things will be done propelry and no cow boy job either

PS:__ as far as KLACK trade is concerend i was going to only have 912 KLACk for three days hence not closing into next day but decided to add another 912 and close during the day . Hence my two trades and as you saw it was an awesome trade. ( my stochastic volatility model has uses +,- 0. 975 SD to reduce risk hence 1000 instead 912) .. it might be years before you understand these issues Richard but I am sure there are others on this BB who do have such knowledge )
I wonder whether it is worth posting anything more about this subject for fear of not being called a "proper trader" by Grey1 as I do not follow a mathematical volatility position sizing model. I wonder whether Naz would also be classed as this as he is also a momentum trader.

Well, I will try and explain again.

I base my stops on technical levels and prior bars low/high. If a stock has an ATR of 0.25, so what! I'm interested in whether a pivot level will break and my stop loss will be based on the current or prior bar. E.g. the low of that bar (if LONG) is 0.08 cents away. That's my stop. If the breakout level doesn't break, I'm not going to hand around, and get chopped up so I'm out with an 8 cent loss or even smaller. I can always enter again when it breaks for real.

My risk is always defined before, so max risk per trade is for example $100 and my position size is therefore 1,250 shares (100 / 0.08).

If the low of that bar is 0.25 cents away, but the ATR is 0.40, my stop will be 0.25, so position size will be, based on $100 risk, 400 shares.

So I do use the volatility of the instrument to calculate my position size and of course my stop is going to be different with different stocks based on how they are setting up. If for example they are forming a tight base my stop will be below that base, maybe 3-5 cents or 10-30 cents if with a more volatile stock, but it depends on the stocks volatility at the end of the day.

One final point I would like to make. With momentum traders, we look to be in profit immediately, that's if you can read true momentum, so yes, you could say I have a 3 cent stop sometimes and a $2 target.

Long live momentum traders!

I wont technically reply to this post as you can do what ever you wish , You are not a coach and you are entitlted to do what ever you want to do with YOUR MONEY.. YOUR RESPONSIBILIY Just one thing lee,, Have you heard of the BUY THE RUMOUR SELL THE NEWS ? This statement has been going on for 100 s of years on WALL STREET , Now if you decide to BUY the NEWS and shout LONG LIVE Momentum Traders then it is your choice .

Are you going to Answer why you took 800 shares intwo different trades or AVOIDING the question .

You see the problem with you is that you have in the past shorted stocks which has been un shortable , you have got in at a price which was not available to human lol and now you donot want to explain why you took two trade same share size,,,,

I have said this before .. Traders on this BB must avoid your courses at all cost because of lack of know ledge and hope people on this BB realise MORE MOMENTUM = MORE REWARD IS A RUBBUSH and a none techncial statement and dangerous to NEW BIES.The statement above is just to wet newbies appetite for his course,, I go on to repair some of the damages you have done to people $$$ in coming days by inviting them to my house (like before ) and show them how things will be done propelry and no cow boy job either

PS:__ as far as KLACK trade is concerend i was going to only have 912 KLACk for three days hence not closing into next day but decided to add another 912 and close during the day . Hence my two trades and as you saw it was an awesome trade. ( my stochastic volatility model has uses +,- 0. 975 SD to reduce risk hence 1000 instead 912) .. it might be years before you understand these issues Richard but I am sure there are others on this BB who do have such knowledge )

Unbelievable, you are soo low!! You must have the brains of a fish. I've never seen someone as stupid as you. And now I AM attacking you, Grey1!
I puke on you.
Unbelievable how someone can be so relentless in thinking he has the only profitable approach. You must be a god. Well, you're a devil!
Puke Puke Puke

Yes, know that maxim very well. Amateurs buy/sell the news with no trade plan, whereas pro's carefully either fade the move or are in it before it hits the street. Hey listen, if I can ride their coat tails for as long as possible, with a well designed trade plan and be profitable with it, then you should respect that.

Good trading to all

I have challenged you before and so have other people,, POST YOUR LOSING TRADES . POST ALL YOUR TRADES FOR ONCE FROM IB SCREEN. do it for a week and show this BB that you are a Trader, I have done it for 6 month( on JERRY OLSEN THREAD) . Now you do it for a week . Are you going to do this favour to this BB or not lol Not too much to ask is it?

I will carry on and post ALL my trades including the losing ones as I have always done on this BB directly from the IB screen .

pS:-- I hope Trader Ali and other people who lost Tons of money warn others to avoid you at all costs. I really hope so ..