even newer than new!


Hi All,

I've been browsing the beginner threads etc. but it seems to me that even these presume some knowledge.

t2w really is my first stop. I'm not ready to read about systems etc yet. Can someone point me to an online article which is a jargon buster and will give me an outline?

Even the glossary in the First Steps Guide isn't really basic enough (!). What I mean is don't know what a contract for difference is, or swing trading etc.

I've got a lot of reading to do so I'd appreciate any advice on what to read first.

Sorry if this has been covered. Looks like I've found the right place to ask at least!!

to get a very basic handle on some of the products available have a look through some of the spreadbetter sites such as www.deal4free.com . They have some 'definitions' of the products and, in the case of D4F they also offer free seminar days which may be a good way for you to start to get some grasp of the subject without spending much money.

Other than that, ask away, the only stupid questions are those that don't get asked.

OK, sounds like the First Steps Guide might need some tweaking then.

What else would be useful? List anything and I'll do what I can to update it.

Go to stockcharts.com and press the chart school tab.
You can then get free training on most subjects and if there is a word or term you do not understand it is usually highlighted, press it and you will get a explanation. you can also use the charts on the site for free although they are for the USA market.

The one thing I dont understand is lol ?? it is in many postings, what dos it mean ??
Another way to get started without forking out a lot of dosh, go to www.clickevents.co.uk and get the " Stock market secrets revealed" V3 CD. I know the title is a bit tacky but the cd is a gem.

Start off with Beginners introduction to spread betting by J Bartlett and then T A by Mark Evans. both will give you a good grounding and have you paper trading within a week.

There are also a couple of lessons by A Rich on trading the Nasdaq 🙄 Save these for later

And all for about £11.00. cant be bad !
😀 lol = laughing out loud

rofl = rolling on floor laughing!! :cheesy:

roll on floor laughing my ass (a rse) off
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Anyway.... tsk, kids these days.

I'm a bit short on things to do this morning, so I've updated the First Steps Guide to include the following

"What is Spreadbetting?"
"What are Options?"
"What are Futures?"
"What are CFD's?"

Private Message waiting for Griffin68


While Buk gets off the floor theres a private message waiting for you 😀
rossored, very useful thanks for adding the info.

I shall be investigating all other suggestions here over the next few weeks. This forum is great!

Has anyone read Investing Online for Dummies by Kathleen Sindell?

I think this might be a good entry point for me. As I'm after a broad overview about how trading works, what the principles are, what the different markets are and the different natures of each market (i.e volatility etc.). After that I think I will have an idea about what kind of trading suits my personality.

I've always had an interest in sports spread betting but never ventured into it because I would find it hard to detatch myself emotionally from it. Having said that I was also thinking about looking at the markets in sports that I don't care about such as gridiron.
griffin68 what an excellent thread.

I came in absolutely green just like you a few months ago. You have come to the best trading forum on the web.

It is a very difficult subject to pick up from nothing. Rossored has done a brilliant job with his beginners guide, but yes it could go further.

There is already a glossary in the guide but it needs filling out. I remember I posted a thread because I didn't know what a "tic" was. For experienced traders or long time forum members they don't even think about such terms, but for us beginners its real basic info such as this that can have us stumped. Trying to follow some of the threads was like reading double Dutch. For instance: What is a breakout? or an EMA? A brief description of the really basic simplistic terms would go a long way to helping us new starters.

We all had to start somewhere, a lot of people had help but a lot of us have started from scratch.

Remember, I bought Vinces workbook! (Yes, I know, I know!) But like or loath the bloke, if it hadn't have been for him indirectly, I wouldn't have found T2W.

Don't know whether the facility is still available but when I first joined t2w all the texts of the forum boards had a link to common words with a description of the word if I recall correctly. So if someone had put in their post the word "breakout" it would appear in red and you could click on it for a description of a breakout. You can set this in your user options if you dont already have it.
Demag, thanks for your comments, appreciated.

The guide is always meant to be a work in progress, as are all the other guides on the site.

It would be really great if people actually commented on the guide and said "could you do this?" or "do that!" because otherwise myself and the other Editors dont know whats missing! That goes for all the guides, not just First Steps/Techies Corner.

So, to any other newbies out there wondering what a "abcdef" is (no smart-ass PM's now asking me what one of those is!) please either ask on the thread or PM me so I can put it in the guide!!
How about making the Guide stand out a bit more?
