Evening all, a little help please....

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i am on for the agreeing to disagree!

but who knows - we could still be going at this on my 1000th - but i am sure you are hooked on aussitrader - i am gonna be you basis for aussitrader anonymous - every time you feel like giving him money - send me an email - and i will beat up on you! who knows - i may even give you a few tips about how to make money in the markets for real - and all free!

fair dinkum!
It's not about trading....

stevet said:

but i am sure you are hooked on aussitrader - fair dinkum!

Wow - I now have my own cult 😈 all addicted to Aussietrader through nefarious mind control techniques. There is actually a subliminal message in this message that will ultimately take over your thought processes and ensure you become an aussie automaton. How else do you think a country with only a fraction of your population wins so many Olympic medals? This is not about trading - it is about world domination HA HA HA HA 😈

Seriously - thanks for the positive comments and stevet you have every right to be a sceptic considering how many charletons are out there. I don't consider myself one of those, just a bloke with some information that others find helpful. BTW - I do actually trade profitably EOD and make a living from it but it is not as much fun as world domination!!

Have a great day,
Aussie sporting process is easily explained when you remember the place is almost completely toxic.

It’s natural selection at work: if you can’t run or leap or swim you’ll be stung by a funnel web or eaten by a great White, simple really. 😱

Roll on the Ashes? 😎



Besides, I think we do a better line in scammers than the Aussies - Here's one of Vince's new sites: http://www.seminardetails.co.uk :!:

you are quite correct. However, what we can't out run. leap or swim we simply smash with a bat made of willow! Roll on the Ashes indeed.

We had a great scammer of our own. No it wasn't Peter Foster - the guy who pinched your page 3 girl, your PM's guruess and sold you diet water - this guys name is Henry Kaye. For 30K he would teach you how to get rich in property. After 2 years and thousands of attendees his company went broke. Now sunning himself in the resorts of the world from the 'management fees' no doubt.

During the peak of the property boom, clients only wanted to talk about investment in property. Meanwhile, one of my funds got 70% for the year being long only equities. Now the punters want shares again probably a good time to be in cash or short!


good comments re public sentiment - but when you say - one of your funds - you mean a fund for whom you are the sole trader - or a fund you put money into - and was it a fund investing in small caps or?
Hi Stevet,

I am the sole trader for two long only equity funds. One is a large cap mandate for a concentrated portfolio of 'blue chip' companies. The other is a small cap portfolio. Both are long only and measure perfrmance versus the index benchmarks. As example, the large cap folio achieved 27% for year to 30/June versus benchmark of 19%. The small caps achieved 70% versus benchmark of 40%.

Unfortunately we cant use any leverege, options, go short or use other enhancements to tweak performance but people seem happy anyway.

quick (genuine) question...might one ask why Paul Williams is marketing/selling ur book..and not u?
Fair Question,

Firstly, I have always believed that self praise is no praise and a third part endorsement is better. Paul was instrumental in encouraging me to write the book and he is happy to market it. The entire 'go public' with this book was Pauls idea - I was happy to restrict it to clients and friends. Anyway, am glad he did

Secondly, the entire VS hate squad going on in the UK is kind of scary. I'd hate to have my name treated like his is. I know, I know - don't make BS promises and you will be okay but someone will always decry the cost, the method or the author. I don't really want that. When people buy the book I give them all the support I can because I genuinely want them to accelerate their learning which I think my book does.
Trading books are expensive and it is easy for more experienced traders to condemn those who write manuals and sell them for profit. The thing is that books (like mine and others) can really give you a few years of instant education. This really is beneficial to so many people as it helps them avoid trading losses and make bigger profits.

I'd love to put my name to a great sales page, and I did for a while but it didn't work nearly as well. Pursuasive copy works and the best copy is VS (imho) but the problem is that in order to have effective copy, one generally needs to make a host of claims . These can often be the source of angst and I want to avoid that.

Thirdly, there are some practical considerations. The jury is still out in Australia about the tax free status of spread betting. The tax office has promised a ruling for two years but not delivered one because - I think - of pressure from other product issuers (warrants etc).

Also I am a professional adviser and spread betting is new here so telling people you can make money from gambling on spreads is a 'bit odd'. My position is that if people want to trade, and believe me they do, then Spreads offer the most flexible means for the regular person to make money trading. As a position trader, futures require too much capital for most and spreads allow really small bets. If I was day trading I wouldn't use them.

However, all that said, I am not trying to be secret, just a bit protective of my privacy. As selling books is not a multi million dallar business for me it is always wise to be prudent. No good having your name and motives attacked to make a few extra grand per month.

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why cant you go short or use derviatives for income profit and as protection? - anyone in a long only fund like that is on a one way ticket to losses
It is all to do with the mandates. We have private and institutional investors that place money with my firm to fulfill specific mandates. I agree that thisis not the best way to manage money, hence the formation of my own 'hedge' fund in the works. But most of the worlds money for retail investors is in long only equity funds.

The worst thing about insto investors and managers is that as long as they beat the benchmark they are happy - it keeps the mandates in place! ho cares if fund falls 30% as long as benchmark falls more then we still get our fees. It is a totally c**p way to manage money yet that is how it is mostly done. Wrong but popular - the crowds will wake up eventually.

I am sure we could attract mandates for a long/short fund but it is not fitting with the conservative nature of the firm I work for. Things may change though stevet -

ok, and if you can trade - just trade your own bucks or do it for a prop shop - why waste time trading for a fund which in the end is only going to lose everyone money and you make didly anyway

all the best with the book and your hedge fund

I have never enjoyed trading full time on my own account. Yes, it has been successful but not enjoyable.

The fund is essentially a prop shop and quite frankly the pay is great but still unsatisfying. As I said previously, nothing is forever and changes are likely afoot.

I am also chairman of a local footabll club and toadday we made the grand final for the first time in 24 years - forgive my spellin errors but htey are blamed by Fosters ;-)


Can you guys help.
I took the plunge and ordered the Principles of Profit workbook from the above site.
However mis-read everything and didn't realise that i had to follow the link in the receipt email to download it.

So consequently i now am £137 lighter and no workbook
Can someone shed some light perhaps on contact details for who need to speak to regarding this issue.

Perhaps even AussieTrader himself.

Cheers guys

Send them an email as I am sure they will help you, or send a PM to Aussietrader.


send me an email (link is in the email you received) with your order number and I will ensure you can access the product.


Hey Parish,

did you get any loving from Aussietrader? - meaning did you finally get your book

Meat eaters deep fry vegetarians - they taste better that way
Basically Aussie what we wanna know is if you'll place our trades for us
That's all

We'll split the profits 70-30

Hows that sound??

Yes i did get my book and it'f fantastic i love it.
Tried printing it though - which took about 4 hours on my little cannn bubble jet!

only 200 pages!!!

It's very concise and comes with some helpful extras. Just need now to sit down and read it and save my pocket money for my first trade.

Hi Parish,

Really pleased that you are enjoying the Principles of Profit workbook.

As to your first question - I won't be placing the trades for you despite your attractive offer of the profit split. Trust me, you'll be better off in the long run doing it for yourself.

The book was designed to help traders learn the principles that make a trader profitable and show them a method for making profits trading financial spreads. I know this method works because I use it myself as the base of all my financial spread trading.

You will be much better off learning from it, using the principles it contains and adapting over time to suit your trading personality.

Of course I am pleased to help in any way with any questions you may have and next time I'm in the UK (might be later this year) be pleased to meet with you personally and give you any assistance you need.

Thanks again for the good feedback.
