EURUSD - next 6-12 months

here is what i am looking at:

Employment and inflation has been ticking up. Inflation is relatively correlated with crude prices and with the agreement globally to reduce production is a huge development which will accelerate inflationary pressure in H1 next year. I follow the USA closely and although there is growth it isn't the strength there that merits this dollar interest. What we have here is a typical case of over reaction in the markets. The rate hike was priced in and the shoots of recovery are not strong enough to back the extension. NFP private has actually been decreasing on average over the year while government NFP has been increasing on average. Manufacturing has been recovering at a very slow pace. Youth unemployment is rising and wage growth has been slow. Look it was enough of a recovery that lead me to get into the dollar trade in the first place but it's now run its course.

If anyone thinks the Fed is going to raise rates 3 times next year i should point them to the fact that they said 4 hikes in 2016 and every month was a letdown due to slow growth and we only have 1. In other words, if they raise it 3 more times next year ill eat a well used pair of socks.

there there are trickles of shoots like this all over the place:

- Goldman Sachs upgraded European banks to overweight in their asset allocation for 2017
- "We are ending our two-year cautious European Banks stance," J.P. Morgan analysts wrote
- At the start of 2016, investors all but threw in the towel on the European banking sector. Stocks dropped to 2008 crisis-era lows as investors braced themselves for years of litigation problems, ultra-low interest rates and grinding restructuring plans.Bank of America Merrill Lynch's December fund manager survey showed allocations to bank stocks surging to record highs, with a net 31% of fund managers overweight on the sector's stocks.

As for Italy, the government is ready to back struggling banks so there really isn't any risk of them going bust.The EU -JunkFace has said they will step in if needed. The real risk here is Greece who seem to be at odds with their monster debt but ultimately Greece has 11 million people and is 19th in size of economy.

Whatever the trough is going to be, we can't be far from it.

The middle image is PMI

Good info and data there (y)

Here is my tuppance worth, the way I understand it.

Fed said they were watching two key indicators and long term speel was decision to raise rates was going to be based on the data.

1. Unemployment had to be < 6% (currently 4.6%)
2. Contain inflationary pressures (currently @ 1.7%)

We passed the 6% unemployment level quite some time back and inflation is gaining pace so Fed is well placed after a very long time to raise rates.

The curve ball is Trump and his plans for infrastructure spending/funding. Analyst have pencilled in 6 trillion give away in tax breaks.

Trump also talking about repealing Frank Dodd regs, that's why Banks getting ahead of them selves.

I concur with sentiments about the recovery being not as strong as reported. If all that money keeps flowing in with infrastructure spending then yes things will chug along as before.

With respect to number of times Fed to raise rates, I wouldn't like to go against the Fed. Compared to US, EU and UK have uphill struggle sorting them selves out. Hence, possible upside to the dollar. Especially so if senate approves Trump tax breaks.

Three ingredients go into making the swing trade from my perspective;

1. FA
2. TA &
3. On going news & data

I would also watch bond prices and yields. US raising rates and value of dollar is going to be really taxing on emerging countries who've sold bonds in dollars. Payback is going to be ball busting to some. Then there is the Yen carry trades to watch again which will provide another upside to the dollar.

Lot's going on, checks and balances from my pov. (y)
Euro breached 1.0370s.

Fear in peoples minds may take it lower. 1.02s perhaps. :whistling
Euro breached 1.0370s.

Fear in peoples minds may take it lower. 1.02s perhaps. :whistling

It is hilarious how irrational the markets are looking at the $ at the moment. You'd think they raised it by .50 and plan another .25 in Jan. Yesterday Yellen regurgitated modest wage growth and the markets piled in. Rational ? when this data was already out there! I am not trading with much leverage in this position and will keep loading up at intervals up to a good position size. I can handle parity and lower without blowing myself up. The more irrational people are, the more i'll load up. When people wake up and realize they have been putting lipstick on a 5\10 pig then the profits will start coming and given that no election risk puts Europe into a tangle, i'll be riding this right up to fair value. The data supports it, people are obviously too focused on hype than facts. Wait until Trump starts implementing controversial policies that's going to shock the markets.
It is hilarious how irrational the markets are looking at the $ at the moment. You'd think they raised it by .50 and plan another .25 in Jan. Yesterday Yellen regurgitated modest wage growth and the markets piled in. Rational ? when this data was already out there! I am not trading with much leverage in this position and will keep loading up at intervals up to a good position size. I can handle parity and lower without blowing myself up. The more irrational people are, the more i'll load up. When people wake up and realize they have been putting lipstick on a 5\10 pig then the profits will start coming and given that no election risk puts Europe into a tangle, i'll be riding this right up to fair value. The data supports it, people are obviously too focused on hype than facts. Wait until Trump starts implementing controversial policies that's going to shock the markets.

Just don't get married to it m8 :)
So there we go, the massive reaction the regurgitation of wage growth by Yellen (known information) while the data points to the soft side. I will state this again if they raise rates 3 times next year i will eat a well used sock.

Unemployment Claims actual=275K expected=255K prev=254K
Personal Spending m/m actual= 0.2% extected= 0.4% prev= 0.4%
Core PCE Price Index m/m actual=0.0% extected=0.1% prev=0.1%
Personal Income m/m actual=0.0% expected=0.3% prev=0.5%

The USA recovery is modest at best and this $ strength is fueled by stupidity. Yes there needed to be some regain in strength in the $ but not to the extent that has been seen in the last few weeks.
So there we go, the massive reaction the regurgitation of wage growth by Yellen (known information) while the data points to the soft side. I will state this again if they raise rates 3 times next year i will eat a well used sock.

Unemployment Claims actual=275K expected=255K prev=254K
Personal Spending m/m actual= 0.2% extected= 0.4% prev= 0.4%
Core PCE Price Index m/m actual=0.0% extected=0.1% prev=0.1%
Personal Income m/m actual=0.0% expected=0.3% prev=0.5%

The USA recovery is modest at best and this $ strength is fueled by stupidity. Yes there needed to be some regain in strength in the $ but not to the extent that has been seen in the last few weeks.

The old saying, markets can be irrational far longer than we can remain solvent.

If we look at potential for further USD strength and continued EUR weakness then fundamentals probably take a back seat.

New wave of optimism will continue stateside given Trumps election (even if it is all hot air) versus more of the same policies that are delivering nothing in the EU.

Political risk stateside is minimal whereas the Eurozone has it all in front of them.

Just a couple of reasons why weakness could continue, even accelerate in the Eurozone.

Even the tiny rallies in EURUSD are being sold into from my chart observations.
Added last portion to position at 1.0350 so there are 4 parts to this trade.
All equal stake


Good luck Forker, As before I see 1.07-1.08 and perhaps even 1.10 as strong resistance. You were more than right with USDJPY.

I have a long bias too but mine are usually quick scalps off the 1-5min charts as and when.

I do feel as before there is greater chance/probability of an upward move than down for the Euro. Dollar is over cooked. Rates will only rise if inflation rises and even then it'll mean the currency will depreciate wrt inflation and a deteriating BofP. So on balance fundamentals are with you imo.

Just like to see the back of Brexit and election uncertainty for a major entry. (y)
Thanks mate. I am always nervous about timing these things but you have to just get on with it. Reading today on reuters a comment from a German economist that's president of the IFO institute for economic research.

The ECB has been pouring money into the euro zone economy in an attempt to boost inflation from a near-deflationary level, and Tuesday's strong data intensified calls from fiscal conservatives to start reversing the ECB's stimulus.

"This jump in inflation is a signal to exit from the ECB's expansive monetary policy," Ifo chief Clemens Fuest told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. "If these figures are confirmed for the euro zone as a whole (on Wednesday), the ECB should end the bond buy program in March 2017

Politicians from Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative CDU/CSU bloc echoed Fuest's call


The ECB are about to be between a rock and a hard place with their policy in regard to inflation. They have extended it until the end of the year and their forecasts for inflation are much smaller. If momentum continues I think by March they will have to alter their policy if this continues. Tomorrow is going to feed more evidence to the saga.
Thanks mate. I am always nervous about timing these things but you have to just get on with it. Reading today on reuters a comment from a German economist that's president of the IFO institute for economic research.

The ECB has been pouring money into the euro zone economy in an attempt to boost inflation from a near-deflationary level, and Tuesday's strong data intensified calls from fiscal conservatives to start reversing the ECB's stimulus.

"This jump in inflation is a signal to exit from the ECB's expansive monetary policy," Ifo chief Clemens Fuest told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. "If these figures are confirmed for the euro zone as a whole (on Wednesday), the ECB should end the bond buy program in March 2017

Politicians from Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative CDU/CSU bloc echoed Fuest's call


The ECB are about to be between a rock and a hard place with their policy in regard to inflation. They have extended it until the end of the year and their forecasts for inflation are much smaller. If momentum continues I think by March they will have to alter their policy if this continues. Tomorrow is going to feed more evidence to the saga.

I don't think they'll rock the boat with elections up ahead. Maybe towards Qtr3-4???
I don't think they'll rock the boat with elections up ahead. Maybe towards Qtr3-4???
They might not have a choice. The ECB has one objective and that is to maintain balance of growth and inflation. Right now they are so far removed from it you'd think these retards seen this coming.... I am just an average bloke and I seen it coming. Look globally and recovery is showing all over in different doses. We might have a surprise announcement from th ECB in coming months.
They might not have a choice. The ECB has one objective and that is to maintain balance of growth and inflation. Right now they are so far removed from it you'd think these retards seen this coming.... I am just an average bloke and I seen it coming. Look globally and recovery is showing all over in different doses. We might have a surprise announcement from th ECB in coming months.

Do you expect any surprise announcement from ECB? It's too quite now.
Do you expect any surprise announcement from ECB? It's too quite now.
It all hangs off inflation numbers and how fast it might be increasing. If today we see a deviation in the numbers to the upside then I can't see how they can continue their QE program until the end on the year.
It all hangs off inflation numbers and how fast it might be increasing. If today we see a deviation in the numbers to the upside then I can't see how they can continue their QE program until the end on the year.

Easy, tapering. :idea:

They've even said so. How long will it take to end QE if they taper off by €10bn a month, subject to desired data? Same as Fed approach.

They'll make some flexible announcement subject to data and decide whether to invoke tapering for that month or not. They can stretch it out as long as they like imo. Same as Fed.

Some are saying with all the elections, this is an ideal time whilst QE is available to embark on infrastructure spending.:rolleyes:
All equal stake


I know it's not my trade, but is just bothers me and I'm not seeing the upside in it. :LOL:
So my concerns are based mainly on price n time, also the swift price rejections (marked) and back into overall trend.


  • Eur-Usd-daily.png
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I know it's not my trade, but is just bothers me and I'm not seeing the upside in it. [emoji38]
So my concerns are based mainly on price n time, also the swift price rejections (marked) and back into overall trend.
You need to think of this as something that is going to take time to develop. This position might be open for many months. It takes time to get your head around long term positions because you can never really nail the timing right. My last trade in this category took over a month to turn and I consider that good timing. I feel that price at this level is cheap considering:

-QE tapering or ending in EU has not been priced in
-The velocity of inflation has been slightly underestimated
-Global recovery seems to be developing