Europe's Liberation Started With Brexit

Clearly I am arguing a point people can't comprehend and therefore I bow out from discussing this further.
Clearly I am arguing a point people can't comprehend and therefore I bow out from discussing this further.

Join the club. Arguing a point does not solve anything. It would take more money than any nation is willing to share to make a dent in all that misery.

For all the millions trying to get accepted into Europe, now, there are many millions more behind them.

You have seen photos of the fence in Hungary? There is another one in Ceuta, that Spain has put up. Trump has made a fanfare about a wall. The UK is going to put one up in Dover. I believe. The UK is an island, for heaven's sake, but that is what I see in the future, unfortunately.
Most who are genuine refugees are in places like Jordan and Turkey. They cross over to the nearest border to get away from war.

The ones who are in Europe and borders of Calais are clearly economic migrants. They pay literally $000s dollars to get a lift. They are chancers.

I do agree, however, that this is all the creation of the Western super powers. Syria has a strong regime and good governance. Giving into every tribal, religious factions in the ME is madness. Place will turn into another Afghanistan with chieftains and war lords running each village unable to agree about how many wifes they are entitled to.

Very surprising to hear criticism of Cameron on Libya and here we are repeating the same old turd with Syria after effing up Iraq.

These issues are of no consequence. Millions can die and business will go on.

The strategy is to remove all strong governments in the ME (divide and conquer). Once gas and oil flows through Syria and into the Med, Russia will take a another hit on its BoP as gas sales along with oil and falling gold prices impact her economy and thus war machine. EU will secure its energy supplies for the next 20-30 years and life will go on as before. :!:
I can't see how immigration officials, no matter how many there are, are going to tell the difference between one, or the other, among all those people. Thousands are drowning, all the time, trying to get into Italy from Libya. they have to be risking their necks for some reason, it is the ultimate sacrifice.

I do blame Merkel for this present crisis, though. She said that Germany could give them jobs. The Germans made her change her mind and, now, the Balkan states are getting the stick for the consequences. This is the result of a plan not thought properly through.
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The ME needs more birth control, self control and fewer kids. Apparently sub Saharan Africa is even worse. But of course they can colonise Europe when they grow up. 2 per family.
Pat, these people are so poor that the only pleasure they can get out of life is screwing. You tell me what else they have?

The Indian government gave away free condoms, once. I don't know how that turned out but when I was out there they 450 million people. I believe that they have produced a few more since then.
Pat, these people are so poor that the only pleasure they can get out of life is screwing. You tell me what else they have?

The Indian government gave away free condoms, once. I don't know how that turned out but when I was out there they 450 million people. I believe that they have produced a few more since then.

Over population is getting to be a big problem. Minor wars aren't enough to control numbers either. Wild life is fast disappearing as agriculture takes over. Where should the animals go ? To extinction ?
The decent people like Merkel only make it worse, letting in unwanted millions.
Looks like castration after 2 may be the only solution left. Sounds dire but...........

P.S. those extra millions in India can't all be Splitt's kids, can they ?
Looks like Germany's dream of a European Empire is coming true. But even so the debts of Greece etc. could put them off the idea.
Europe will make Brexit “very painful” and ensure Britain is worse off outside the EU, Slovakia’s premier has said, as he dismissed the UK’s confidence about divorce talks as “bluff”.

Robert Fico gave voice to the truculent mood in eastern Europe over Britain’s post-Brexit privileges, saying Britain would not be allowed to make EU workers “second class citizens” while continuing to enjoy the benefits of Europe’s single market.

“It will be very difficult for the UK, very difficult,” he said in an interview with the Financial Times, “The EU will take this opportunity to show the public: ‘listen guys, now you will see why it is important to stay in the EU’. This will be the position.”

While expressing his “respect” for Theresa May, UK prime minister, he pitied her predicament and dismissed the idea that the allure of Britain’s economy would make the EU bend to its Brexit demands.
Pat, these people are so poor that the only pleasure they can get out of life is screwing. You tell me what else they have?

The Indian government gave away free condoms, once. I don't know how that turned out but when I was out there they 450 million people. I believe that they have produced a few more since then.

I guess you may have been out there 30-40 years ago and the population has tripled since to 1.2 billion. So in another 30-40 years we can estimate it to be about tripled again, at 3.6 billion !

The UN better get their tiny minds around this problem too. They can;t all come to Europe.
Europe will make Brexit “very painful” and ensure Britain is worse off outside the EU, Slovakia’s premier has said, as he dismissed the UK’s confidence about divorce talks as “bluff”.

Robert Fico gave voice to the truculent mood in eastern Europe over Britain’s post-Brexit privileges, saying Britain would not be allowed to make EU workers “second class citizens” while continuing to enjoy the benefits of Europe’s single market.

“It will be very difficult for the UK, very difficult,” he said in an interview with the Financial Times, “The EU will take this opportunity to show the public: ‘listen guys, now you will see why it is important to stay in the EU’. This will be the position.”

While expressing his “respect” for Theresa May, UK prime minister, he pitied her predicament and dismissed the idea that the allure of Britain’s economy would make the EU bend to its Brexit demands.

If there's one thing the Brits don't like, it's being threatened. It's not our psyche. And for this to come from eastern Europeans, who know only too well from their post-war experience what this means, is a bit rich. Not surprised this appeared in the FT - anything well left of centre appeals to them - bit like Radio Guardian (BBC).
At some point in the future we will all be eating green biscuits as in the film Soylent Green.

It won't happen in my lifetime, or probably many lifetimes after that, but at some point.......