Euro Daily Trader

The best thing about this EA I found is its money management to secure some pips on consistent basis. The spotting of trade direction is not that important to me because I have seen even the best combination of indicators often gives a totally wrong signal.

I don't see an eventual failure of this system if a person can have the patience to bear a bit of drawdown sometime which is common in any kind of systems available in this world.
The best thing about this EA I found is its money management to secure some pips on consistent basis. The spotting of trade direction is not that important to me because I have seen even the best combination of indicators often gives a totally wrong signal.

I don't see an eventual failure of this system if a person can have the patience to bear a bit of drawdown sometime which is common in any kind of systems available in this world.

Actually the success of the system turned a corner for the better with EA improvements in and since December. It is shown graphically here by the average pips gained in the latest 50 rolling days. And if the Christmas week had been avoided the dip out of which it has been climbing would have been less severe


Concerning the Friday Early Close which seems to have caught a lot out this last weekend.

Brokers will have informed their customers if their platforms were closing earlier than usual last week. The reason for this is as follows:

For 95% of Brokers, the closing of Forex platforms on Friday evenings, is timed to be one hour after the closing of the New York Forex exchange. This happens at 22:00 London time as the New York exchange closes at 21:00 London time. This is why, for 99% of EDT users, the Friday setting "EarlyCloseOffset" parameter is set to "4" it is the difference between when the trade opens (18:00 London) and when the platform closes (22:00 London).

However, at this time of year clocks around the world move to summer time and unfortunately they do not all do so on the same day. The USA moved their clocks forward one hour on Sunday 11th March 2012 whilst the UK will not move their clocks forward until 25th March. This means that for two weeks, there is one hour less time difference between New York and London.

If the Forex Brokers decide to keep to their rule of closing their platforms on Friday nights one hour after the NY exchange closes, it follows that as far as London time is concerned, NY will close at 20:00 London for this two weeks (instead of 21:00) and the platforms will close at 21:00 London for this two weeks (instead of 22:00).

In order not to get caught out again next Friday, EDT users should alter the setting on the EarlyCloseOffset by one hour. e.g. if it is normally set at "4" it should be changed to "3" and so on.

Please do not forget to change this setting back after this week's Friday trade, as the UK clocks go forward one hour on the 25th March and the time difference returns to normal.

Hope that is clear.

The Forex Club
Hi Blackstick. Good luck with the system. It has to be looked at over a period of about 6 weeks, during which timescale it would be very unusual not to have made a capital gain. Single weeks in isolation are not meaningful.

Unfortunately it has been a lean month so far, and I would ascribe it largely to the clock change with the USA which is mentioned on this page. Why the major countries of the world don't have synchronisation in all this beats me!
Thank you for the welcome. I now have everything set up and have had a NT and SL so far this week. I have also set up the email notification which all seems to be working fine. Starting off with fixed lots but will change to % lots as and when confidence grows.
Currently this forex market seems to act like a lunatic

I haven't had a full win for about a month, and my score is no worse than the official. The drawdown seems worsening and it's loss after loss, which all causes a fear as to whether the market behaviour has changed for the long term or whether this is just a temporary blip. It's still possible for the month to end at least with break even but to do this would require a couple instant wins and occasional +9 rolled in over the next week and a bit....
Pretty miserable week that I'm sure we are all glad to see the back of.

Lots of talk about whether the clock changes this time of year are affecting the system and it has been pointed out in several private emails that we had a similar draw down just prior to the UK clock change last October so I just thought I would address this.

If this summertime change were affecting the system, it would be the periods when the US and UK are "out of sync" that need to be looked at. Last October / November, the "affected" week would have been October 30th (when UK clocks were put back) to November 6th (when US clocks were put back). If you look at the results from that week on the website, we had 2 wins of 39 pips, 2 losses of 19 pips and one No Trade. So a "perfect" week for the system in fact, ending with a 40 pip gain.

We did look at this anomaly very carefully when first testing the system and we found that the system relies on the closing time London Forex Exchange rather than the New York Forex exchange. That said, there are only a maximum of 15 trades a year affected by this (10 in spring and 5 in autumn) which to be realistic is too small a sample to reach a definitive conclusion either way.

The Forex Club
Pretty miserable week that I'm sure we are all glad to see the back of.

Lots of talk about whether the clock changes this time of year are affecting the system and it has been pointed out in several private emails that we had a similar draw down just prior to the UK clock change last October so I just thought I would address this.

If this summertime change were affecting the system, it would be the periods when the US and UK are "out of sync" that need to be looked at. Last October / November, the "affected" week would have been October 30th (when UK clocks were put back) to November 6th (when US clocks were put back). If you look at the results from that week on the website, we had 2 wins of 39 pips, 2 losses of 19 pips and one No Trade. So a "perfect" week for the system in fact, ending with a 40 pip gain.

We did look at this anomaly very carefully when first testing the system and we found that the system relies on the closing time London Forex Exchange rather than the New York Forex exchange. That said, there are only a maximum of 15 trades a year affected by this (10 in spring and 5 in autumn) which to be realistic is too small a sample to reach a definitive conclusion either way.

The Forex Club

Hi, I would dearly love 2 3 or more wins to end the month with better feelings.

My take on the thing about clock changes is to say that at 18:00 EDT is active when the London markets are 'closed' and NY is still open. Consequently I think the deserved result comes from trading according to the NY clock.

Fingers crossed for a good week starting monday.
Trade time after UK clock change:

Today, many Broker platforms will have a different time relative to London time than they did last week. A few Brokers, e.g. Alpari UK and GKFX (Smart Live Markets) adjust their platforms to follow the UK adjustment for summertime, but most Brokers do not. So how does this affect EDT?

As you know, the EDT EA has an auto adjustment setting which will set the trade time for you correctly, and your trade time will already have been adjusted for you. For example, for those of you using Pepperstone, IBFX and ThinkForex (and others) you may have noticed that the onscreen "London Offset" is showing one hour different than it was last week. This is correct and despite what the indicator "time to next trade" may say, your trade will start at the correct time today. However, obviously it is better if the indicator is correctly set as well.

So what you need to do now, is adjust the EDT indicator to match (as described in the manual). So open the indicator box, and if necessary change the LondonBrokerOffset to match the London Offset on your screen. This will move the blue line to show the correct time to the next trade.

In the next EA upgrade, we will try and change this indicator function so there will be no confusion next year.

The Forex Club
We all need a win guys

However the remarkable thing to say is that since the last TP (nearly 5 weeks ago - yikes!) there have been the occasional mercies of +9s on BE resets and in theory one is only 35 pips down - which the next TP will restore.

If we were using older versions of the software the picture would be much worse, so well done for the improvement, we just hope the market will do what it used to do, and give us a boost.


Update. 20:40pm. Sorry, words fail, another bad day. down 54pips since the last win which was 5 weeks ago. (The +9s have partly redeemed the situation). The market is still behaving like a drunken lunatic. I wonder if this is the worst period not only since the daily log started (1 June) but maybe in months before that detail was recorded. And it would have been worse with v1.
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Still waiting for my first full TP but the markets do seem somewhat erratic at the moment. Let's hope April brings a shower of pips!:cheesy:
I wish I could understand why the market was so unfavourable, and wish I had the confidence that this is only a temporary thing. We are at a stage where a lot of people have decided to switch it off, and yet part of me says they will miss a recovery, this thing can surely never go into terminal decline? However the reality is that it has still given up growth it got up to 3 months ago. - 3 or 4 wins would make a world of difference.
Also I still think a slightly better result (fewer losses) for the midde two weeks March might have been had for trading 1 hour sooner because of the NY clocks not then having changed.
It feels like a critical time for the future of the system, I just hope it soon improves.
50day MA, since 1/Jan. Don't we wish it would go north again 😴

I wonder if Mike has any enlightening comments for everyones benefit as to what was going on in the markets in March?


EDT was about 120 pips down in March, sadly its worst month in all my back tests

By comparison, FMT, which is a morning GBPUSD momentum system which once had a lot going for it has lost about 170 pips using current recommended settings.


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    50d ma edt v4.0.JPG
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Yep Wise, some motivational words from Mike might be appropriate. I must be a Jonah. March was the month I waded in at 4% risk and guess what - the EA tanks big time. Mike, I guess/hope you must be conducting some kind of autopsy? Have market conditions changed such that a) the EA doesn't work any more?; and/or b) you have been/are back testing an updated version that would weather these kind of storms..?
I would like to address the questions and theories that have been made concerning the March results. I know that I am on risky ground here, as I'm quite sure that someone will read this and realising that it's coming from the system vendors, will make a comment along the lines that this is just a bunch of excuses. There are also the commercial considerations in that although we want to try and be as frank as possible, we don't want to give away all our secrets. But here we go anyway.

Firstly I would like to say that having closely examined the past 12 months, we are absolutely convinced that there was a big change in the Forex market around the beginning of October 2011. Much larger swings in currency prices have been evident since October, in particular affecting currency pairs linked to the Euro of which EURUSD is the biggest. We are convinced that the Euro crises in the EEC, heightened by the Greek crises was the main factor in this.

At the time that we went live with EDT in the summer of last year, we were also testing another system that was showing similar promise. However, we had only tested 2 months forward data on that system and decided to give it another 2 or 3 months of live tests before releasing it. That system, which is connected to a completely different currency pair to EDT took a complete dive from mid-October onwards and we have now abandoned it altogether.

There have been the usual comments about the dangers of curve fitting when designing a system and I would like to say that we are fully aware of this danger. In order to avoid this, we use a completely different set of data (in terms of dates) when optimising settings for the EA, to the data used when running a profit test. To put this in the simplest terms I can, an example would be to use data from 2010 to optimise the parameter settings (TP, SL, BE, plus filters etc.) and then run a "forward" test on data from 2011 to see if the settings hold up.

With this in mind you can now realise why it would be very foolish to look at the results for March in isolation, change the parameter settings to "fit" those results better and then run that newly adjusted EA for April. That would be ludicrous. It would be a knee jerk reaction to the bad month and would be very unlikely to work in the medium to long term and would be only a matter of luck if it worked in the short term.

As mentioned earlier, study of the data in the second half of 2011 was showing much larger swings in the EURUSD daily prices, especially in the afternoon period when both the UK and US exchanges were open. As you know, in January 2012 we released v4.0 in which apart from the obvious changes that you could see to the system the EA indicators were adjusted and new filters introduced to try and combat these wilder swings. Last month saw a very unusual trend. After 2 months of relative "calm" we saw a return to these much greater daily swings with the price during the "main" trading hours (8am to 6pm) showing large rises or falls but over the month the price has barely changed.

Since November, we have been working on other filters that would try and combat these larger swings, but December and January did not experience these swings and our forward runs over those periods only showed a slight improvement. We now however have March results and we can now run our results from 2011 October/November 2011 results over the March 2012 data. This is happening as I write this and if something shows that would give us an improvement without damaging the long term effect of the EA, it shall be implemented.

EDT has had similar drawdowns in October and November but because of the high profit/loss ratio of more than 2:1 has recovered much more quickly and as a result has had only 2 losing months since going live (August 2011 and now March 2012).

So is EDT broken? Certainly not on that evidence.

Are we working to ensure improvements?

Absolutely! 😉

The Forex Club
Monday 7pm UK time. FOMC minutes forced the dollar up and every related currency down

Must have been the most volatile moment for EurUsd since around 16th March and fortunately EDT had traded in the same direction.
Thursday's trade is still on-going this morning (Friday) and as this is a Bank Holiday in a lot of countries, the action will be slow as expected.


It seems a few members have been receiving various notifications from PayPal regarding the original six month memberships. We have no idea why PayPal are doing this (presumably it is an automatic computer generated thing) and we would like to assure all members that our account with PayPal ceased in December 2011 and no payments will be taken from any members account.


The Forex Club