....The second thing to say, and I think Mike and his friend need to make more of this in their defence when people grumble.....
This is an interesting subject, and one to which I have given much thought. I touched on this in an earlier post in saying that whatever I post as a vendor, seems to be taken as an excuse, or in other cases, posts are often read with "suspicious eyes" as I "obviously have something to gain". I found therefore, that in many instances it is better to bite your lip and remain silent.
But of course this is the problem with the Internet as we all know. Anyone can say anything they like with impunity, and the damage they do, even if done out of ignorance rather than malice can be considerable. Here are a couple of examples:
One customer placed his order at 6am in the morning. Having failed to read the part where EDT was not a download and would be sent by email, just one hour later, he wrote a post on a forum saying that he had purchased and received nothing!!!
😡 !!! *&%***!!
😡.....and therefore the whole thing was obviously a scam and he was cancelling his payment!!
😡!!. By the time I opened the order at 9am, he had made a claim for fraud to PayPal and also posted this information on the forum. We eventually sorted it out and the customer later apologised, but the posts remain there to this day.
Another customer purchased and two days later actually started a thread for EDT on a well know Forex forum. His first post (which he has never mentioned to us and which we didn't see till a month later) said that on his second trade, he had recorded a loss when our website results showed a winning trade. This, he said in the post, was very suspicious and he would be "keeping an close eye" on the venders from now on. In fact we had received an email from this customer the same day, complaining of this. After some investigations, we discovered that he had set the EA trading time incorrectly and was trading one hour early. He thanked us very much for the excellent and quick customer service but said nothing more. As I said, we didn't see the post till one month later and again, it is still there.
There are many more instances I could give similar to these. But it is a sad fact that many are very quick to make negative comments and yet unwilling to make a correction when they find the error is theirs.
Much more dangerous however, is the individual with an ulterior motive. Some of the most persistent and vindictive posts have been written by someone who is determined to get his EA for free and will stop at nothing to get his way.
I too am a trader, and read with interest several forums in an effort to see what is available in the market. I have a great respect for forums like this one and others and in the past I have made decisions to purchase (or not) based on other traders comments. It is a shame that you have no way of knowing that many times you are actually reading an opinion written by someone with a personal axe to grind.
Ah well. C'est la Internet!
The Forex Club