I really dont see what the problem here is, You make it sound like the uk is over run with immigrants (well it is actually most of us are if you look back far enough) I live within the the m25 and yet my sons school is filled with what I guess you would describe as English kids ( its a fair mix of white black and Asian kids born here) I dont worry that I am going to lose my identity due too the different cultures and languages spoken around me, in fact I think it enriches my life.
What is it exactly that you fear?
That unskilled migrants are taking your jobs? (if your on a trading forum I imagine they are not)
That they are a drain on the welfare system? (most migrants work harder then Brits often having 2 jobs as they came here to improve their lives and want to move up)
Or is it that they look and sound different to you, that they have different religious beliefs.
Is it because you believe they are driving wages down (it was so much better when British builders could charge whatever they wanted and take as long as they liked because there was no no alternative.
If people are voting out because they believe the UK will have a better economic outlook outside of the EU then thats fine but if its because you believe that you will see less immigrants in the uk then I'm afraid that will only happen when we exit because our economy will falter and no one will want to come here any more!