EU - ForeXmospherian - "Walk With me awhile" By Sir Gissachance (PPND)

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Sir Gissachance

Active member
ForeXmospherian - "Walk With me awhile" By Sir Gissachance (PPND)​

This morning I drove out to the Great Hall to visit the home of my dear friend Goldfinger. It was quite a Long journey from London out to Kent, aptly named the garden of England because of the crops and fruit grown there and an extremely pleasant place to visit any time of the year. My {link deleted} was to ask Goldfinger once again about trading and how he views the markets.

Being a regular guest at his home I soon found his house, located a few miles along the twisting, arching and narrowing lanes just before Bozo Cross. An excellent landmark for the main Gates is they stand virtually opposite the old village pub in Aristotle Way. The old pub dates back to the 1300's and is named the “Bull and Bear Inn”. As I drove by I could see the red haired and red faced pub Landlady, known locally as Big Ellie because of her form. She was quite animated, waving her arms vigorously and was attempting to remove a drunken chap known locally as Brains who lives nearby. Now every village has one and Brains is the one from this village, if you know what I mean but unfortunately he had drunk a few too many from the night before. Tis a well known fact that he likes his beer but quite often after a night out on the tiles and a skin full of the finest Ales and Stout, he rambles into monologue tones and bouts of what is referred to as his local knowledge. Brains professes to know the length of every local route and Lane to the exact inch. In fact and quite remarkably has made plenty of predictions which include information about a brand new roadway predicted several years before planning permission was actually given. Allegedly knowing where the roads were going to be built, the direction they pointed with the exact amount of junctions and how long it would extend to the precise degree. This story was extremely popular within the local community and beyond. However and quite unfortunately, all was later proven as absolute nonsense but it did make an exceedingly intriguing story at the time.

I digress, soon after driving through the wrought iron Gates and continuing along a pine tree lined driveway, I parked my car in one of the visitors reserved and numbered parking bays. There was a free space inbetween numbers twelve and fourteen so I parked my car there. The bays seemed to be set out in parallel lines, facing from West to East thus keeping all vehicles pointing in one direction and easy to see any breakouts in form. There did not appear to be any security personnel around but the CCTV cameras and infra-red power scanner indicators were apparently obvious and easy to spot.

As I stood at the entrance porch-way on top of three steps, I could not help but notice some mysterious inscriptions carved in the great stone columns, which were standing either side of the metal studded dark oak door. One inscription read “Suscipio” and the other “Refragatio”. Whilst considering what this actually meant, I turned and gave a strong tug on the pull bar door bell, ringing the door bell. Rich Spacer the Butler opened the great oak door. He was a peculiar elderly grey haired and grey bearded gentleman dressed in a Tartan jacket and Kilt. Slowly raising his right hand to the side of his head, he saluted and beckoned me into the checkered marbled floor reception lobby.

“Take a seat Sir and I will announce your presence to the master” he squeaked in a high pitched Scottish Highland accent. I sat down, watching Rich hobble off slowly with his limp and a stoop in his stance. He picked up a set of bag pipes hanging by the door and quite unexpectedly started playing a tune which echoed through the great hallways. After about thirty one seconds of playing, he croaked “The master will be with you shortly Sir”then he suddenly disappeared into a side room eerily creaking the door shut behind him. While waiting I glanced up at the high ceilings and grand portraits which continued all the way up and around each wall to the foot of an enormous double staircase. Looking upwards I could see an immense gallery balcony at the very top. Light poured in through a high domed stained leaded glass roof top. Within a few moments the great man himself appeared, clutching a violin which he placed on a table top beside me.

Goldfinger led me around to his library and study, there stood row upon row of book cases, packed with leather bound books, giant globes, Telescopes on stands, statuettes on pedestals of some of the Greatest F.R.E.E. T.H.I.N.K.I.N.G. M.I.N.D.S. of all time. Goldfinger swung open the wooden framed glazed French doors, clapped his hands together and exclaimed “What a beautiful day to take a stroll and breathe in some fresh morning air.” I followed him out onto an ancient patio walled garden. It had become over grown with grapevines and black fruit lay heavily upon arbor timbers. The color of the sky between vine branches was an amazing light blue with sunlight streaming through, sparkling and glistening like tiny diamonds off dewy soaked leaves. Steam rose from the morning dew laying heavily upon the striped lawn and colorfully planted shrub borders.

Goldfinger stood on the patio surveying his land and the countryside, with hands clenched behind his back gazing off into the distance. At this point I took the opportunity to ask Goldfinger [Link deleted] about how he viewed EU and the markets generally. He quickly glanced at me with a raised eyebrow and then looked away again, now stroking his chin, looking skywards while pondering a response, “Hmm, my dear ForeXmospherian, Walk with me awhile” he softly replied. Then he hurried off down a wood chipped pathway leading towards woodlands “Come with me, my dear chap, this is a great day for the race!” he shouted.

I had to run to catch him and when only a few paces away, I inquired “My dear Fellow, what race?”

Goldfinger stopped in his tracks, turned and looked at me, his face completely lit up with a warm friendly knowingly glow, a sparkle danced in his dark eyes and a wide grin beamed across his entire face, simultaneously stretching his arms wide apart, with palms raised skyward, Goldfinger immediately exclaimed, “Why, this is a great day for the human race of course!” he chuckled loudly, then promptly led off into the woodland.

Suffice it to say, Goldfinger and I have spent many a day discussing life in general as well as the markets.
It would not be fair for me to disclose everything Goldfinger discusses but he did have plenty to say about life as well as trading. Just before I left the great hall he placed some scrolled charts in my hand, grasping my hands tightly around the Charts he said quite excited“ Onwards and Looking Forwards to the Great Adventures in Life my dear friend!”

The charts he imparted that day are very similar to what is outlined below and so I do hope you find them useful by taking the opportunity to “Walk with me awhile.”

Best Regards,

Sir Gissachance (PPND)

“Bull and Bear Inn”.


"An excellent landmark for the main Gates"


One inscription read “Suscipio” and the other “Refragatio”.


"It was quite Long a journey"


"Facing from West to East thus keeping all vehicles pointing in one direction and easy to see any breakouts in form.


" the twisting, arching and narrowing lanes."


"Promptly led off into the woodland".


“Why, this is a great day for the human race of course!”


Where Traders Gather
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Hopefully some managed to find the C.O.D.E.'s within this post but as a given the "Q.U.E.S.T." featuring GBP/AUD was available in plain sight as an opener, which has now allowed 16,640 pips on positions. Thanks to everyone who took the T.I.M.E. to "Walk with me awhile"
Best Regards,
Sir Gissachance (PPND)
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