

I've been a long time lurker and I can't dig up what happened to resident delusional lunatic Forexmospherian, try as I might. Can anyone enlighten me as to his fate pls friends?

I used to read his posts and feel like I was in True Detective season 1, you dig? Something eerie. Something weird. Something very weird.
I've been a long time lurker and I can't dig up what happened to resident delusional lunatic Forexmospherian, try as I might. Can anyone enlighten me as to his fate pls friends?

I used to read his posts and feel like I was in True Detective season 1, you dig? Something eerie. Something weird. Something very weird.

He said he went sailing. 😆 Are you sure you are not a multinic of him? :innocent:
If you've been a long time lurker, you would have heard.

What do you think happened? 😆 One guess.
He said he went sailing. 😆 Are you sure you are not a multinic of him? :innocent:
If you've been a long time lurker, you would have heard.

What do you think happened? 😆 One guess.

Rumbled. It's me, the F, back to give you all winning advice albeit with zero spreads and commission cause I have a special deal with a Cypriot barber for dark pool access.

Perhaps he become one with the Forex? I see he was banned having taken a longer look. Wonder what damage he did to the boards long term, if any? Or is the current inactive state due to the structural decline of retail trading in general?
I've been a long time lurker and I can't dig up what happened to resident delusional lunatic Forexmospherian, try as I might. Can anyone enlighten me as to his fate pls friends?

I used to read his posts and feel like I was in True Detective season 1, you dig? Something eerie. Something weird. Something very weird.

Peter is alive and kicking and making plenty of pips a day I can assure you 👍

.....much as many people at T2win never credited or believed his ability (sad but true) the guy is one of the best traders i have ever seen

and ive seen a lot believe me in the last 36 years of being involved in trading

Rumbled. It's me, the F, back to give you all winning advice albeit with zero spreads and commission cause I have a special deal with a Cypriot barber for dark pool access.

Perhaps he become one with the Forex? I see he was banned having taken a longer look. Wonder what damage he did to the boards long term, if any? Or is the current inactive state due to the structural decline of retail trading in general?

go read his threads might learn something about trading ?.....or not ......

Peter is alive and kicking and making plenty of pips a day I can assure you 👍

.....much as many people at T2win never credited or believed his ability (sad but true) the guy is one of the best traders i have ever seen

and ive seen a lot believe me in the last 36 years of being involved in trading

I never saw 1 live trade or statement.just hindsight😉
Have known Peters real name for a long time Nvp....He has quite a digital footprint as a failed director in various different business. I have no doubt that he is the same in his little virtual trading world...
Have known Peters real name for a long time Nvp....He has quite a digital footprint as a failed director in various different business. I have no doubt that he is the same in his little virtual trading world...
BRANSON would agree to differ😎
FxMo had years to provide proof of his trades and it was all smoke and mirrors. I truly gave the guy a chance and let him "teach" me his stuff while keeping an open mind. He'd make more money selling his David Copperfield illusion skills. :whistling
FxMo, was the master of the illusion, a guy who could not grasp the concept Tick charts are not time based chart, time and time again, we were advised of "key areas", only well after the event did he post of his success. Never once did he refer to his own advice and confirm he had in fact entered a trade at the levels and key areas he had suggested, very easy to come back after the event and claim you are the "king of FX trading" and then refuse 100% to provide any evidence whatsoever to back up he did in fact act on his own advice. Maybe he's on Necker with Richard, lol.
. . . Wonder what damage he did to the boards long term, if any? Or is the current inactive state due to the structural decline of retail trading in general?
Hi F_O_K,
As far as I'm aware, there's no evidence of any one member being responsible for the decline in activity on T2W: I don't think there's a direct causal link. It's mostly a consequence of the general decline in activity on community forums across the board - for the reason you cite - and because they've been eclipsed by other social media, Facebook and Twitter in particular.