- Post #31.
The market does not respect opinions.
The market only respects views, the correct views. I will add that an opinion is a view tainted by emotion.
Again, the market does not respect emotions etc...
To talk in terms of what the market respects is to endow it with intelligence - to anthropomorphise it. That's not to say such analogies do not have their uses. But that is all they are - analogies with consequent limitations and distortions.
In reality, I doubt 'the market' respects anything. It is as capable of respect as it is of disrespect - or love, hate, hope, fear etc and it is no doubt possible to use all those analogies to convey insights into its 'mysteries' as well.
Personally I don't find it useful to regard the markets as mysterious at all - any more than I find it useful in the daily grind to regard people as mysterious - although in the context of philosophising they undoubtedly are.
IMHO the pre-requisites for trading success are, in no particular order:
Understanding the nature and mechanics of the markets you intend to trade
Understanding the nature of the instruments you intend to trade
Understanding the principles underlying any indicators/methods you itend to use, together with their limitations.
Understanding risk/reward - particularly in relation to gearing
understanding the components of a trade - entry, management and exit.
Iron self discipline
It's then a question of equiping yourself with the tools of the trade and developing/testing your own trading systems/methods.
Some will follow a mentor (Guru?) and there may well be some damn good ones around willing to 'impart the mysteries' so to speak, - either selflessly, or for a fee. My own view is that successful trading demands a high degree of individualistic self-reliance and independence of spirit. Such attributes hardly accord with surrender to a craft that requires submission to degrees of initiation by the masters.
Although when you consider the 'Bones' brotherhood of both Sen. Kerry and Dubya (plus a high proportion of the US elite it seems), you do have to wonder
As for 'esoteric' indicators - there are thousands of them. Again, personally I do not regard either Fib and/or EW analysis as particularly esoteric. They are pretty main stream really and have become so because of demonstrable trading usefulness