eSignal Advanced Get


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Esignal Advanced Get

I am looking to subscribe to the Advanced Get setup. How many people have tried it or are using it. Is it any good.

Are the EW wave counts/search facilities any good/accurate.

Is GET more orientated towards stocks or indices? Or both?

At the moment I am thinking of using the EW/Gann for intraday purposes with indices.

From what I have read about it, it definitely seems interesting to say the least, but before subscribing to it I would like other people's opinions.

Thanks in advance
Maybe it was too ealy in the day to catch people attention, so have just added comment to catch any traders who might be out there using AGET
Why not try the esignal BBS? I've often quite fancied this myself, only to realise that 24 hrs in a day limits the things you can play with....
Hi DaveJB, I will give it go on the BB's but there doesn't seem too be many people who are frequent posters on the GET section.
when you are there, try and contact FTSEBeater.
he will help I am sure.
Have a look at

this is a webcast of someone trading the e mini using a 3 min chart.
(if the link doen't work.. go to eSignal University, look down the list on the left hand side.)
You need broadband..

I've got AGET on trial at the mo, I'm struggling to get it to give signals I can work with on the Dax, using chart timebases less than 10 minutes. On Daily charts, I like it very much. using the GET scanner, I've selected 5 swing trades, 3 winners (+15%), 1 loser, and 1 still at the starting block...
Thanks Cigar, this is exactly the sort of comments I am looking for. If you don't mind me asking how exactly are you using it for the DAX, and are you using specifally the trade 1 and 2 patterns on EW?

Thanks, hoping for more people to add.
I tend to watch a couple of timebases, either the 5 or 10 min for direction, and a 1 for entry.
I've tried putting waves on both, or either. Thats fine until, all of a sudden, the wave count alters, and the structure I have been baseing my plan on.. alters.....
Saying that, I'm sure some traders can succeed with waves on short timebases. A lot of people rave about the 3 minute e-mini web recording, how good it is.. but I haven't seen it as I'm not on broadband.
I read another traders comments today saying he believed a timebase of less than 30 minutes would be difficult with EW's.

If you take the trial offer.. and find success... hints will be gratefully received.. 😀
I am a type 1 trader normally, certainly on EOD stuff, but I would look for various opportunities when scalping. If I could recognise wave 3 or 5, knowing they are usually the biggest waves, I'd scalp with those. If the 10 min chart pasted a reliable wavecount, I could scalp in its direction. You can make fair estimates how far a wave will go. Problem comes when you suddenly get a recount, and you are left thinking... where am I?
So I've stepped away from it, only using it for EOD, which I do like very much.
Advanced Get

Does anyone use AdvancedGet which is available as an subsrciption add-on?

If you do, what indicators do you use to trade with, and what types of trades do you take?

OptionGear data into Advanced Get

Can anyone tell me how to upload UK data from Hubb-OptionGear into Advanceget. I am struggling at the moment as Get only seem to recognise US data.


In case you didn't see the post from my colleague, Jay Frank, if we can get your username and contact info, we'll have a GET Rep contact you and provide assistance. You can PM Jay or myself or contact one of our Support Offices.


kikimc said:
Can anyone tell me how to upload UK data from Hubb-OptionGear into Advanceget. I am struggling at the moment as Get only seem to recognise US data.

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I am a type 1 trader normally, certainly on EOD stuff, but I would look for various opportunities when scalping. If I could recognise wave 3 or 5, knowing they are usually the biggest waves, I'd scalp with those. If the 10 min chart pasted a reliable wavecount, I could scalp in its direction. You can make fair estimates how far a wave will go. Problem comes when you suddenly get a recount, and you are left thinking... where am I?
So I've stepped away from it, only using it for EOD, which I do like very much.

Dear Sir,

I have been using Advanced GET 7.8 EOD version for almost 6 years now and would like to interact with other AG users like you to share and learn and help each other with the finer nuances of trading with AG.

Do let me know if we can exchange ideas , suggestions etc....

Look forward to a prompt and positive response.

Thanks and regards,
