Is eSignal Advance GET worth the price?


I am thinking to spend some money on good trading software and my choice is esignal Advance GET. Its really expensive for novice like me; no doubt about it. However I got that money and I can afford it but then I don't want to regret it if package which comes with AGET won't be worth all that.

I am talking here about additional seminaries required to be taken if you want totally understand how to use Elliott and Gann indicators in this software. Seminars cost is whooping $2500 for members. Thats make you wonder what is the point to pay for software at least $3000 when you are really left on your own with briefly instructions how to use these indicators in software package. If you want to achieve full potential of software then pay again.
On one hand I read positive reviews about AGET, on other hand practices like that putting me off. I think thats is not right.
I still love features like replay tool for endless testing, not mention automatic indicators for beginners for where to place entry/exit. Please do not think that main reason I want to buy it is because that program will replace me and make money very soon if at all. I have read most of posts on that forum and I exactly know what I am against. I think I got time and right approach to be included in that 10% successful traders one day and this software should make my backtesting/effort much easier plus I want to start with with one of the best tools available on the market. Or is it too advance for newbies?
I just want to know your honest opinion about esignal Advance Get since can't see many reviews about this software.
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I am thinking to spend some money on good trading software and my choice is esignal Advance GET. Its really expensive for novice like me; no doubt about it. However I got that money and I can afford it but then I don't want to regret it if package which comes with AGET won't be worth all that.

I am talking here about additional seminaries required to be taken if you want totally understand how to use Elliott and Gann indicators in this software. Seminars cost is whooping $2500 for members. Thats make you wonder what is the point to pay for software at least $3000 when you are really left on your own with briefly instructions how to use these indicators in software package. If you want to achieve full potential of software then pay again.
On one hand I read positive reviews about AGET, on other hand practices like that putting me off. I think thats is not right.
I still love features like replay tool for endless testing, not mention automatic indicators for beginners for where to place entry/exit. Please do not think that main reason I want to buy it is because that program will replace me and make money very soon if at all. I have read most of posts on that forum and I exactly know what I am against. I think I got time and right approach to be included in that 10% successful traders one day and this software should make my backtesting/effort much easier plus I want to start with with one of the best tools available on the market. Or is it too advance for newbies?
I just want to know your honest opinion about esignal Advance Get since can't see many reviews about this software.

I think you should first find out what kind of trader you are and what kind of set ups you are going to trade. Create a sort of a business plan. If you know what you want it is much easier to decide. Maybe there is a trial version of the software you can check out.

Good luck,

I wouldnt spend the money,you can get the same results by using standard indicators.I use esignal and did a free trila on get.Ask for a months free trial. Dont spend money on courses when all you need is here. There are very few courses and mentors that are worth a penny
I think you'll find our GET tools have a long history of active use and success but they are only part of the package. Perhaps just as important is the education package that we include when you buy GET. We offer 6-8 hrs of small group mentoring each week for 3 months. For someone new to the markets and technical analysis, our offering is an excellent value. If you do sign-up for the service, you will get a thirty day trial and that will include over 30 hours of training in the first 4 weeks. Even if you cancel, you'll have had our training at no cost.

I think you'll find our GET tools have a long history of active use and success but they are only part of the package. Perhaps just as important is the education package that we include when you buy GET. We offer 6-8 hrs of small group mentoring each week for 3 months. For someone new to the markets and technical analysis, our offering is an excellent value. If you do sign-up for the service, you will get a thirty day trial and that will include over 30 hours of training in the first 4 weeks. Even if you cancel, you'll have had our training at no cost.


As ipoppy says he is a novice, it would have been more professional to refer him to OnDemand and your free education until he had built up his expertise and could use GET to advantage.
As ipoppy says he is a novice, it would have been more professional to refer him to OnDemand and your free education until he had built up his expertise and could use GET to advantage.

I was thinking the same. By the way thanks all for advice. Quick question; is all eSignal products comes with Paper Trading? I am novice but I know what I want in terms of what and where to trade. I am interested in intraday US stock market. But the software price is important factor at this stage too; don't get me wrong. Now I have to compare available packages from eSignal.

- eSignal (Premier or Plus) from my understanding got everything for real time technical analysis but you have to pay additional costs for exchange fees (or scanners) and software is not cheap even based on annual subscription.

- eSignal OnDemand is an end-of-day and delayed intraday charting with 100s of technical indicators ,replay tool and all that is much cheaper without compulsory paying exchange fees (correct me if I am wrong here) so it could be great for someone like me who wants just study and built up expertise without committing to real time trading yet.

- eSignal Advance GET is one off payment and include scanner, 3 months educational package and special semi automated indicators like Gann or Elliott and basically all in above packages.

- eSignal Pro ...well I don't really know who is that for 😱

I think I might try on Demand I see how my learning curve progress. I am not in a hurry to trade real money yet; I got to see if I am confident and right with my own analysis. After that I may go for Advance GET even if I wont use Gann, Elliott as a main indicators is still nice to have them in auto mode to prove I was right.
As ipoppy says he is a novice, it would have been more professional to refer him to OnDemand and your free education until he had built up his expertise and could use GET to advantage.

I was suggesting the 30 day no obligation trial. Users can then decide for themselves if it's worth the cost.
I was thinking the same. By the way thanks all for advice. Quick question; is all eSignal products comes with Paper Trading? I am novice but I know what I want in terms of what and where to trade. I am interested in intraday US stock market. But the software price is important factor at this stage too; don't get me wrong. Now I have to compare available packages from eSignal.

- eSignal (Premier or Plus) from my understanding got everything for real time technical analysis but you have to pay additional costs for exchange fees (or scanners) and software is not cheap even based on annual subscription.

- eSignal OnDemand is an end-of-day and delayed intraday charting with 100s of technical indicators ,replay tool and all that is much cheaper without compulsory paying exchange fees (correct me if I am wrong here) so it could be great for someone like me who wants just study and built up expertise without committing to real time trading yet.

- eSignal Advance GET is one off payment and include scanner, 3 months educational package and special semi automated indicators like Gann or Elliott and basically all in above packages.

- eSignal Pro ...well I don't really know who is that for 😱

I think I might try on Demand I see how my learning curve progress. I am not in a hurry to trade real money yet; I got to see if I am confident and right with my own analysis. After that I may go for Advance GET even if I wont use Gann, Elliott as a main indicators is still nice to have them in auto mode to prove I was right.

OnDemand is an excellent choice and does include paper trading and no exchange fees. You can always upgrade later to streaming real-time when you're ready.
I have traded US stocks intra day for a living for ten years and use eSignal Premier (not A-GET) and find it very reliable.
I do not know why anyone would pay for data or advanced GET now seeing that it is given away for free with MT4 or by the brokers through NinjaTrader. eSignal is scared to death of NinjaTrader because there business model ROCKS.

I have no financial incentive with either company.

NinjaTrader gives you the platform for free and then all you need is data which comes from the brokers for free. Everything is free free free while you learn. I do not know but in this economy that sounds like the best option for anyone looking to start out.

As far as service. NinjaTrader crushes eSignal. Sorry to say it but that is the truth. As far as third party add-ons Ninjatrader has more and is always actively seeking more. Every coulple of weeks I get an email with new third party vendors they have brought on to NinjaTrader. eSignal says they have stopped adding third party vendors. Funny, that is like the guy in the U.S. senate in the early 1900's that said they wanted to close the patent office because it cost too much money and everything has already been invented.

Great mindset eSignal. Plus a really really important factor is if you program anything with NinjaTrader it works with the API from every bank or broker they offer on their site. With eSignal you need to program each API which will cost you a fortune if you switch brokers. API coding is very expensive. Just look at FXCM. They want $100 and hour to code your strategy and $300 an hour to code API work.

Getting data for free with NinjaTrader and only paying $60 a month once you want to live trade gives you much more money to actually buy a 3rd party system. Just do the math but take a good look at NinjaTrader. I was a eSignal client for years and I will never go back. NinjaTrader has won me and my wallet forever.

The Pip Thief
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I did not look at the pricing. WOW WOW WOW. I would definitely look around. That is straight out abuse in my opinion. $3995 plus $495 a year after plus data and exchange fees. Come on. Ask to see their trading records for that price.

MTPredictor does elliott wave and I saw on this forum that they are having a sale. Look at them if you want elliott wave software or elliottician.

Elliottician has a live trading room where you watch them trade. I do not have any financial interest in either but I want to try an save you from getting your wallet hurt.

I am in awe at that price for A -GET😡😡😡

The Pip Thief
pip thief. Not sure where your coming from. Esignal is a charting package which Im sure is far better than ninja traders. I would respect your opinion but you then sing the praises of MT predictor which really is a poor product and worth about tuppence. The signals on mt are different depending on the datafeed,timing etc.It is a very basic product which has simple coding to it.Well it did a few years ago
I switched to esignal (Premier?) about 6 months ago - a couple of points/ideas:

* Don't get TA software confused with "trading" software - eSignal is designed for technical analysis, there are other packages designed for executing trades and managing orders (eg XTrader, REDI+, NinjaTrader etc)

* $5k seems alot to get fancy software / taught in a class. LEARN by DOING.
Hey Julian,

MTP is not worth a dime you say so ok. If you read I said look at not go out and buy it because you will make a million and retire. I was just pointing out cheaper options to look at which means that you can go though 3 system vendors for the price of that one until you find something that suits your needs. At least we know that MTP is unworthy now. But it would be a shame for the guy who buy advanced GET and has the same to say if you know what I mean.

I guess what I am trying to say is beware of anyone charging so much. Ask if they are registered with the NFA and will show you their trading records if they want to sell a product at this price. They should show trading records with that price.

Plus we are not talking about a charting package actually. We are talking about advanced GET which is a system. I personally feel eSignal advanced GET (stress on Personally) is way over priced. I just feel that way to many new traders get caught into the system and drained from cash before they even get to place a trade and it angers me cause it happens all the time.

As for charting/order entry/technical analysis I think Ninjatrader Rocks. Again my opinion! And you can use many systems and do analysis with it in addition to order entry. I have a really high end computer so the platform works well for me, but I can say that if you are on a laptop or a slow computer that esignal does work better if I have to be honest. But that is not for long. I signed up for the beta program for version 7 on NinjaTrader and the slow days are over soon.

Just remember the Trains should have been the Planes but did not have the vision. They certainly had the money and the monopoly on transport so why do we not have an airline called B & E Rail and Air?

eSignal is playing catch up and they used to be the leader. I talked to several brokers and this is what they are saying. Order entry and trade management from the charts is the futrue, and eSignal should have seen it sooner because their chart trading leaves much to be desired.

Order entry and trade management from the charts is my favorite option with NinjaTrader and I have never had a problem, but you have to have a good connection and a fast computer again.

I guess it comes down to watch out for vendors as far as advanced GET which was the topic to begin with.

The Pip Thief
Because it gives you the illusion that you can read the markets, try it, when you've lost money (not including the expensive subscription rates) remember I warned you first. 🙂
Its overpriced garbage.....
Have you looked at their upgrade fees since they bought Tom Joeseph out?

I had requested over and over a simple walk foward simulator to gauge AG's proprietary tools.Guss what,they refuse to do so as they know none of their toos will hold up to a rigorous backtest..

...and why is that?
Does anyone have a referral code for esignal? I'm about to start using eSignal OnDemand, someone might as well pick up some free credit?
