eSignal 7.4 & & 7.5

Jay F, is there any particular reason you have answered two of the questions posted here, but ignored the other four which all query your pricing policy?


My reason for not responding to the other questions is actually quite simple. I didn't have any information to provide. I responded to the other posts, because I did have some knowledge to share.

I recently saw mention that our Product Development Team is reviewing pricing with this release, so please keep an eye on that thread for pricing announcements. It's also great to hear from Chuck that the Region Fee will be going away soon, so that should help those that live in Europe and trade the US or Asian markets.
New exchanges

As Jay said, the region fee is being removed shortly. Also we are adding more Asian content this year. The list we are currently looking at is:

1. Tokyo Stock Exchange & TOPIX Futures

2. Korea Stock Exchange


4. Bombay Stock Exchange

5. Nagoya Stock Exchange

6. Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange

7. Osaka Stock Exchange

8. Thailand Stock Exchange


I am looking for a bit of advice here. I am trying to compare eSignal and QCharts for the purposes of US index futures trading (and some limited individual stock exposure). any comments on what u personally find better? and why?

many thx in advance
Just to let people know, I signed up for a 30-day trial of eSignal Equities yesterday (1 October) and was told the Region Fee had been removed with effect from 1 October - talk about a coincidence and a bit of luck 😀 !

The UK stocks feed was just an additional $8 per month now (LSE overcharging as always) on top of the US stock data feeds at the usual $1 for each exchange and no Regional Fee to pay at all.

Thanks eSignal for removing this charge.


I was wondering if anybody could tell me if the replay function on esignal also includes the level 2 data. I.E is it possible to playback the information on the level 2 screens.


Paper Trading Via Tick Replay

Hi All

I've just found out that you can use ESignals replay tick data to paper trade 😎
Here's a quick guide to it:

<table border="1"><tr><td>Run the replay tick file as normal Details here
Then just use the paper trader in the normal way. Right click the chart and select integrated trading ->Esignal Paper trading -> Trade. This will then bring up the buy and selling window. Any trades you place will be logged under $playback in the Trade -> Esignal paper trading -> Broker Window.</td></tr></table>
Now all I need to do is find a way of placing live trades on past data and I'm away :cheesy:
eSignal replay feature

Yeah, it looks interesting, but that's about all. I tried this a while ago, but can't really see how i might use it. In SC all you do is advance 1 bar at a time and the only diff is that there's no time per bar feature. Personally, using a simulator gives me all the p/t i need, and as for looking back at old charts, nothing beats printing them off and using pen and ruler. 🙂

I have an eSignal subscription, but still maintain SC for historical data.

I'm really sold on using simulators, tho' I get much closer to the actual feel and energy of trading that way and my decisions seem closer to live trading. I'm using TSim+ and NinjaTrader - both have great features.

'Course nothing beats being willing to lose yr own money 🙂
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Hi MMiller

You can download E-Signal 7.5 from Here.
It's not fully released yet, but I'm running it and I haven't found any problems. It has all the features as well 😎

Hi there,

Thanks for that. It's still the beta version though. I was just wondering when the 'gold' version would be released.

There are curious things happening to my E Signal feed today. Maybe its usual. Instead of the two status boxes in green stating that everything is "OK" at the bottom right of the interface I have been receiving, on and off, two red status windows, one stating "NO PSWD and the other stating "NO DATA". After about a minute the red boxes change back to green "OK"s and the charts kick-in again. Does anyone know what's happening?

Best wishes,
Definitely not a typical issue, and I haven't heard of any reports of similar issues. It sounds to me like there is a connectivity problem between your system and our servers. Please review this FAQ for a review on ways to check your internet connection.
Dear all,
In eSignal advanced charts, how can one draw verical lines (top to bottom of page) which overlap both price data and tiled studies underneath?
Thanks in advance?
I think the tiled studies will remain separate from any line drawings that you do on the chart or vies versa.... correct me if am wrong 😉
