Emigration rates of countries

I'm starting to wonder how many people are emigrating after reading this thread so far.........

I think I've figured out why Americans don't emigrate.

From what I read, they don't get the opportunity cos someone shoots them.
I think I've figured out why Americans don't emigrate.

From what I read, they don't get the opportunity cos someone shoots them.

Thank you for that spectacularly useless piece of information in a financial discussion. It's more like we shoot foreigners with bad teeth.
Then more Americans should go forth into the rest of the useless world with both helicopter gunships and dental implants to help introduce democracy. We Brits did that in previous centuries with warships and cricket. We managed to leave democratic institutions and the rule of law behind in many countries but failed spectacularly in the middle east. We forgot about dentistry though. Good luck with that, though
Then more Americans should go forth into the rest of the useless world with both helicopter gunships and dental implants to help introduce democracy. We Brits did that in previous centuries with warships and cricket. We managed to leave democratic institutions and the rule of law behind in many countries but failed spectacularly in the middle east. We forgot about dentistry though. Good luck with that, though

There was no need to send dental implants to places like the UAE or Kuwait. They don't have teeth like this.

Is dental care covered by the NHS? I am guessing the thought process must be if the government isn't paying for it, then neither will I.
lol, I think there's a subtext behind your so called "financial discussion" We've seen this all before!

You still never addressed my questions about your statements. Where are the documents you were talking about.

When it is traded is not irrelevant as people conduct a bulk of their trades during business hours (during the day). While there people that trades during these hours, it is a lot less than during.

£20 billion is a tiny amount compared to trillions. Why do I care about such small figures. You still haven't shown how much money transacts in total through the UK compared to the US.

Some subsidiaries of the NYSE Euronext

ICE is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. It is American! My statement still stands.
We in the non-USA world should be grateful that the almighty supernatural being created the USA (and the rest of the universe as an afterthought) and all the superior beings who populate the good ole US of A and gave us undeserving inferiors such a fantastic culture and wealth.
Best thing about the US is driving into Mexico and seeing the US in the rear vision mirror.

Just got to watch out on the road for those Yanks running across the road into Mexico.


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We in the non-USA world should be grateful that the almighty supernatural being created the USA (and the rest of the universe as an afterthought) and all the superior beings who populate the good ole US of A and gave us undeserving inferiors such a fantastic culture and wealth.

only if you believe in all that supernatural stuff..
The theory of Evolution is far more realistic imo. In which case Americans are just everyone else's spawn which is one of the last countries to be discovered in 1492 by columbus who was really on his way elsewhere and couldn't bother with their own language and thus started to *******ise ours resulting in nothing more than a large..(population and girth wise) bunch of degenerate illiterate hillbillies who can't afford to emigrate or never had columbus' innate abilities to travel which probably is a lack of their own education thus substantiating my points above
only if you believe in all that supernatural stuff..
The theory of Evolution is far more realistic imo. In which case Americans are just everyone else's spawn which is one of the last countries to be discovered in 1492 by columbus who was really on his way elsewhere and couldn't bother with their own language and thus started to *******ise ours resulting in nothing more than a large..(population and girth wise) bunch of degenerate illiterate hillbillies who can't afford to emigrate or never had columbus' innate abilities to travel which probably is a lack of their own education thus substantiating my points above

I love these posts. Your real age is showing through. When have you ever made an actual counterargument besides mudslinging. This is a fun part of my day, watching how riled up you can become. :p

Ta guvna'
I love these posts. Your real age is showing through. When have you ever made an actual counterargument besides mudslinging. This is a fun part of my day, watching how riled up you can become. :p

Ta guvna'

I'm waiting for an argument to counter, and just having fun in the mean time you shouldn't take any of this personally mate
I'm waiting for an argument to counter, and just having fun in the mean time you shouldn't take any of this personally mate

I am not, but you seem to be taking it personally, judging by your posts. The original argument was about the size in dollars of US and UK financial markets. @ffsear never attached his documents from Lloyds of London.
I work with a yank on and off and it's so easy to get him going. :LOL:

One of my favourite topics is why they don't feel the need to travel outside of the US. He reasons that there's no need to, they have everything they need right there ! Hence the reason why they are so convinced there is no other valid opinion.

Anyway it's not all doom and gloom. Some of them are quite inventive...like this !!

Redneck mixer tap.


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@ffsear never attached his documents from Lloyds of London.

Nah, you missed the point again there! I was simply proving that I work in the lloyds market. All the info you need is available on the internet.

My only point was that London is one of the largest financial centers in the world. You claimed it was far from it!
You the used the entite US as an example. My point was you can't compare an entire country to a single city

Wasn't this thread about emigration?
I work with a yank on and off and it's so easy to get him going. :LOL:

:confused: ???

I think if you say something, even an opinion, then you should have evidence or reasonable deductions to substantiate it. If not, then it is like blowing hot air for the sake of it.

One of my favourite topics is why they don't feel the need to travel outside of the US. He reasons that there's no need to, they have everything they need right there ! Hence the reason why they are so convinced there is no other valid opinion.

What makes you believe they are so convinced there is no other valid opinion. Is it just because they don't like yours. I prefer to travel to places with decent weather, are not too congested with people and/or are pretty. If I have everything I need, why go someplace not as nice. The UK has 5 times less people than the US but is 40 times smaller. That is a congestion on a scale that I don't want to deal with.

Anyway it's not all doom and gloom. Some of them are quite inventive...like this !!

What is not all doom and gloom? As far as the weather is concerned in the UK, I would say that it is.
I am not, but you seem to be taking it personally, judging by your posts. The original argument was about the size in dollars of US and UK financial markets. @ffsear never attached his documents from Lloyds of London.

ffsear never attached a document..now who's showing their age :LOL:
Nah, you missed the point again there! I was simply proving that I work in the lloyds market. All the info you need is available on the internet.

Wasn't this thread about emigration?

Yes, but you digressed from the topic and made statements about the UK being the biggest financial center in the World. I wanted you to substantiate those claims. When I state something and somebody asks me for my reasoning, I don't say "look it up". I don't need to do your thinking for you. Apparently you have none to offer.