Emigration rates of countries

Why would you need financial backing?

Flight? Somewhere to live? Spare capital while you get yourself setup? You don't just walk into a job

If you trade for a living, then you can live anywhere with an internet connection.

And given your laws towards online trading/gambling/spreadbetting, The USA would be the last place on earth i'd consider.

A degree in chemistry or physics will get you a job in the US as easy as it would in the UK.

Problem is, people with such degrees often end up working in the city of London. The financial centre of the world. They will earn far more.

I was pointing out that I was surprised that people do not attend universities in droves with the tuitions being pennies on the dollar to the costs here. The government seems to help out tremendously more than ours and yet the entrance numbers alone are low (40%). Is there some better alternative to universities that I do not know about or do jobs there not necessarily require degrees? It may be worth it to study abroad and save a fortune.

£ 9k a year? Pennies? For an 18 year old? Seriously, what planet are you living on? And yes, there are much better alternatives to going to university.

By the way i'm not sure where your figures come from. A study in Oct 2014 suggested that USA was ranked 9th in terms of the most popular destinations that brits emigrate to.

1. Australia
2. Canada
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Singapore
5. China
6. New Zealand
7. South Africa
8. Hong Kong
9. USA
10. France
11. Spain
12. Portugal

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Flight? Somewhere to live? Spare capital while you get yourself setup? You don't just walk into a job

Yeah, you need somewhere to live. Are you living on the streets now or something. That isn't really an additional expense. A place can be found before you move as well as a job.

And given your laws towards online trading/gambling/spreadbetting, The USA would be the last place on earth i'd consider.

The US has laws upon spreadbetting for a reason. Please explain why you don't like the trading environment in the US.

Problem is, people with such degrees often end up working in the city of London. The financial centre of the world. They will earn far more.

People in chemistry end up with jobs in finance? London is far from the financial center of the world. Figures please, from real sources. The NYSE is the biggest. What other stock exchanges are there in England besides the LSE. The NYSE owns LIFFE, so it is essentially American. In fact, the NYSE owns several exchanges in Europe. NASDAQ owns 8 exchanges in Europe, to my knowledge. The US has the NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, Boston Stock Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, etc.

ICE is an American network of exchanges, which owns most Europeans one, including ICE futures Europe and ICE futures Canada.

NYSE - $19.223 trillion
NASDAQ - $6.831 trillion

LSE - $6.187 trillion (1/3 the size of the NYSE alone)

£ 9k a year? Pennies? For an 18 year old? Seriously, what planet are you living on? And yes, there are much better alternatives to going to university.

Why do you think I trade to make money before going to medical school. £9,000 is pennies for the top universities or any university for that matter compared to $40,000/year and up. The lowest grade universities in the California are CSUs, which cost about that much. CSUs are followed by UCs then private universities. Even trade schools cost more than that here. Trade schools are for people who want to work in a factory for the rest of their life or some other profession not requiring a degree. Car salesmen even have to have some sort of degree unless maybe they work at Honda or Toyota.

I don't know of single person who lives around that doesn't have some sort of degree. The town is littered with Stanford, USC and UCLA flags propped upon the houses.

By the way i'm not sure where your figures come from. A study in Oct 2014 suggested that USA was ranked 9th in terms of the most popular destinations that brits emigrate to.

1. Australia
2. Canada
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Singapore
5. China
6. New Zealand
7. South Africa
8. Hong Kong
9. USA
10. France
11. Spain
12. Portugal


I got them from the world bank and OECD. I don't get my information from CNN, so I wouldn't take it from a gossip rag like the Telegraph either.
Lol. I think your on the wind up mate!

1. Didn't you say there were better things to do than go to a university? What jobs are those? Do they have security or are they the jobs that people bitch about when their pension is taken away?

2. You said the spread betting laws are not to your liking. Again I ask you why wouldn't you trade in the US?

3. Did you go to a university?
1. Didn't you say there were better things to do than go to a university? What jobs are those? Do they have security or are they the jobs that people bitch about when their pension is taken away?

Yes, do an apprenticeship, learn a trade (plumber/ electrician etc) They get paid a lot over here.

2. You said the spread betting laws are not to your liking. Again I ask you why wouldn't you trade in the US?
You can't spread bet in the US. But there plenty of other laws (gun owership etc) that would stop me ever wanting to live there

3. Did you go to a university?
Yes, I went to Reading University. But i dropped out because it was pointless doing a degree in economics. I went straight to work in the City which is what i wanted to do. Why spend 3 years at uni when I could get 3 years work experience under my belt?
London is far from the financial center of the world. Figures please, from real sources. The NYSE is the biggest. What other stock exchanges are there in England besides the LSE. The NYSE owns LIFFE, so it is essentially American. In fact, the NYSE owns several exchanges in Europe. NASDAQ owns 8 exchanges in Europe, to my knowledge. The US has the NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, Boston Stock Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, etc.

ICE is an American network of exchanges, which owns most Europeans one, including ICE futures Europe and ICE futures Canada.

NYSE - $19.223 trillion
NASDAQ - $6.831 trillion

LSE - $6.187 trillion (1/3 the size of the NYSE alone)


Finance dosent just mean trading stocks!

But this is totally unfair to London: the volume of equities trading done on the London Stock Exchange doesn’t capture at all equities trading done in any one place, just the ones local to that economy. So of course London’s stock exchange is smaller than New York’s: the UK’s economy is much smaller than the US’s. But we are now talking about a city here, not a country.

So it's good to look at a more international measure of finance: currency markets. In terms of foreign exchange market turnover, the UK isn’t just the leader, it's still gaining ground, according to the Bank of International Settlements. In 1998, 32.6% of the world’s forex trading was done in the UK (almost all of which takes place in London), against 18.3% in the US. By 2013, the UK had grown to make up 40.9% of the global market, seeing a daily average of $2.73 trillion in turnover. Every day.

We also have the worlds leading and central insurance market place that is Lloyds of London.
They wrote premiums of over £20 billion in 2012. That's more then the top US insurance companies combined.
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Finance dosent just mean trading stocks!

If you noticed, I was not just talking about stocks. You do not just trade stocks on the NYSE and I pointed out that LIFFE, which is futures is owned by the NYSE, an American company. Almost all of the markets in the UK and Europe are owned by some American multinational conglomerate.

But this is totally unfair to London: the volume of equities trading done on the London Stock Exchange doesn’t capture at all equities trading done in any one place, just the ones local to that economy. So of course London’s stock exchange is smaller than New York’s: the UK’s economy is much smaller than the US’s. But we are now talking about a city here, not a country.

We are talking about an entire country. London is the only place in the country with an exchange. What other cities have anything to bring to the table? Size doesn't really have anything to do with power or how much money a country can make. Japan is incredibly small and has a GDP that is almost twice as much as the UK's.

So it's good to look at a more international measure of finance: currency markets. In terms of foreign exchange market turnover, the UK isn’t just the leader, it's still gaining ground, according to the Bank of International Settlements. In 1998, 32.6% of the world’s forex trading was done in the UK (almost all of which takes place in London), against 18.3% in the US. By 2013, the UK had grown to make up 40.9% of the global market, seeing a daily average of $2.73 trillion in turnover. Every day.

No there is no need to do so. I was comparing apples to apples. What transpires inside one country compared to what happens inside another country. The amount in dollars that is transacted in the US, is rivaled by no other place. Forex shows the most trading activity during North American hours. 12:00 GMT to 20:00 GMT. Most currencies are pegged to the dollar. The Middle East, Asia and the Caribbean peg to the dollar for stability.


We also have the worlds leading and central insurance market place that is Lloyds of London.
They wrote premiums of over £20 billion in 2012. That's more then the top US insurance companies combined.

£20 billion in nothing in the grand scheme of things. Additionally, I would like to where you got your information. I sincerely doubt that that is the case, but in spite of that, I still say that it doesn't do much to increase the amount of money being transacted there.

LLoyds of London has been insolvent several times over the past 30 years.
I work in Lloyds of London.


Your word on a forum is tantamount to hearsay. I asked for proof. If you work there then surely you can furnish some evidence for all of your claims. Why not address the other points too?
. I asked for proof. If you work there then surely you can furnish some evidence for all of your claims.

Its all in here! Give me your address and i'll send you a copy!


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LIFFE, which is futures is owned by the NYSE, ]

You may wanna check that again!


London International Financial Futures and Options.

Was bought out by NYSE 2007

Then by ICE in 2013.

Good old LIFFE though, another great London tribute for the yanks to admire and buy.

Maybe educate yourself about lloyds of london too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lloyd's_of_London Its history alone predate your entire nation!
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You may wanna check that again!


London International Financial Futures and Options.

Was bought out by NYSE 2007

Then by ICE in 2013.

Good old LIFFE though, another great London tribute for the yanks to admire and buy.

Maybe educate yourself about lloyds of london too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lloyd's_of_London Its history alone predate your entire nation!

ICE is an American network of exchanges which owns LIFFE, ICE Futures Europe and ICE Futures Canada.

Attach the files to the forum. I would like to see evidence that Forex is traded more during European hours than during North American hours. I would like to see amounts for Forex, Futures, stocks etc for both the U.S. and U.K. £20 billion from an insurance company is pointless when we are talking about trillions.
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£20 billion from an insurance company is pointless when we are talking about trillions.

Its not pointless at all. Lloyds underwrites more risk then the top 25 USA insurance companies combined!

Infact, you'll find that most of these US companies re insure there risks back into london
"I would like to see evidence that Forex is traded more during European hours than during North American hours."
For a start it's a bit difficult as they overlap.
Not sure that it matters anyway, it's a global market, counterparties everywhere and nowhere.
I'm starting to wonder how many people are emigrating after reading this thread so far.........
When its traded is irrelevant! Where its traded is, when we are discussing London being a global financial center.


When it is traded is not irrelevant as people conduct a bulk of their trades during business hours (during the day). While there people that trades during these hours, it is a lot less than during.

£20 billion is a tiny amount compared to trillions. Why do I care about such small figures. You still haven't shown how much money transacts in total through the UK compared to the US.

Mudslinging, how educated! Try to keep calm old bean.

Some subsidiaries of the NYSE Euronext

ou may wanna check that again!


London International Financial Futures and Options.

Was bought out by NYSE 2007

Then by ICE in 2013.

Good old LIFFE though, another great London tribute for the yanks to admire and buy.
ICE is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. It is American! My statement still stands.

Maybe educate yourself about lloyds of london too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lloyd's_of_London Its history alone predate your entire nation!

A history of insolvency. Wikipedia as source for financial history, now that is pathetic.
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