Ego or Lack of?

How about this one.

"I look and see, what not it be
How know I not, what best the shot
One thing for sure, with some allure
All will be, matter what I see

I win a few, and feel anew
Some more I see, what can it be
But last it not, and like a shot
Down I go, nothing I know

If but I knew, that all is few
No good to win, if fall on chin
To make the crown, and not fall down
The less I know, the more I grow

Ego you say, but not today
Matter it not, for all is sot
To keep it all, I must trade small
Most times you see, until need be

if this I do, and I tell you
Then you will know, it's no big show
To most who try, it's like a sty
For not they see, what will be will be"