Reprogram your mind for making money trading - Accountability partner(s)


Hello fellow traders,
I'm looking for someone who understands or at least believes that success in trading for living has a little to do with a system, but mostly to do with mindset.

If you have a live account trading experience, can day trade live during Asian or/and first half of the EU session and are willing to take the leap into discovering what's stopping you from making money trading and are willing to work every day on reprogramming your mind, please keep reading…

I have done a lot of research over the last year about what's really stopping me from making a lot of money, because my system, developed over the last 3 years by watching and understanding market behaviors and correlations, is not responsible for it. 🙂

I found that everything is inside my mind. Van K. Tharp in his book Trade your way to financial freedom wrote:
“You do not trade the markets, you trade your beliefs about the markets."
I would add to it that you trade also your beliefs about money in general, you trade your beliefs about your self-worth, about life, about your deservingness, about rich people etc. (do your own research about how your "Limiting beliefs" shapes your life)
On top of that you also trade your past money traumas and stuck emotions from the past events like fear, shame, embarrassment, anger, guilt, aloneness etc. The more you get rid of the rubbish you accumulated over the years, the better you will feel, the better human being you will become and the better you will trade. 🙂

So I'm giving a few examples of:

Some financial and other traumas which can significantly affect your whole life including trading:
- You lost some money in the past
- You lost someone close to you in the past
- You were born by c-section being alone parted from your mother, left in an incubator for long time - seriously, this trauma can negatively affect your whole life if you won't get rid of it
- Any physical or mental abuse
- Money were stolen from you
- Debting (house mortgage is usually no problem)
- You wasted money
- You made a mistake and lost some money
- Etc.

Limiting beliefs (usually acquired during childhood from family members, teachers etc. + beliefs formed after trading experience):
- Money is the root of all evil
- Money doesn't grow on trees
- Making money is hard
- I don't deserve to be rich, successful etc.
- I am not worthy (of success) etc.
- Rich people are bad and greedy
- I have to work hard to make money
- Trading is hard
- Making money trading is hard

Stuck emotions:
- Shame of losing money in the past
- Fear of losing money trading
- Fear of change
- Fear of change your identity
- Fear of change from scarcity mindset to abundance mindset
- Anger at yourself for your past failures or bad things you have done, or you think it was bad
- Anger at other people who have done something bad to you or you think it was bad
- For the spiritual people: anger at God, Universe…
- And many more…

I believe that the main reason why so many traders are looking for winning systems, trading alerts, automatic trading systems etc., is they want to avoid as much as possible to deal with their mindset, to take the responsibility for their own trading and handling their emotions. If you have to trade your own system you are "on your own" and it's all your responsibility if you lose, no one to blame plus the fear of uncertainty - basically the whole programming kicks in and people suffer when trading, feeling fear, being anxious and make insane trading decisions which will eventually wipe out their accounts or they wake up early enough that there is still something left to take back into their lives.

Basically many traders try to trade and once they go live, they absorb any negative emotions when they have a losing trade and also when the market goes against their SL and they feel anxious. If they have quite a sensitive personality or the money they are trading is important for them, they will experience a small money trauma with every losing trade. Once many small traumas stack up and it's too much for the mind to take, they quit and unless the accumulated emotions are released through some mind work using some healing techniques, they will never get back to trading again. It's very natural behavior because the human mind wants to avoid pain experienced in the past.
They usually end up saying something like: Trading is not for me, I was not made for trading, trading is hard, only people with a big capital can make money trading, etc.

My friend who never worked for anyone, first made money from playing poker online and now being 10+ years full time trader told me that he estimates that only about 1% of traders can actually make money long term and make it their only income.
Many people can make money trading on paper, but once the money is real and the mind kicks in, it's a totally different ball game.

There are more than 1% of people who can actually make money trading, but once they reach some amount of profit their mindset (deserving set point, etc.) is not compatible with, they will give it back to the market.

We have to do something differently than the mainstream approach to trading is if we want to enter the elite. Doing what everyone is doing never leads to anything spectacular. 😉

If you still think that I'm sane 🙂 and what I'm writing about is sane and worth exploring and would be willing to spend at least an hour a day doing the mind work and would be willing to share with me your progress daily through messenger and have a video call once a week or so, please send me a PM or if you want to ask anything first, please reply here.
I have been doing my daily reprogramming using 2 healing techniques for the last 3 months + for the last 2 weeks I'm focusing on money and trading and I can see really nice changes in my life already. I'm happy to share everything I learned if you are really serious and willing to deal with your own past. If you are a spiritual person or have some experience with meditations or handling your emotions, it's gonna be easier to start. 🙂

Also, there is an identity factor that will kick in when you start your reprogramming journey and try to make a major shift in your life. You will experience resistance to keep doing the mind work, but I know techniques on how to deal with it and that's another reason for the accountability partnership. 🙂

Looking forward to your replies.
A main factor I’ve found that I have and many don’t is I don’t have emotional attachments to money
You just hit the nail on the head here.

Were you that lucky than you haven't had any negative experiences which affected your relationship with money or you worked on it over the time?
‌A trader who can ace emotional control is often the one who succeeds in the market. You can still learn strategies and build new trading plans but if you can’t control your emotions, you won’t be able to go far in your trading journey.
If you still think that I'm sane 🙂 and what I'm writing about is sane and worth exploring and would be willing to spend at least an hour a day doing the mind work and would be willing to share with me your progress daily through messenger and have a video call once a week or so, please send me a PM or if you want to ask anything first, please reply here.
Hi warren,
I'm curious to hear more about your technique. I am looking for a success partner in trading, but I'm trying to figure out the right type of person.

I follow Benjamin Hardy (on Youtube) and I believe in his psychology-based teachings. I'm ready in my growth to find an accountability partner - someone who understands the drive to succeed in trading, and who can help by holding each other accountable for our daily and weekly goals, for example. In Ben's teachings, I believe they text 3 bullet points each day ... 3 wins (evidence of forward progress).

I think you are right on the mark slayer. It does boil down to our psychology. The positive here is that you can reprogram your psychology - it is not set in stone. You can take actions to change your perspectives. You may need to do this if you have an aversion to success and money, for example.

There is also another psychological "gotcha" that I struggle with sometimes. It's self-sabotage. I could have a perfect opportunity knocking on my door, but suddenly I'll get cold feet and my mind starts racing about all the reasons I shouldn't do it. When this happens, what I try to do is take a step back and sleep on it. I may also journal and otherwise meditate on the decision.

Once a decision is made, it should be firm and with conviction. I just made one of these life-changing decisions this weekend. It was a real struggle for me. But the new perspective I got from meditating and journaling about this decision showed me how it would grow into a net-positive for my life.
I feel that these limiting beliefs are more common in people who’ve struggled all their life for money. Traders who are already wealthy don’t get affected as much by losses as a person with limited money does. While wealthy people are usually conditioned to receive more money, a common person will always think of making enough to pay his bills. He doesn't think beyond it because he thinks that he doesn’t deserve to be rich.
A lot of that not only comes down to personal relationship with money but how they have been taught about money. People who don't need to worry about it and even those who are wealthy view money as a tool and so view risk in totally different ways to someone who thinks money is the be all and end all.
Hi warrentj

Did you get any takers for this? If so, how is it going - very interested.
Hello fellow traders,
I'm looking for someone who understands or at least believes that success in trading for living has a little to do with a system, but mostly to do with mindset.

If you have a live account trading experience, can day trade live during Asian or/and first half of the EU session and are willing to take the leap into discovering what's stopping you from making money trading and are willing to work every day on reprogramming your mind, please keep reading…

I have done a lot of research over the last year about what's really stopping me from making a lot of money, because my system, developed over the last 3 years by watching and understanding market behaviors and correlations, is not responsible for it. 🙂

I found that everything is inside my mind. Van K. Tharp in his book Trade your way to financial freedom wrote:
“You do not trade the markets, you trade your beliefs about the markets."
I would add to it that you trade also your beliefs about money in general, you trade your beliefs about your self-worth, about life, about your deservingness, about rich people etc. (do your own research about how your "Limiting beliefs" shapes your life)
On top of that you also trade your past money traumas and stuck emotions from the past events like fear, shame, embarrassment, anger, guilt, aloneness etc. The more you get rid of the rubbish you accumulated over the years, the better you will feel, the better human being you will become and the better you will trade. 🙂

So I'm giving a few examples of:

Some financial and other traumas which can significantly affect your whole life including trading:
- You lost some money in the past
- You lost someone close to you in the past
- You were born by c-section being alone parted from your mother, left in an incubator for long time - seriously, this trauma can negatively affect your whole life if you won't get rid of it
- Any physical or mental abuse
- Money were stolen from you
- Debting (house mortgage is usually no problem)
- You wasted money
- You made a mistake and lost some money
- Etc.

Limiting beliefs (usually acquired during childhood from family members, teachers etc. + beliefs formed after trading experience):
- Money is the root of all evil
- Money doesn't grow on trees
- Making money is hard
- I don't deserve to be rich, successful etc.
- I am not worthy (of success) etc.
- Rich people are bad and greedy
- I have to work hard to make money
- Trading is hard
- Making money trading is hard

Stuck emotions:
- Shame of losing money in the past
- Fear of losing money trading
- Fear of change
- Fear of change your identity
- Fear of change from scarcity mindset to abundance mindset
- Anger at yourself for your past failures or bad things you have done, or you think it was bad
- Anger at other people who have done something bad to you or you think it was bad
- For the spiritual people: anger at God, Universe…
- And many more…

I believe that the main reason why so many traders are looking for winning systems, trading alerts, automatic trading systems etc., is they want to avoid as much as possible to deal with their mindset, to take the responsibility for their own trading and handling their emotions. If you have to trade your own system you are "on your own" and it's all your responsibility if you lose, no one to blame plus the fear of uncertainty - basically the whole programming kicks in and people suffer when trading, feeling fear, being anxious and make insane trading decisions which will eventually wipe out their accounts or they wake up early enough that there is still something left to take back into their lives.

Basically many traders try to trade and once they go live, they absorb any negative emotions when they have a losing trade and also when the market goes against their SL and they feel anxious. If they have quite a sensitive personality or the money they are trading is important for them, they will experience a small money trauma with every losing trade. Once many small traumas stack up and it's too much for the mind to take, they quit and unless the accumulated emotions are released through some mind work using some healing techniques, they will never get back to trading again. It's very natural behavior because the human mind wants to avoid pain experienced in the past.
They usually end up saying something like: Trading is not for me, I was not made for trading, trading is hard, only people with a big capital can make money trading, etc.

My friend who never worked for anyone, first made money from playing poker online and now being 10+ years full time trader told me that he estimates that only about 1% of traders can actually make money long term and make it their only income.
Many people can make money trading on paper, but once the money is real and the mind kicks in, it's a totally different ball game.

There are more than 1% of people who can actually make money trading, but once they reach some amount of profit their mindset (deserving set point, etc.) is not compatible with, they will give it back to the market.

We have to do something differently than the mainstream approach to trading is if we want to enter the elite. Doing what everyone is doing never leads to anything spectacular. 😉

If you still think that I'm sane 🙂 and what I'm writing about is sane and worth exploring and would be willing to spend at least an hour a day doing the mind work and would be willing to share with me your progress daily through messenger and have a video call once a week or so, please send me a PM or if you want to ask anything first, please reply here.
I have been doing my daily reprogramming using 2 healing techniques for the last 3 months + for the last 2 weeks I'm focusing on money and trading and I can see really nice changes in my life already. I'm happy to share everything I learned if you are really serious and willing to deal with your own past. If you are a spiritual person or have some experience with meditations or handling your emotions, it's gonna be easier to start. 🙂

Also, there is an identity factor that will kick in when you start your reprogramming journey and try to make a major shift in your life. You will experience resistance to keep doing the mind work, but I know techniques on how to deal with it and that's another reason for the accountability partnership. 🙂

Looking forward to your replies.
Wow “The Journey” well said and all are facts I am really looking forward to working with you I need someone in the level of mindset you are in.
Reprogramme your mind and your ass will follow. Then join a forum and copy what everyone else (who loses) does. Bound to work.
A lot of that not only comes down to personal relationship with money but how they have been taught about money. People who don't need to worry about it and even those who are wealthy view money as a tool and so view risk in totally different ways to someone who thinks money is the be all and end all.
I agree! I being from a middle class family userstand this well. But as I grew and became aware of the prejudice about money and started finding out ways to cut them off and I am still working on it.
This post is highly relatable. Thanks for the post.
Reprogramme your mind and your ass will follow. Then join a forum and copy what everyone else (who loses) does. Bound to work.
Reading a few of your posts i have found that all you do is chat pure s*** and put a dampener on every single thing another member posts. Why don't you learn a bit of emotional control yourself as you seem to need it more then anyone else posting on the forums.
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Not upset... Just speaking from an observation.
Your observation from my replies are that I need ‘emotional control’, it’s a strange observation from someone who isn’t upset because my posts are emotionless typing.

I don’t ‘chat’ ‘pure sh’t’ btw. There’s truth in everything I post, it’s just that you don’t like what I post (that’s your interpretation and your emotions again). I post in a humorous way and am straight to the point, like it or lump it

You’d rather 300 posts showing useless charts? Ok, that’s your prerogative but again, it’s your emotions and preferences at play, not mine. Who is attempting to directly attack who here?

I’ve been around a LONG time and all I see is the same old rubbish over and over. Parrots repeating the same old mantras and then wondering why they can’t profit. Blind leading the blind. You’re entitled to not like that observation but, truth hurts sometimes.
See y’all in another few years, see if you managed to blow it or make it.
Luv n kisses.