Eden Brown Group

  • Thread starter Thread starter MMR
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Did you ever go ahead and invest money with Eden Brown Group? If so, have you ever tried to cash any of your investments in? One of my relatives has been sending them money and I feel there's something not quite right about them.

cold called me two years ago for an investment with giantcore corp did not take it up at the time.followed the company on yahoo seemed to be doing well,phoned them to verify share price which i confrimed with the listing. phoned me about six months later with an opertunity for lumtech shares looked good all the glossy brochers impressive website gxg listed av £1;30 share price,went ahead against a gut feeling, that was over a year ago ask price now is 0.05 with no bid price.can still contact eden brown and they seem very helpful or helpthemselves full.cant contact lumtech anyway. hope this helps henrybs
Henrybs, I would tell your relating to stop sending money until you've done a bit of research. As far as I can see, my relative has been sold worthless shares and it seems to be mission impossible to get any money back. Please think carefully before sending them anymore money.
At JMR AGM main assets sold to Malta based company. Am waiting for replacement share certificate and re-listing. A blatant scam? Probably not - but highly illiquid and speculative. for shares listed on the Frankfurt exchange bid/offer prices mean nothing. Hard to assess EBG. Maybe the info about being a tied agent of Amini was a fraud and they are elaborate scammers.
All these deals might not be 'scams' however that doesn't mean your money hasn't been subtly transferred into someone's else's pocket. That is what these firms are all about whether they're outright frauds or not. This is why they need a steady flow of naive clients (don't mean to be rude but if they knew what they were doing in investment land they would have run a mile from these firms and what they were offering).

The sooner people realise this the better their financial health will be. But if they keep chasing penny stocks dreams from highly dubious brokers (legal or illegal) then money will continue to be transferred as that's the real game being played.