Value of an FSA Licence



I was wondering of anyone on here can help. I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post so if anyone could make any recommendations of anywhere else to ask this question then it would be greatly appreciated.

As a background, I am based in New Zealand and have been working for an investment management firm that has become the investment manager for a superannuation scheme that is essentially funded through UK pension transfers. While at the firm, I was instrumental in establishing a JV with a UK based investment manager who has an FSA licence and as a result, they are now the official investment advisor to the superannuation scheme. My bosses had no prior relationship with this outfit, didn't know they even existed and now the superannuation scheme and investment manager proudly claim that they are managed and advised by an FSA regulated firm. Considering that the client base is going to be from the UK I believe that the value of the FSA attachment is significant and without me they wouldn't have any ties to a FSA regulated firm as I'm assuming that a NZ based firm would have absolutely no chance and that the costs would be significant.

The result now is that I've had a falling out with my bosses, they've cut out of the business and I'm now trying to negotiate my exit pay. However, they're trying to screw me out of it. Therefore I would like to know, or get an idea what you people think the value of an FSA licence is? I'm sure the costs of compliance / registration etc are high and given that we're based in New Zealand there's no way we could even get an FSA licence.

What I want to do is get a ball park figure to go back to them and say look "I arranged the FSA licence tie up, I believe it's worth XX and you should pay me XX".

Any help I could get with this would be appreciated.
An FSA license is free, its the advisory and help required by consultants to get this.

Your typically looking at 6 months - 9 months to obtain one, so work out your daily rate and multiple by the number of days it took.
Hi Jonathan - thanks for your response.

Do you have any idea on a ball park figure for what the advisory and help required by consultants to get the license would be? I'm assuming you have to pay lawyers, service providers etc. Would you have any idea as to a ball park figure?
I have one consultant that i send my client to and she charges £3,000 a month to incubate a client, as for the exact consultanct fees, it could vary so much.

People like IMS and Kinetic partners are the main players, so might be worth dropping them a line.