volatility fan, but energy just is coming from positional biases being wiped out. The last move, should continue.(downward) Stubborn exiters will propel the market down.
basically its a'forced trade' in the market place, contagion/scarcity heuristics battling it out. Usually money is made easier then that, and nothing should be forced when enough volatility has persistance.
I don't mind scratching trades, when the tics don't move as implied.
see the last tic move just now would have stopped me out, when you don't see what you want, why stay in the market? Its a mistake traders make, trying to force or wish or hope something happens.
there is also a 'heartbeat' of confirmation to the trade. Once a trade is placed, there is a predefined time that a trader inately senses, would be the cutting point. Its similar to time stop, but on a second to minute basis.
35.50...the other question becomes, if I didn't see what I wanted to see with my position bias, why not flip the trade and position bias?...
somedays you can.
37.25, see how easier it was for the market to move up, instead of down. If I didn't cut the SL from 41 to 35, and then scratched the trade, I would be looking at a greater possible point loss on the SL, even though position size was adjusted for the wider stop.
I will be selling 52's when we get up there. Weekly highs and lows are inefficiency zones, that should be faded, for a swing trade. A more conservative approach is selling 62's and buying 57's.
heres another volatility fan that played out. This occurred in the june contract in ES a few months back, it was posted well in advance before the dashed ending move. The move was completed with it breaking down, to the low 1500's.
There have been a few of these expanding patterns (roughly defined) over the last few days. All have resolved to downside. Can lightning strike again is $64k question.