Due Diligence - Hilda System

today Eur/Usd chart . There were 2 hilda signal there. I missed both 🙁


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Dear Rosko

rosko said:
Looks like ST has got T2W to pull Microsoft's broom-hilda system - I wonder why they have succumbed to a bit of bullying especially as over on the M. Tec thread he calls T2W a bunch of losers.

So I guess anybody without the broom-hilda system could go to the broom-hilda Paltalk room as I am sure it will be freely available for those that have not yet got it.

Will you be so nice and paste here post in with SoulTrader calls T2W bunch of losers?
Will you be so nice and paste here post in with SoulTrader calls T2W bunch of losers?

Here is ST's post from M.Tec as requested.

first let me say that i wont comment on other forums - just this one - generally speaking the crowd on here are ok, not usually like the no hopers on t2w .............................
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ForexMelody said:
Suppose you have a system that will generate about 900-1000 pip per month,
everytime you use 1/10 position the account, you will almost double your account every month,
for 5 years( = 60 months),
you will increase your account 2**60 times =1152921504606846976 times,
will you sell it ?
Why not? That is, after you have cleaned the market table and you still feel greedy.
What a bunch of mean spirited "individuals" (substitute at will). On the one hand you suggest that SoulTrader doesn't have a clue, and then you try to steal his system! Why would you bother, if he's such a terrible trader? Then on the other hand, there's a "pirate" chat room, and you lot crowing about the system you think you've worked out (which you haven't). If its so good that you want to trade it, then the least you can do is acknowledge SoulTrader's expertise in putting it together!
fluty said:
What a bunch of mean spirited "individuals" (substitute at will). On the one hand you suggest that SoulTrader doesn't have a clue, and then you try to steal his system! Why would you bother, if he's such a terrible trader? Then on the other hand, there's a "pirate" chat room, and you lot crowing about the system you think you've worked out (which you haven't). If its so good that you want to trade it, then the least you can do is acknowledge SoulTrader's expertise in putting it together!

Who said that SoulTrader doesn't have a clue? Not anywhere that I have read.

If the system hasn't been worked out why has SoulTrader had all the Broom-Hilda Sytems removed from every Bulletin Board on the net ?

I don't believe there is such a thing as a 'pirate' room on Paltalk - I do believe that registered members are entitled to use the free rooms for trading, discussions, social get togethers or any other acceptable activity within the Paltalk Rules.

But of course you are not a mean spirited individual Fluty because you are one of the
10-12 members of SoulTraders exclusive Paltalk locked room and thus will most likely have received the Hilda Baker system for free. Why not put your money where your mouth is and donate your $4000 USD to ST's funds ?
rosko said:
Who said that SoulTrader doesn't have a clue? Not anywhere that I have read.

If the system hasn't been worked out why has SoulTrader had all the Broom-Hilda Sytems removed from every Bulletin Board on the net ?

I don't believe there is such a thing as a 'pirate' room on Paltalk - I do believe that registered members are entitled to use the free rooms for trading, discussions, social get togethers or any other acceptable activity within the Paltalk Rules.

But of course you are not a mean spirited individual Fluty because you are one of the
10-12 members of SoulTraders exclusive Paltalk locked room and thus will most likely have received the Hilda Baker system for free. Why not put your money where your mouth is and donate your $4000 USD to ST's funds ?

I think you'll find there are more than 10 -12, and actually I did pay for it. I'm certainly very happy that I did. By pirate I meant pirate "hilda", surely that's pretty clear. And if the posts here haven't been trying to put Soultrader down, then what has it all been about?
fluty said:
I think you'll find there are more than 10 -12, and actually I did pay for it. I'm certainly very happy that I did. By pirate I meant pirate "hilda", surely that's pretty clear. And if the posts here haven't been trying to put Soultrader down, then what has it all been about?

I guess either you can't count or Soultrader can't count then.

Comments below are copied from his website selling the Hilda Baker System. I do know that Larry is a member of the locked Paltalk room so I deduced this system was introduced to you all in the locked paltalk room as Soultrader's trading partners.

So how much did you pay for the Hilda Baker system then Fluty - was it the full $4000 or your subscription to the room ?

"On Monday 11th July 2005 at 12 noon I introduced Hilda to my trading partners (about 10 traders) and by 1pm they fully understood the system. I didn't use video or any other training materials apart from voice.

That afternoon Larry, a fairly new US trader made 60+ pips from the system. He went on to clear over 300 pips for the week and the following week in a single day (Tues 20th July 2005) cleared 160+ pips trading Hilda on 2 pairs (GBP/USD and USD/CHF)

Every one of the traders involved believe this is probably the simplest most effective system they have ever seen and have all incorporated this into their trading".
I was one of the 'trading partners' referred to above in the quote from soul's website, and indeed soul did introduce the Hilda system to us....which had evloved over the course of some time to the system it was at that launch.

As for the last part of the quote '.'..Every one of the traders involved believe this is probably the simplest most effective system they have ever seen and have all incorporated this into their trading". The truth is that i actually introduced the JTPO indicator to Soul and the other so-called trading partners and had already incorportaed into my trading....I did not go on to incorporate the Hilda system as i understand it into my own trading, save for tmy continued use of that indicator that Soul makes use of in his overal Hilda system/ methodology. I also didn't ever express the sentiment that quote ''....Every one of the traders involved believe this is probably the simplest most effective system they have ever seen and have all incorporated this into their trading".

Just thought I'd set the record straight on that one.

As for the system/methodology I have not been privy to any ammendments/impovementss ST may have made to it since then and can offer no insight into it's current form, so can offer no comment on it's effectiveness, other than to say that it is like most systems, that is only as effective as the user.
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bbmac said:
I was one of the 'trading partners' referred to above in the quote from soul's website, and indeed soul did introduce the Hilda system to us....which had evloved over the course of some time to the system it was at that launch.

As for the last part of the quote '.'..Every one of the traders involved believe this is probably the simplest most effective system they have ever seen and have all incorporated this into their trading". The truth is that i actually introduced the JTPO indicator to Soul and the other so-called trading partners and had already incorportaed into my trading....I did not go on to incorporate the Hilda system as i understand it into my own trading, save for tmy continued use of that indicator that Soul makes use of in his overal Hilda system/ methodology. I also didn't ever express the sentiment that quote ''....Every one of the traders involved believe this is probably the simplest most effective system they have ever seen and have all incorporated this into their trading".

Just thought I'd set the record straight on that one.

As for the system/methodology I have not been privy to any ammendments/impovementss ST may have made to it since then and can offer no insight into it's current form, so can offer no comment on it's effectiveness, other than to say that it is like most systems, that is only as effective as the user.

As for the name, it started as a joke, following on from another system trial called 'Thora Hurd' It was then rather jokingly fitted with the acronym: High Impact Low Drawdown Analysis, and even more so..... Based Around Kinetic Energy Research.'

I am sure people will always draw what conclusions they will.
bbmac said:
I was one of the 'trading partners' referred to above in the quote from soul's website, and indeed soul did introduce the Hilda system to us....which had evloved over the course of some time to the system it was at that launch.

As for the last part of the quote '.'..Every one of the traders involved believe this is probably the simplest most effective system they have ever seen and have all incorporated this into their trading". The truth is that i actually introduced the JTPO indicator to Soul and the other so-called trading partners and had already incorportaed into my trading....I did not go on to incorporate the Hilda system as i understand it into my own trading, save for tmy continued use of that indicator that Soul makes use of in his overal Hilda system/ methodology. I also didn't ever express the sentiment that quote ''....Every one of the traders involved believe this is probably the simplest most effective system they have ever seen and have all incorporated this into their trading".

Just thought I'd set the record straight on that one.

As for the system/methodology I have not been privy to any ammendments/impovementss ST may have made to it since then and can offer no insight into it's current form, so can offer no comment on it's effectiveness, other than to say that it is like most systems, that is only as effective as the user.

bbmac - thank you for setting the record straight on a couple of items from Soultraders sales site.

You are a trader from both this T2W board and the M.Tec days who I have the greatest of respect for.
bbmac said:
so can offer no comment on it's effectiveness, other than to say that it is like most systems, that is only as effective as the user.

Bloody beautifully said, you may have the best system in the world, but not make any $$$, the same system may be used by someone else who makes a squillion off it.

The user is the key to any good effective trading way I believe.

Good luck and good trading to all.
I am not interested in all this debating that is going on here. How about a discussion on the Broom Hilda system that is posted in this thread? I just spent the time and learned it. It looks pretty good. Going to test it now on a demo.
lwp said:
pw for hilda pal talk room?

If you pay 2300 GBP you can get the password for the HIlda Baker room.

I haven't seen a paltalk room for the Broom Hilda system.
jblaze said:
If you pay 2300 GBP you can get the password for the HIlda Baker room.

I haven't seen a paltalk room for the Broom Hilda system.

Name of the room:
Forex Baker Crew
mt4 options

you guys know you can overlay indicators to save room, 3 indicators windows to me is too many, so for those who didn't know cntrl+n drop indicator into window where you want the indicator in.


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bbmac said:
I was one of the 'trading partners' referred to above in the quote from soul's website, and indeed soul did introduce the Hilda system to us....which had evloved over the course of some time to the system it was at that launch.

As for the last part of the quote '.'..Every one of the traders involved believe this is probably the simplest most effective system they have ever seen and have all incorporated this into their trading". The truth is that i actually introduced the JTPO indicator to Soul and the other so-called trading partners and had already incorportaed into my trading....I did not go on to incorporate the Hilda system as i understand it into my own trading, save for tmy continued use of that indicator that Soul makes use of in his overal Hilda system/ methodology. I also didn't ever express the sentiment that quote ''....Every one of the traders involved believe this is probably the simplest most effective system they have ever seen and have all incorporated this into their trading".

Just thought I'd set the record straight on that one.

As for the system/methodology I have not been privy to any ammendments/impovementss ST may have made to it since then and can offer no insight into it's current form, so can offer no comment on it's effectiveness, other than to say that it is like most systems, that is only as effective as the user.

I see Soultrader has now amended his Sales Site for Hilda System due to exaggerated claims made about Hilda System. The claims were unfounded and have thus been removed today. It now reads as follows:-

On Monday 11th July 2005 at 12 noon I introduced Hilda to my trading partners (about 10 traders) and by 1pm they fully understood the system. I didn't use video or any other training materials apart from voice.

That afternoon Larry, a fairly new US trader made 60+ pips from the system. He went on to clear over 300 pips for the week and the following week in a single day (Tues 20th July 2005) cleared 160+ pips trading Hilda on 2 pairs (GBP/USD and USD/CHF)

Since the initial system was launched new advanced techniques have also been identified and trained which now makes the system even more effective.