Duabi is Awesome !!!

BSD: Okey! I see your point! Well, lets hope they start realising that ppl will stop going there if they dont change! =)
Maybe we will see change in the future! =)

I certainly hope so Victor as this apart it's quite a nice place if a bit hot hehe.

Sthg to keep in mind:

Drugs (Pharmaceuticals) in Our Water

What do acetaminophen (Tylenol), codeine, cocaine, ibuprofen, Prozac, erythromycin, caffeine, ethinylestradiol, triclosan, Naproxen, nonylphenol, Metformin and nicotine have in common? They have all been detected in rivers, lakes and coastal waters throughout the United States and Europe.

Where Do the Drugs Come From?
Over-the-counter, prescription and recreational drugs ingested by people are typically not completely absorbed or degraded by our bodies before elimination. These drugs are therefore in our waste that is that is flushed down the drain, passed through the sewer system, only partially destroyed in the sewage treatment process, and therefore are still present in wastewater treatment plant effluent. Depending on the location, this effluent stream is discharged to rivers or the ocean. These same water bodies are the source of drinking water for many communities. Drugs also enter the sewer system when unused medications are flushed down the toilet.


"In one of the most extreme cases, it reported a man being held after poppy seeds from a bread roll were found on his clothes.
....customs authorities were using highly sensitive new equipment to conduct thorough searches on travellers.
"If they find any amount - no matter how minute - it will be enough to attract a mandatory four-year prison sentence. "What many travellers may not realise is that they can be deemed to be in possession of such banned substances if they can be detected in their urine or bloodstream, or even in tiny, trace amounts on their person.

Warning: UAE, Dubai and drug laws ... - Thorn Tree Travel Forum - Lonely Planet
How about the other middle east contries? Like Abu Dhai, Quatar and Sadui Arabia? Do you think they are harder or less hard?
Abu Dhabi is another emirate, part of the UAE. same laws apply I think.
Saudi is much tougher than Dubai (UAE), Dubai is becoming more western
How about the other middle east contries? Like Abu Dhai, Quatar and Sadui Arabia? Do you think they are harder or less hard?

Abu Dhabi is another emirate, part of the UAE. same laws apply I think.
Saudi is much tougher than Dubai (UAE), Dubai is becoming more western

Pretty much agree with Adv there generally in most respects apart from this drug thingie there in Dubai.

I mean alcohol is no problem, clubs and bars are all over the place, etc.

Having said that, in Saudi, where alcohol is illegal, there is a pretty large expat drinking scene there that gets semi-tolerated, and lots of Saudis drive over to Bahrein to party, and party hard at that, with all that that entails, and then drive back home drunk.

I moved to Dubai 4 months ago, love it, no problems with Chavs, great laugh, beach bars and entertainment. The Dubai 7s last weekend was one of the best sporting days of my life, and ive been to a few. Trading here is excellent, especially as i dont have to put 45% in the govt, kitty, so they can spunk it up the wall.
Its horrible, totally immoral, along with most other taxes. In time I wouldn't be surprised to see something similar introduced to the UK.....

Lucky you, I couldnt live tax free in dubai if i wanted (or anywhere for that matter) As long as I want to stay a citizen of the US then I have to pay the IRS no matter where i live and work, even if the country im living in has taxes then I have to pay both! Isnt that some crazy stuff?
Having said that, in Saudi, where alcohol is illegal, there is a pretty large expat drinking scene there that gets semi-tolerated, and lots of Saudis drive over to Bahrein to party, and party hard at that, with all that that entails, and then drive back home drunk.


Absolutely Right there. The Saudi's say Allah cant see them in Bahrain.

What kind of F-ed up stuff is that. So the Saudi would go crazy in Bahrain (like their own little Las Vegas) "What happens in Bahrain Stays in Bahrain." Should be the Saudi slogan.

While Im at it. You Saudi women, Hey if your man doesnt let you drive in Saudi. DONT DRIVE IN BAHRAIN. Not that I have anything against female drivers, but CLEARLY you are out of practice!!!!

AAAhhhhh I had to get that off my chest. lol
Im a man in the prime of life and i live there, so there you go.
You'd never be libel for a fraction of of the offences here in the USA or even the UK.

Your drug laws are completely unreasonable.
Be put in a box for 0.03 of cannabis?
Lucky you, I couldnt live tax free in dubai if i wanted (or anywhere for that matter) As long as I want to stay a citizen of the US then I have to pay the IRS no matter where i live and work, even if the country im living in has taxes then I have to pay both! Isnt that some crazy stuff?

Not true. For US residents-TAX free overseas. I think its IRS pub 54 or 514. But you have to file and be prepared to show Passport/Visa stamps as proof.

If you live in overseas for more than 1 yr and havent stepped foot in US for more than 30days. the first 75k is tax free.
thats nonsense. just back from Dubai and event he Arabs hold hands with their wife while wlaking in the shopping malls. - didn't see them kissing mind you so perhaps that is a step too far.

in general I felt it was a much more family orientated place than the UK, lots of Arab families wandering around the malls at the weekends. Britain is a broken country now.

I agree that Dubai is more open than many people say it is.

However, I can't help but feel that the media in the UK likes to perpetuate this image of Britain being a 'broken country'. From my experience the UK has its faults but certainly not to a greater extent than anywhere else I've lived (including Dubai). People always see more favourable sides of places when they go on holiday. Personally, I've witnessed and been a victim of crime numerous times when I lived in Australia but have never had the misfortune here. The problem with the UK is that people like to complain!

Don't know whether you're a troll or just semin-retarded but how you can suggest property prices are up on the year I don't know. They're down at least 40% with many suggesting a lot of projects will lose 80%. Big boom, even bugger bust.

Has the bubble burst?

The party’s over in Dubai - Times Online

mate i was just saying that dubai hasnt been effected as much as the other places, open your eyes, get off your computer, go out and see whats happening with the rest of the economies. Dubai has just started to feel the affects now, propertie prices only came down about a month or 2 ago, only last month dubai blew the whole world away with the biggest propertie exibition, were the worlds tallest building was announced and guess what ignorant dubai allready holds the worlds tallest tower record with the burj and its not even completed yet

you are the retarded one whos acting like dubai is the only country being affected, i guess that also makes you a troll.

dubai has a massive future, you need to relize 15 years ago it was a desert, the way its boomed is just amazing, ofcourse it suffers from traffic problems and many others but you have to give it time to develop its only a new city, traffic will easily be sorted out with the numerous highways and roads under construction and the massive metro project near completion. dubai is the future.
Dubai 👍 This place is AWESOME !

no girls! => not perfect
You may be referring to the Free Zones. These are business districts that are largely exempt from the Sharia rules and other limiting regulations or laws of the country - to encourage and enable Western businesses to develop in the UAE. I work in one. Interest is paid on some bank accounts, but it's minimal.

I live here, have been for 2 years and worked in 2 Free Zones - the Dubai Airport Free Zone and the one in Internet City where I hold a visa now.

There are a few Western banks - Barclays, HSBC, Standard Chartered, Lloyds TSB. I bank with a local bank though.
Why did you leave Australia? Both of my sons went there for three months. I was giving them a chance to size the place up. They "liked" the place and think Aussis are fine, but they have have expressed no desire to return.

also its one of the few places which has not been affected by the credit crunch,

which is why a villa that some fool paid 8 million dirhams for at Arabian Ranches has just been sold for 2.7 million ?

but let's not allow facts to get in the way eh ?