DTN IQ Feed - Multiple Charting Packages


Legendary member
Is anyone running IQ Feed into more than one charting package on the same workstation?

I'm currently using it with QT, but wonder if I could also plug it into MetaStock Pro V8.

A cursory look indicates I might have to have a second subscription to DTN and that's assuming a multiple feed would work on a single machine.

I've only used MetaStock Pro V8 in EOD mode (and that was a way back), but presume it's easy enough to configure for RT. Separate issue, I know.
iq told me that it needs a seperate sub to run another computer.however,running it on metastock aswell should not cause any problems,poviding it is the same computer.try it

I have run both QT and other software simultaneously from the IQ feed.

BUT, if you are buying IQ at the discounted QT rate it will not work with other packages.

If you cough up the higher price ($50 pm + various extras from memory) then it will work with your package + QT. However, by the time you have done that the price is approaching that of esignal who, overall, appear to have a very good if very expensive package. My present inclination is to sign up with them and avoid all the hassle.

Definitive Response from DTN

If you want to run 2 separate charting products you'll need 2 separate DTN IQ Feed subscriptions.

They also suggest as a minimum to run 2 feeds/packages, at least a 1.7GHz with 512MB RAM.

I know some people are running QT and 'another' package off the same IQ Feed, but this seems to be a bonus (from a QT operational perspective) rather than an IQ Feed property.