Conflicting Data Feeds


Established member
Can anybody help with this problem please?

I'm running 64 bit, dual core processors plus 2 Gb of RAM and have always used IB for my charting data feed , as well as the TWS trading platform. This has never been a problem, apart from IB's data, sometimes, being a bit suspect, mostly where reported volumes are concerned.

I, recently, decided to switch to IQ Feed to run AmiBroker charting. I was hoping that there would be no problem running two seperate data feeds, simultaneously, as I still wish to use IB for trading. Whenever, I connect to IB, with IQ Feed running, the IQ stops.

Is this a case of my internet connection not being able to handle two separate sets of RT data? Does anybody know a simple solution to this or, will i need another broadband line?

Very much doubt that it is your internet connection. IB feed in particular is very bandwidth efficient.
Well. All I know is that IQ Feed stops when I connect to IB. Help!!!!!
alan5616 said:
Well. All I know is that IQ Feed stops when I connect to IB. Help!!!!!

I'm not familiar with Amibroker, but you need to describe your problem in a little more detail so that others may be able to help.

Are you saying that you have Amibroker running OK with IQFeed. You then start TWS. Does the problem happen as soon as the login frame for TWS is visible, or after you have logged into TWS and quotes are visible on TWS pages.

You havn't by any chance got Amibroker configured for TWS data ?
I have got Amibroker configured for IQ Feed. It happens once I have logged into IB and their quote screen appears. I'm not sure what other clues I can provide. I'm not a techie so, hope that somebody can suggest a few tests that I can run.
alan5616 said:
I have got Amibroker configured for IQ Feed. It happens once I have logged into IB and their quote screen appears. I'm not sure what other clues I can provide. I'm not a techie so, hope that somebody can suggest a few tests that I can run.

OK. Did you previously have Amibroker configured for TWS ? Is it possible that it hasn't cleared this config properly ?

On TWS goto

Configure -> API -> Enable ActiveX and Socket Clients

and uncheck it. You can also remove all the trusted IP addresses if you want to.

This will prevent Amibroker from connecting to TWS if that is the problem. Other than that I'd say contact Amibroker support.
If I uncheck the "socket ckient etc,", then I won't be able to use the piece of front end software that plugs in to IB. Amibroker has never been configured for IB, only IQ Feed. If it helps at all, I have XP Home as my OS
You might download tcpview from:
It shows all the tcp/ip ports open on your system (in and out), with the process names. Ports are high-lighted in green when they are just created and red when they are killed.

Actually, it doesn't sound like a port problem though. Tcp/ip ports are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, so TWS would have no way of taking a port away from another process.

Does your IQ feed recover when you close IB? You should probably call IQ tech support on this.

Hi Guys,

Thanks for your reponses.

I've spoken to IQ Feed tech support and they thought it might be a duplicated .dll file. It isn't. Strangely enough it's working a lot better now, although IQ is running a sec or so behind IB. Looks like I my have to go back to IB as, there's no point in paying for an R/T data feed which runs slower than one you can have for free!!!
As I'm a very new user to AmiBroker(still on trial version), it appears that I may have to change one, or more, of the settings. I'll do another post, later today, if that works.
I can clear this up now. I needed to change a default setting. Trying to get to grips with a new piece of software is not always easy, especially when the user guide doesn't have all the answers!!!