dows going to hit 15,000 you all ready?
5 months already!
I'll order the cake now. 😉
dows going to hit 15,000 you all ready?
dows going to hit 15,000 you all ready?
thanks, where should I set my stop?
21,000 😉
Might have a look at 22,000 next year.
Always good for a laugh.
His view on Brexit doesn't add up with his view on democracy !
dows going to hit 15,000 you all ready?
If only we knew the panacea for the worlds economy was to vote for an egomaniac lying buffoon.
Do the complete opposite of what had been done for years and bingo the worlds economy is fixed.
There are so many inconsistencies to what has been proposed already but for now the people wanting posts or influence in the new administration are silent and Goldman Sachs, who would not lend Trump $100 are lined up to milk the working people all over again.
Trump can't believe that people who would have been embarrassed to be seen with him are now taking his calls. Diplomacy and etiquette are out the window and the Republicans who are for free trade and business are quiet to the proposed changes that actually are in many cases anti open business.
So buy big banks and energy for a while longer, let's close our eyes to the rising dollar and how they are now going to export to the world whilst being tough on free trade. There will be plenty of chances to sell in the New Year but for now all portfolio managers have to play the game get all the right stocks in their funds and look good for the year end beauty parades.
Rising rates will hit home on many fronts next year and how can this not end badly.
selling up to 22k yes, got pending buys every 250 points 🙂
dows going to hit 15,000 you all ready?
thanks, where should I set my stop?
21,000 😉