Downgrading TWS


Senior member
Hi folks,

I seem to be having major problems carrying out a simple procedure.

First I uninstalled TWS, then went to IBs website and downloaded and installed the previous version.

It installs and works OK, but help shows it still to be the 815.3 version I'm currently desperate to avoid!!!

Anyone have a previous version or know whats going wrong with my downgrade?


I have a version from September last year which if you send me an email address I will send to you. File size is 3.8MB and the file is an *.exe

Hi Oatman,

I keep getting orders transmitted but never acknowledged. Needless to say they don't execute. Worse still if I have an order in place as a stop, I modify that order it cancels the existing order then never submits the modification!!!

Hi Peto,

I've been on the IB Boards and this is a different although similar problem.

In my case TWS confirms my order has been transmitted and gives the status accordingly. (i.e. Light Blue) I never then receive a confirmation that the trade has been successfully modified. The trade never executes.

Basically IB have to carry out two functions when modifing an order:
1) Cancel the existing one
2) Place a new one on the exchange (I'm using Globex native Stop Limit orders)

They are doing 1) but not 2) which means they are removing my existing stop but not placing the new one. Not a very nice scenario.

I have been pestering them for two days now and haven't even had the courtesy of a reponse!!!!

I'm on 814.2. It's always been a policy of mine not to upgrade for about a week or so - this is sufficient time for any problems to be reported on the BBs here and in the US.

I know it won't help in this situation, but upgrading after everyone else has never caused me any problems. 😀

Is this problem only related to cancel/replaces ? In my day job I have had loads of problems with timing issues on cancel replaces when using the GL system to access the major European systems. I ended up always cancelling an order, waiting for the cancel to take effect then sending a new order instead of doing the cancel replace.

In a totally automated system I would look at sticking the cancel orders in a queue and checking periodically for cancel requests which had not been processed and acknowledged. I guess you could use a similar approach for cancel/reps which had not been ack'd.

I saw your post on the TWS Yahoo list and was a bit concerned by your problem and by the response from Russell as I hope to soon be developing automated systems using TWS as the execution platform.

Do you think these recent problems are tied into a TWS release rather than being a more generic problem ?


Hi Mac,

Given that I have used the system since XMAS with a prior version of TWS and this problem only surfaced after I installed the latest TWS then there is a possibility.

IB or Globex could of course has changed their back end systems.

I'm still waiting for any kind of response from IB...

I've sent them Audit trails and allsorts but still not even a reply to say they are investigating etc.


Thats what I thought too, but Russell's post scared me. I knew you had done a lot of work with the Java API (I will use the C++ socket one I think) but the implementations should be pretty similar under the covers.

It will be interesting to see if / when you get a response from IB.

Funnily enough my day job is working for a portfolio trading desk and part of our business is to handle DMA orders from clients which go straight to the exchange, and we had major problems today near the UK close - its an intermittent problem which is proving very difficult to track down. So I have some (but not that much) sympathy for the IB guys.

IB have finally responded after I emailed every member of staff I could find, and posted everywhere in there BB.

However they asked for times dates etc.

The only problem is the emails I sent them contained the Audit Trail generated by TWS that clearly shows there problem. They also say that the 'light blue' status means there backend Market Centre system never received the order. Funny how the original order got cancelled on Globex then!!!
