Dow Intraday charts 27/10 31/10

what happened after hours on the dow. it is currently down 30 points. glad i sold out @ 9875 over an hour ago.
Thanks Bill

I'll check this out tomorrow at work. Can you confirm whether your price & RSI values were manually entered or automatically entered? If automatically, can you let me know what software/data feed combo you use.



The data is from the SB price. You might find it is slightly, but not significantly, different from a standard feed. Ah! we're back to bias again. All software is my own although I do use as well. Erm.. Oh yes! RSI is derived directly from the data in the spreadsheet.

Btw if you are interested in the Diy approach [hard work] there is a set of library functions that you can get for use as Excel plugin. They will do all the standard TA techniques.

Have a look ->



Was just thinking wouldn't it be nice to have the indicators automatically anotated as the day progresses. For example, mark on the magic no's [fairly easy]; show pd & nd as it develops,; identify flags and tris; calculate and anotate targets as patterns develop, e.g. H&S, tri targets. Recomend stop positions based on S&R.
Another idea I had was for a training CD where old intraday data is charted real-time so that the student can simulate trades and learn how not to make mistakes. The beauty of that is the student would be able to speed it up to say 2x or 4x thus reducing some of the boredom.
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I've had a look at your method & I think it is good. the only part I'm not sure about is the length of the string of numbers (8 on your spreadsheet). This constraint could cause you to miss certain trends, e.g. if the price/RSI jumps quickly over a few minutes & then decreases just as quickly.

I was thinking about a more simplistic approach - i.e. just graph change in price divided by change in RSI for 1min intervals. The resulting chart will be messy but this could be smoothed out using an appropriate moving average - what do you think?



p.s. thanks for the link - hopefully I can use one of the add-ins to read in an array of price/RSI info.

Yes go for it. I'm just playing really. Have you tried changing cells Q1 and R1 which control the number of minutes [8] and the displayed RSI ratio [0.8]?
I think I did try simple division a while ago and I thought it did not tell me much but have a go yourself.
Oh the other thing I forgot to mention is that the actual RSI used is a 3 min SMA of the RSI in order to smooth it out a bit.

If you get stuck with TA-LIB let me know and I'll post my own notes on here. You need to use arrays and I found that slightly tricky. It is in the Excel help though.


Think we ought to be on the new thread now... 🙂