Dow Elevator Trading System

Trader333 said:
I would suggest therein lies your answer because if it were that good then it would be a topic of ongoing discussion and clearly it isnt.


Cheers Paul, it makes sense mate.
Dow Elevator

Hi Paulo

Did you get any response to the below question?


pbarroso said:
Has anybody heard of the above trading system for the Dow?
Its from a chap called Glyn Mass and he reckons is 96% accurate in predicting the moves of the Dow...
96% is quite a claim and unheard of...!!!
The web site is:
Please let me know your thoughts before I invest my hard earned cash.

Happy trading

usdivers61 said:
anyone tried this system yet?

I have started trading this system with a 'Tradindex' Dummy account and since the 7 Nov '06 I have increased my bank by 42%. I was trying for 50% target but I did make a couple of stupid mistakes (I did not follow the rules) so I'm hopeful for December. If anyone is thinking of purchasing this system, I would say go for it, but read the manual 5-6 times so the methodology is ingrained in you, this is what I did not do and I came unstuck. Also I would like to confirm I have NO connection to GMASS Computer Systems - as that just sounded like an advert !!
nkruger,,,,,,,, keep going my friend. That is a good return. Pls report back after Xmas. 1 months results are not much good.
thanks anyway
al-motor said:
nkruger,,,,,,,, keep going my friend. That is a good return. Pls report back after Xmas. 1 months results are not much good.
thanks anyway
I'll do that, al-motor, hopefully with some good results. I have picked a small but useful 8 points this morning in an 'out of hours' dummy trade on the DOW........ Happy days.
nkruger said:
I'll do that, al-motor, hopefully with some good results. I have picked a small but useful 8 points this morning in an 'out of hours' dummy trade on the DOW........ Happy days.

As promised, an update on the Dow Elevator system. December's paper trading results are as follows :-
Points gained = 149 (Tradindex Dummy Account)
Starting Bank = £1354
Finnishing Bank = £ 2172 (+60.4%) Is that correct ???

I found at the beginning of this steep learning curve, that I was watching the screen all day while I was at work which was a definite disadvantage as I have a very busy full time job, and made me initially believe this system was not for me, but as I've relaxed into it, I now realise I can just trade at times of the day to suit me. I'm starting to trade this month with a 1p/per pip account at Finspreads.

So far, so good.........
Good one NK.............

Since the US is open from 2.30pm to 9.15pm, I guess one can choose any time within that period to trade ?? IS that right ?

You know, consistency, if it can be achieved, is the important thing.......... thats why u need to test this system for some time to come, to see how it reacts in different mkts.

I also think that u are doing the right thing- i.e. starting with the demo and then trading live, but very small. Thats very good !!

al-motor said:
Good one NK.............

Since the US is open from 2.30pm to 9.15pm, I guess one can choose any time within that period to trade ?? IS that right ?

You know, consistency, if it can be achieved, is the important thing.......... thats why u need to test this system for some time to come, to see how it reacts in different mkts.

I also think that u are doing the right thing- i.e. starting with the demo and then trading live, but very small. Thats very good !!

Hello Al, the market for the DJ with spreadbetters is open a VERY long time, 7.00am -9.00pm so you're right, you can trade at any time but with the Dow Elevator system you can either choose a morning trade (10.00am-2.00pm ish) or a UK evening trade (5.00pm-8.30pm). I probably watch my screen a TOTAL of an hour a day now that I've settled into it, which is a bit more relaxing. I'm also going to try an end of day trading system - there is 2 I'm researching at the moment, just so I can have a complete contast in my trading day/week. Well that's my plan anyway........
al-motor said:
Thanks for that and good luck.

Keep us updated.

Quick update. An absolutely perfect Dow Elevator trade today. Opened (short) at 6.10pm @12556 and we now at 12433 (7.45pm) and still watching the RED screen. Happy days....

Nick. :cheesy:
And....... closed at 12425 @ just after 8pm as the the Dow was going over the 9sma (2 min chart) for a gain of 131 points. Quite pleasing as my target for the whole of January is only 100 pips !!

I must reiterate that I've no connection to the writer & publisher of this system, but I do think, as I've said before, it is a workable system if you stick to the rules, read and re-read the manual constantly and then use its methodologies to develop a trading syle of your own.This has taken me about 4 months to get were I am today. QWell worth the initial investment. It really does give an insight to the way the Dow works.

There is plenty of time to turn your +131 into a negative figure by the end of January as one trade does not make a system

Trader333 said:
There is plenty of time to turn your +131 into a negative figure by the end of January as one trade does not make a system


Forgive my exuberance Paul,but it was good to 'bag' a nice trade so early in the month. I have found that when that happens it is better to just watch the market for a couple of days and not to trade. I believe this is taught in a few trading books as well ? This is quite easy for me to do this time as my wife has booked a 5 day holiday for us coinciding with the Non Farm Payrolls announcement on Friday ( A good monthly wage earner) How did that happen !! Bless her...

As you so rightly proclaim, one trade does not make a system, but the Dow Elevator manual does explain how to trade the Dow on volatile days like yesterday. I think it is important for people to read about successes as well as the downside of 'paid for' systems, and they can then have a more rounded view.

Hi Nick, I'm interested in trading the Dow and have had an email advertising this Dow system. He mentions that there is a spreadbet firm that offers a 1 pip spread on the Dow, can you reveal which spreadbet firm that is and does it refer to Rolliing cash or is it Futures.


brownie3 said:
Any more news on how this system is performing. BTW is it based on candle stick analysis?
No trade today - the market can't really decide where it wants to go - but I've managed 248 pips this month so far. I must admit I have adapted the system a bit (which is suggested in the DETS manual) so I've been more successful than I was in Nov/Dec. Haven't had a losing trade so far in January. I do find myself reading at least part of the manual every day, it is a bit 'deeper' than you realise on the initial reading. Not based on Candlestick trading analysis. Can't remember how much the course was now - I actually purchased it a while ago and did nothing 'til Nov '06 - but I am very pleased with the results so far.

Thanks for your reply Nick. The course is £297 and it does seem as though it is worth it judging by your comments. On his web page he states that you can start using and profiting with this system immediately so I presume that it is fairly simple to use and understand. He also states that the minimum pips the system generates is 10 with the maximum being 40 but as you have proved, it can be a lot more.

Please keep us posted on your results and even any adjustements you make that might enhance its effectivness in gaining pips.

Many thanks,
Hello Dave

I believe you could start immediately if you were up to speed already with trading the Dow/Spreadbetting etc., but if you were a novice to the markets it may take month or so. I'm naturally cautious so I paper traded for 2 months while I got 'into' the methodology and now I'm trading for real @ 1p per pip with Finspreads. The minimum target for a trade is indeed 10 points but I have had occasions were I've just managed 2 or 3 before the market turns, but the manual explains the working of the Dow so well that you can forsee what's going to happen. I would say the norm is probably 20-30 pips per trade. I suppose £297 is about average for a system that works, judging by what else is available on the web... Will keep you posted.
