Dow Elevator Trading System

brownie3 said:
Hi Nick, I'm interested in trading the Dow and have had an email advertising this Dow system. He mentions that there is a spreadbet firm that offers a 1 pip spread on the Dow, can you reveal which spreadbet firm that is and does it refer to Rolliing cash or is it Futures.



Hi Dave, concerning you question re. a 1 pip spread on the Dow, I've copied/pasted the following from one of DowDecoded's many emails to me. (There are helpful emails sent out to members every week)

"For information on where you can open up an account
with a 1 point spread and receive up to £250 cash
back on any trading losses, please use this link:"

Not sure if it's Rolling or Futures, have a look.

Looking like an interesting day's trading today so far, I'm short from 12609 - looking promising !!

nkruger said:
Hi Dave, concerning you question re. a 1 pip spread on the Dow, I've copied/pasted the following from one of DowDecoded's many emails to me. (There are helpful emails sent out to members every week)

"For information on where you can open up an account
with a 1 point spread and receive up to £250 cash
back on any trading losses, please use this link:"

Not sure if it's Rolling or Futures, have a look.

Looking like an interesting day's trading today so far, I'm short from 12609 - looking promising !!


Just closed that trade (@ 15:23) at 12567 for a nice 42 pips profit. It may still go lower but I have learnt to be happy with your original target. Going for a long walk across the fields in the wind now........

Well played, the greed factor can play havoc with your overall strategy. Regards the 1 pip spread, I have an account with world spreads and sure enough they give a 1 pip spread on the Futures rolling contract. This can be traded in the same way as the daily rolling contract so long as you close it by the end of the day. Great stuff. Enjoy your windy stroll Nick 🙂
nkruger said:
Just closed that trade (@ 15:23) at 12567 for a nice 42 pips profit. It may still go lower but I have learnt to be happy with your original target. Going for a long walk across the fields in the wind now........

hi my name is bob de voe and i have been reading your posts regarding the dow elevator system. are you still pleased with the system ? also since i am in the us i would be trading the e-mini dow futures. would you assume the success would be close to the success that you have experienced. thank you-bob [email protected]
rfdevoe said:
hi my name is bob de voe and i have been reading your posts regarding the dow elevator system. are you still pleased with the system ? also since i am in the us i would be trading the e-mini dow futures. would you assume the success would be close to the success that you have experienced. thank you-bob [email protected]

Hello Bob, yes still very pleased with the system. There are many parts to it, and I have adapted one of those to suit my day. You can, if you wish, be busy for 12 hours a day if you trade ALL the strategies outlined in the course manual. Concerning e-minis, in the UK once your 'pot' goes over c. £10,000 you are unwise to spreadbet anyway, so e-mini futures is the next logical step, so yes, I would say you will be as successful (if not MORE) using whatever instrument you choose. By the way, as of last Friday ( 19th ) I am 290 pips ahead, with no losses yet, for the month.

nkruger said:
Hello Bob, yes still very pleased with the system. There are many parts to it, and I have adapted one of those to suit my day. You can, if you wish, be busy for 12 hours a day if you trade ALL the strategies outlined in the course manual. Concerning e-minis, in the UK once your 'pot' goes over c. £10,000 you are unwise to spreadbet anyway, so e-mini futures is the next logical step, so yes, I would say you will be as successful (if not MORE) using whatever instrument you choose. By the way, as of last Friday ( 19th ) I am 290 pips ahead, with no losses yet, for the month.

hi nick thanks very much for the info-also if i could ask a few other questions. in reading about the elevator system it appears as if there is a system 1 and system 2- where system 2 is more profitable but does not trade as often. is system 1 and 2 very difficult to master and what system do you think is better. i really appreciate the help- bob de [email protected]
If you go ahead with the purchase of the system, you will then note the differences between the 2 systems and work out for yourself which one you would like to use - or do what I do and be greedy and trade BOTH. I have modified system 1 to make it a bit more profitable. Now I've mastered them, they're not that difficult to work, but it did take me a while of re-reading and paper-trading to get it right. If you follow the manual to the letter and don't allow any emotions to rear their ugly head, you will get it right first time. It's your own brain that is the hardest part to control and once you've sorted your thinking out you're on your way.


I too own this system which I purchased while searching for the elusive grail.

My preference was for System 2 - never really got into System 1 - but I've not traded it for some time after switching to FX, though my trading in FX is based on some of its principles.

The material is very professional and well written, support has been excellent, I still receive updates and snippets of further useful information nearly 2 years down the line.

I think the guy that wrote it now focusses his time on developing an FX course.

Just my two bobs worth.

dwaddell said:

I too own this system which I purchased while searching for the elusive grail.

My preference was for System 2 - never really got into System 1 - but I've not traded it for some time after switching to FX, though my trading in FX is based on some of its principles.

The material is very professional and well written, support has been excellent, I still receive updates and snippets of further useful information nearly 2 years down the line.

I think the guy that wrote it now focusses his time on developing an FX course.

Just my two bobs worth.


I know what you mean Dave, system 2 takes up less of your time and can be a good system if you have a day job. Nice to hear of someone else who's had a bit of success with it. Any other systems you've come across ?? Just interested really, I'm not looking for the grail anymore, I'm developing my own. Quite happy were I am at the moment !! I wish I'd seen this website (T2W) when I was searching for the grail 3 or 4 years ago, as I think it would have accelerated my learning.

Without giving away trade secrets, what is the system based on? Is it indicator based, a breakout strategy, support and resistance, etc?
nkruger said:
If you go ahead with the purchase of the system, you will then note the differences between the 2 systems and work out for yourself which one you would like to use - or do what I do and be greedy and trade BOTH. I have modified system 1 to make it a bit more profitable. Now I've mastered them, they're not that difficult to work, but it did take me a while of re-reading and paper-trading to get it right. If you follow the manual to the letter and don't allow any emotions to rear their ugly head, you will get it right first time. It's your own brain that is the hardest part to control and once you've sorted your thinking out you're on your way.

thanks again for your reply. last question- is sytem 2 as profitable as stated and how many trades does it normally generate in a day- thanks again [email protected]
rfdevoe said:
thanks again for your reply. last question- is sytem 2 as profitable as stated and how many trades does it normally generate in a day- thanks again [email protected]

I haven't gone through the actual results on the website but I am more than pleased with the results so far. I have posted them on T2W somewhere, in the last month or so. System 2 only one trade a day. Useful if you want to do something else with your time. Sorry - sounded like a DETS salesman then.......
Jack o'Clubs said:

Without giving away trade secrets, what is the system based on? Is it indicator based, a breakout strategy, support and resistance, etc?

Hello Jack O'

Tricky to answer because of the confidentiality agreement I have with Gmass C.S. but I can say it's not S/R or break out. You can use indicators (only if you want confirmation) but it's certainly not based on that. It is quite unique, sorry I can't answer your question as fully as you would like.

I will be receiving the system this week and look forward to using it, particularily as I have a day job. Thanks for your comments Nick.
Good luck Brownie3. Just read and re-read the manual, when it arrives, until the methodology is ingrained. You will then make a success of it, you can be assured.

nkruger said:
Good luck Brownie3. Just read and re-read the manual, when it arrives, until the methodology is ingrained. You will then make a success of it, you can be assured.

hi nick bob again with a question. have you traded system 2 and is the win/loss ratio that good as stated on the web page? also if i intend to trade the e-mini dow do i also purchase the dow charts or is the elevator system in itself sufficient? last question -does the system provide a stop loss procedure-thanks again nick
Bob, I have traded the system 2 method and I would say that the website is accurate in its projection for pips won. You will need real time charts to trade - would you get these from your e-mini broker ? In the UK the spreadbet dealers provide these for us free of charge. The system does provide a stop loss procedure although I have never used one to date. Good luck.

nkruger said:
Bob, I have traded the system 2 method and I would say that the website is accurate in its projection for pips won. You will need real time charts to trade - would you get these from your e-mini broker ? In the UK the spreadbet dealers provide these for us free of charge. The system does provide a stop loss procedure although I have never used one to date. Good luck.

hi nick- i use the tradestation platform and receive live data on the e-mini dow futures. is the system 1 system only good for spread betting? it appears from my reading that you place your trades before the market opens whereas i can only trade once the market opens. thanks again-bob
If you can only trade after the market opens you can only use system 2. Can you not spreadbet on the internet ? (and so trade before the market opens)
