I suspect there is a danger while developing this system that you might get bogged down in what may turn out to be pedantic detail.
On cash v futures, there are enough abitrageurs to keep fair value well within bounds.
If you are concerned, just track it for a few days.
On Trading hours, once you move outside official cash hours, you might as well make it 24 hrs. Globex;SB's etc all trade outside official hours.
On Gaps, I only mentioned them as part of the stop loss issue.
It seemed to me that on gap days, the energy may have been taken out of the trading market by the gap and so prospect of reversal might be greater. A lot of markets like to fill their gaps.
Apart from that issue, I would ignore them. Anyway its mainly a cash market issue. (There may not be a gap in a 24 hr market ?)
So, for what its worth, I suggest you work around the cash market. HLCO is indisputable because of official hours.
And I agree with you, it doesnt matter if you have a losing run.
All systems have losing runs !
If only our forsight was as good as our hindsight ?