Multi ID troll detector van not doing the rounds on this thread then Jon...? 😀
I'm not sure if this is a private joke or something I should be concerned about, whichever, I don't get it. Sorry Black Swan, I'll have to ignore it until I know enough to laugh with you.
Jon and 0007, thanks for your input, you've both given me food for thought, and a bit of reassurance that neither of you have said anything like "Sal, you donkey, you've subtracted the result from the bid instead of adding it to the ask", or some such thing.
Here's my schedule, partly timed around the peaks and troughs of my day job, partly around some big events in my private life, and partly an understanding how my head works and how to get the best out of it.
Aug10 - Oct10 Pull it apart and see how it works (play with spreadsheets and data)
Oct10 - Dec10 Decide on my rules of engagement and flesh out a trading plan
Dec10 - Jan10 Faux-paper trading (strict testing of the plan, but with freely available data)
Jan11 - Feb11 Open account(s) with SB and paper trade on their platform, adjusting trading plan for reality
Feb11 - Apr11 Sometime around this point, I'll put real money behind my trading plan.
So, apologies for those who must find it frustrating that, while I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel, I'm still insistant on pulling the spokes off to see how they hold the rim on. I'll have got through this phase by October.
I'm making it slightly more difficult for myself by holding off opening a SB account until next year, which means I don't have access to SB prices, which is why I model them instead. I know if I open an account now it'll distract me from developing a good trading plan. I can invest time to learn stuff, or I can invest money to learn stuff. No doubt, even with all this preparation I'll still blow a good amount of my initial capital when I get going, but time is definitely a cheaper investment than money while I'm a noob.
I agree with you both about guaranteed stops - I don't believe they are value for money as insurance, as you say Jon - and I'm only using it to limit the variables, as you suggested 0007. The guaranteed stops are high on the list for removal and replacement with a slippage variable and stop placement methodology.
Millard's method? I'm interested. I don't have a background in economics, I guess that's why I'm using methodologies designed to make planes fly in uncertain air densities, lol, I know how to do that. I've just had a search on the forum and found who you're talking about, so I shall investigate more.
By the way Jon, I love your Sunday debates, very educational.