Dont fault the FX market, FAULT yourself!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Faris
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  • Watchers Watchers 2


Active member
I found this post over at moneytec.
It seems to be the old cliche, everyone else is to blame apart from yourself.
Well this guy had the nerve to post a checklist which he call the "Secrets of trading" for all the struggling traders out there.
This guy managed to trade for 1.5 MONTHS and then had the audacity to blame the retail brokers for his failure at FX trading.
He now plans to move over to Eminis. GOOD LUCK MATE! .

Faris.. 😆
It seems to be the old cliche, everyone else is to blame apart from yourself.

about sums it up Faris. There are traps/pitfalls/snares in all market arena's & it's a dirty old game at the best of times. Woe-is-me posts aren't confined solely to the "nasty/cheating" retail FX brokers, 🙂 they're spewed out daily on the other market participant threads too. We have two choices, given the observations & experiences we encounter, yeah? has been continually commented many times before, you can either trade an instrument/candidate, or ya can't - period!....the markets/brokers certainly aren't gonna cosset ya, neither are they gonna offer ya a free ride or recompensate your's a hard arsed, sometimes painful & unforgiving environment in which to earn a crust, and if you don't like the rough house playground tactics, then go play in the warm!! 😉