Does someone know these advisors? Maybe boiler room?

Re: Morgan Financial Advisors

...I do have a lot of informations about their other companies....and together with the photos it is not so difficult to get their real names. If they do not want to spend a long time in prison and tell their families what tey are realy doing they have to pay.

Do you know where CARLSEN JACKSON are hiding from this company?
Anyone have information about James White Ben Jackson Peter Carlsen Benoit Mercier from MORGAN ??
I keep these words in Google search.
Very little comes up. BUT it will. I send on all information to Financial authority.
I keep these words in Google search.
Very little comes up. BUT it will. I send on all information to Financial authority.

Thank you Adrian,

Send all information you have about Peter Carlsen, Ben Jackson, James White, Benoit Mercier and Peter Woolf to [email protected]
he is the Officer within the economic crime unit within the Hong Kong Police

I am sure not to spent anymore money and trie to get the money back within the next days. So I can tell you about the results.
It would be great if I find someone who is in business with them as well.
And thanks a lot for your support.

Best regards from Hamburg in germany

I wonder if you got any money back from Morgan Financial Advisors, Peter Carlsen Ben Jackson were the pair who called me?
its December 2006 since John White of Morgan Financial Services last contacted me
A Section of his last e-mail below.
"" I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family Seasons
Greetings for a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
Kind regards
John ""
But I keep searching.. Google searches for me every day.
Hello all together,
I am posting from, so don't look at my English.
Does anyone here know anything about Morgan Financial Advisors? I can't find any informations about them and suspect them to be a boiler and not serious. Hopefully I will get some informations.
Thank you very much.

MFA - Morgan Financial Advisors Home

Hi I,m new here, i was hit by Morgan by Peter Carlsen & Ben Jackson, do you have any info on them?, please send me details. They did have a Hong Kong address.
its December 2006 since John White of Morgan Financial Services last contacted me
A Section of his last e-mail below.
"" I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family Seasons
Greetings for a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
Kind regards
John ""
But I keep searching.. Google searches for me every day.

Peter Carlsen and Benjackson called me, in 2007. I,m new here and wonder if you know where they are?
to Tobyjug,
About Morgan Financial Advisors.
sorry, I dont know where they are ?
I suggest you post up here on this site all their contact details, like phone numbers. e -mail addresses, web pages,Bank Details... Some of the members here are really good at tracing phone no to empty offices that forward on calls, when web pages were set up, who the service providers are, etc..
Do I know where they are ? They are only a phone call away. ! I find that chilling. !
But then, I'm only a Google search away from their point of view. and there are at least 20 people on this thread alone looking for them, plus their names are on the lists on every Financial Regulator in the World.
The only problem is that prison sentences are not long enough.
to Tobyjug,
About Morgan Financial Advisors.
sorry, I dont know where they are ?
I suggest you post up here on this site all their contact details, like phone numbers. e -mail addresses, web pages,Bank Details... Some of the members here are really good at tracing phone no to empty offices that forward on calls, when web pages were set up, who the service providers are, etc..
Do I know where they are ? They are only a phone call away. ! I find that chilling. !
But then, I'm only a Google search away from their point of view. and there are at least 20 people on this thread alone looking for them, plus their names are on the lists on every Financial Regulator in the World.
The only problem is that prison sentences are not long enough.

Thanks Adrian,

Morgan seems to have a new website here

Are You Confident That Your Financial Advisor Is Working In Your Best Interests

Peter Carlsen & Ben Jackson rang from +81-345-506-896

I sent Carlsen money to MFA @ Hang seng bank, SWIFT CODE HASEHKHH To Beneficiary Account Nmae Morgan Financial Holdings.

Account number given to me was 283-537124-883