Does Anyone Here Trade Cryptocurrencies... Or Is that a dirty word?

Check this joy:


So ponzi that makes me cry!!
The joy may be temporary and so enjoy while you can. A picture of the speculative tulip mania.

I trust the crypto market just about as much as i'd trust a fart the morning after a hard night drinking Guinness!

I am not well versed in Crypto, but I certainly smell a rat!

my most conservative expectations place the btc in the order of a trillion dollars in a market of crypto of about 20-30 trillion. Just have to see a little of what is played:
1) there is no central power to manipulate your assets
2) It is intuitively global
3) an open source distributed ubiquitously
4) although bitcoin is not scalable, the entire ecosystem around it makes it scalable.
5) Only the IoT market is 15 trillion (three or four cryptos)
6) There are no compound interests, there are no synthetic derivatives.
7) You and only you are responsible for your assets

Personally, I think there is a huge space of growth, exponential, but I have stopped focusing on bitcoin to try to understand concepts such as IOTA, Ethereum, Lisk, GBYTE, EOS. And especially to meet the people behind: @DavidSonstebo, @VitalikButerin, DAN LARIMER, @rogerkver.
Various countries are against the cryptos.
A sudden implosion looks likely.
If just about all the crypto currencies are held by Europe/USA etc. and banned by India/China etc. it could be indicative of ............????
What .
Is it an age old trick of trying to pass off devalued/worthless currency.
If just about all the crypto currencies are held by Europe/USA etc. and banned by India/China etc. it could be indicative of ............????
What .
Is it an age old trick of trying to pass off devalued/worthless currency.

They can't be banned Pat. They can attempt to roadblock etc, but anyone who really wants to can get some.

Fiat money is devalued worthless currency and most of that is simply numbers on a computer. Inflation is theft and does not exist in cryptos, which is why cryptos will keep going up in value and fiat's value will continue to be eroded.
They can't be banned Pat. They can attempt to roadblock etc, but anyone who really wants to can get some.

Fiat money is devalued worthless currency and most of that is simply numbers on a computer. Inflation is theft and does not exist in cryptos, which is why cryptos will keep going up in value and fiat's value will continue to be eroded.

Isn’t there the same argument for Gold?

Seems a risky thing for a business/person to accept payment for services in bitcoin when the value of it could literally be $1000 higher or lower within minutes.
Isn’t there the same argument for Gold?

Seems a risky thing for a business/person to accept payment for services in bitcoin when the value of it could literally be $1000 higher or lower within minutes.

Yeah, there are delays in settlement times with btc, but that's not true of all cryptos....some settle instantly.👍