W.D. Gann System Does Work

i didnt place a stop but target was 1218. max hold till next monday as the main trend is still down
although it could still rise a bit from here, i still consider it is too risky to hold this position, and i would have exit it now at 1212. having no profit or loss with this trade.
Nice to see you posting some live trades wdgannlive

what reading matter for a novice do you recommend ?
Nice to see you posting some live trades wdgannlive

what reading matter for a novice do you recommend ?

the 2 master course (master stock course and master commodity course) of w.d. gann are very useful for getting to know what is w.d. gann is about
Didn't I read somewhere that WD Gann ended up broke ?
If that is true, why does anyone think his system works.
Personally I haven't a clue what they are on about half the time but maybe that's being thick

I've never seen any evidence he ended up broke. And Gann was well known in his day as a successful trader What little of his I have read suggests he was cautious and used what today would be regarded as fairly basic methods. he may well have used astrology and other esoteric methods, but his books show fairly standard safe approaches to trading.

It has been claimed for years he died leaving 50 million, but no one has ever proved that either. he charged a fortune for his courses (up to $3,000 I believe) which in the 1930s would have been the equivalent to about $30,000 now.
i am expecting a low at 2150 for ^SSEC (上海綜合指數 ShangHai Composite) on 27 October 2010
closed now at 1200.5 (a profit of $10)
we should expect another low in 20th July then rise till December 7th with new high
What format will the indicator be,if it is not meta trader it's useless to me.Also why would you ship something that's only a couple of kb's from the other side of the world?
this is the update posted at 17th July

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSQfaPStioM"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/zSQfaPStioM?fs=1&hl=zh_TW" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
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this is the update posted at 17th July

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSQfaPStioM"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/zSQfaPStioM?fs=1&hl=zh_TW" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


so obviously the above video is incorrect. Oct. 29th 2010 - Gold was at $1350 spot and then his forecast of a final top has either come already or is wrongfully forecasted.

Why dont people post up how they come up with these forecasts. I understand some of Ganns work (converting time and price into degrees) and therefore would like to see this.

Again this is a forum so i wont expect anybody to do this because if they were right they would keep it to themselves.

Where are the Gann fans when you need them? Come out, come out wherever you are.
I wanted to give more forecasts

I am forecasting a 20 day trend weakness for Japanese yen

Do sell now at 81.7 and wait for 85 to come in mid June
I worry about forex for the simple reason its approaching if not already at, the system of perfect competition in economics.

Gann himself, was into astrology, and with the greatest of respect to someone who may well have been a very nice gentleman, this is utter clap trap and twoddle and about as useful in predicting the next move as my stars in the Sun are of telling me if I'll get a payrise next week. I've read a little of his stuff and it never ceases to amaze me how undeniably gifted and intelligent people fall into these delusional false beliefs. Nobody is immune to a little hocus pocus.

So back to fact, forex is approaching perfectly competitive, this is backed up and underlined by the existence of applications like metatrader who give you free prices. Nobody gives anything for free, and then there's the system people who post a system saying ten pips one way , and wait until enough people are on board then take 8 in the opposite direction. Systems exist but not in the way most of us think, but in terms of social engineering.

Saying that I'm going to have a go at forex anyway, just to exhaust my curiosity as to whether or not the market is perfect. I'm wondering, as a worldwide phenomenom that never sleeps, if mistakes are made, at all , without prior design. i.e. is it possible to make an honest buck on forex, or do you have to manipulate enough people to go the other way,and turn up at the same time and do the opposite , almost a philosophical question there.
Hello Micheal,

I found a forecast which was made by you in other forum on 2nd May said that "sell jpy now at 81.12 (aiming for 82.5 within this week)". It seems that the target is late for some weeks. What will you do when the forecast does not come within a reasonable period.


i am expecting gold tops on 21 September and drop till 15 November at 1785 and rebound with rest of the year. let's see what happens