It would make no difference if you let the ‘cat out of the bag’ because they wouldn’t understand what they were seeing and whether ‘it’ comes from bags or some other unknown place. They would see four legs, a tail, a pair of ears and eyes and convince themselves they were actually seeing something else. Perhaps a dog or horse or even a wildebeest! They would form knitting circles and try to come up with an answer by committee and you can bet your edge the answer would be anything but a cat…LULZ it is!
Newer members please note; More animal analogies. They’re useful in that they don’t actually convey any useful information yet can be assigned significant gravitas by a skilled enough operator (of which there are none currently active on this site). Where they’re useful in camouflaging lack of knowledge, and experience is that they provide ample opportunity for ambiguity and bags of room for manoeuvre as you can never actually be held to account for anything remotely related to the world of trading within them and, here’s the icing on the cake, nor the converse. There is absolutely nothing there at which to shake a stick. We shouldn’t worry about our time being wasted as presumably we all have plenty of it to waste in the first place by simply being here. However, the thing is, these analogies didn’t work the first time and once the charade was discovered, the proponent was given a thorough drubbing and finally expelled from the kingdom. They have become part of the folklore of this site and reference material for jokes and humour, as have most of those members most closely associated with the Chief Bullsh!tter. Most of these have since had the sense and good manners (and shame LOL) to dissociate themselves from the site. Those that don’t possess even this degree of awareness remain, trotting out the same old analogies hoping they can net a new bunch of newbies.
It didn’t work the first time and they still don’t. But it doesn’t stop this crowd carrying on doing what doesn’t work. Bless. Somebody has to take the other side of our trades. LOL.
There’s also something psychologically disturbing about the ability of a member of a class (the class being t2w in this case) not recognising it’s membership of that class and pointing at that class and condemning them to something or other without the realisation that it is a member of that class.
On the other hand, it’s quite understandable that NT would keep with the animal theme, it’s what he’s comfortable with, given he was Chief Wizard’s self-proclaimed (and rather embarrassingly for all, self-appointed) Chief Poodle.
He still bears the scars of having thrown in his lot with them and having scampered ‘over there’ wearing his best purple collar, to find he was not accepted into their inner circle (or couldn’t stump up the dosh, whichever) and was left whimpering and scratching at the door of the premium lounge. I think they throw him a bone now and again.
Poodle, if you do see your master again, do give him my regards and tell him I recommend buying better equipment as those discount warehouse drogues are an accident waiting to happen. They’ll snap a mast with the first stiff breeze.