Do you have an "edge" in your trading?

Now that I've lulled (or lulzed) some of those who frequently and vociferously claim I have no edge, this would be a good time and place to define an edge by example and compare and contrast it with what I am doing. Because I respect the opinions of some of those who make this claim, I no longer claim I have one. It's just that I don't understand why or why not.
Much love in this thread.

Edge us a function of the ratio of number of winners to losers and the ratio of the size of winners to losers.

You do not need to beat anyone to have an edge.

You DO absolutely need to understand WHY you have an edge. In this regard scalping order flow must be the absolute best way to trade as in this arena you have the best understanding of what is happening at a specific moment and what the most likely outcome is with the least amount of time for an outlying event to occur.

It might not be the best way to trade overall but best for understanding.
Black swan,.(you've got some neck),...

Do you really think I make myself look stoopit, ya doo ya,..huh,.huh !!

So it's not just me.He is telling a lot of people how dumb they are.The guy is a fairie why else would you call yourself the black swan.Every single thread i write or comment i make is followed by black swan telling me i'm dumb.Pathetic really

o and by the way english is my 3 rd language so excuse the spelling and grammer mistakes.F''ing fairie
If you don't quite understand edge - would anyone here put up $1000 for the following ?

You put up $1000
I pick a ball out of a bag. 85 balls are red, 15 balls are blue.
If you get a black ball I give you your $1000 plus 3%.
If you get a red ball I keep the $1000.

Who has the edge? Me or you?
DT has so little to offer in any adult dialog where truth is an objective. I wouldn't concern myself much about his posts. I certainly no longer do so.

Explains why you still don't have me on ignore doesn't it hc? Thought I'd made your list too.

You should have a good think about that analogy as it relates to what you are doing.
Yes DT. You should stop taking pictures of white mens cars and saying hotel guests are your wife. Now get back to passing out towels you little thai man you.